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Tyler Smith

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  1. 1 of 50 reason why I am switching FTX Global, followed by the addons over the next year for that suite. Amazing!
  2. Windows 8 as an operating system, does have faults, however there are a few nice improvements. With Windows 8.1 coming up in late August it may just turn around even more. Well I don't want to sound rude to anyone. However I understand that the menu CTD can be fixed, I did try removing the *.dll that was causing the fault, than it switched to the one in my system32 folder. I was able to smooth out all my issues with FSX; however the CTD due to menu was not something I could correct. I also recall last year I ran into a similar issue with Windows 7, and again was unable to fix the issue. If anyone is wondering to why I never replied to the hardware questions is the fact I am an IT tech, and have over ten years of experience. I do not overclock my hardware as I have never seem real benefit in having a mild 3-4% gain on most overclocks, compared to the amount of damage the heat can do in return. My hardware as guess is running Windows 8 on a SSD disc, with 4 TB of mechanical storage that runs on Sata3 at 6/GBs. Beyond that I run a I7 at 3.2 Ghz with 8 cores, 16GB of 1666Mhz DDR3 RAM, and a 2GB Gigabyte GeForce GTX 670 on PCI-E. The CPU is water-cooled, and the GPU has a series of 3 fans. The case has the front fan to bring air in, past the hard drives, into the case then blown out the back. Even running the highest gaming such as Battlefield 3 or Crysis 3 at max all the temps never reaches 60C. I highly doubt my hardware isn’t capable of running a base install of FSX; however I do understand that Windows 8 may bring forth new issues. I just don’t see that as the case, however as I will explain below I have moved onto P3D. I ended up with P3D last time, and hopped back on my P3D developer license last night. From the base install I have had not a single issue since I removed FSX last night. I already have bought the migration tool a year ago, so I have that going to for me. The issues with PMDG I am not going to get into as far I can tell and read before there are work-arounds and most of their stuff does work fine in P3D. Now I am running fast and stable it’s time to enough some long flights!
  3. I thought Orbx had to be turned off when flying outside of it's areas, and it didn't work very well with Ultimate Alaska X? Ultimate Alaska X has it's own mesh and stuff?
  4. I am using the Vista uiautomationcore.dll and it crashes non stop... when accessing the menu.. argh "Faulting application name: fsx.exe, version: 10.0.61637.0, time stamp: 0x46fadb14 Faulting module name: uiautomationcore.dll, version: 6.0.5840.16386, time stamp: 0x45398e5f Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x0001dd8d Faulting process id: 0x97c Faulting application start time: 0x01ce880e4161eae4 Faulting application path: G:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe Faulting module path: G:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\uiautomationcore.dll Report Id: 06749373-f403-11e2-bfd4-90cc1d62ea87 Faulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID: "
  5. So I am going to start flying outta PANC, as I was doing that last night in XPlane. I'm a lost as I know FTX Orbx needs to be turned off when your flying out of its coverage area. However, I am trying to decieded between Ultimate Alaska X/Canada or Orbx FTX NA Blue SAK? Just wondering if I should just stick with the UTX stuff for all of north america, or go full out with Orbx.. I am also planning on buying the Aerosoft airport for PANC...
  6. Not really sure about that usepools, as I had that on. I was getting crashes nonstop, when I switched it over it was fine... I am thinkin of rebuilding the *.cfg again and using the avism guide as it seems to be in better order..
  7. I think I'm going to buy a few payware that I have my eyes on for FSX. Once I get running stable and time to move on from Xplane. I just don't see much of a reason to waste any more money/time on xplane..
  8. Well I do agree on that Austin has been difficult, and has not really listened that the airports and autogens need to be fixed. Instead we get more lighting and other odd fixes.
  9. Nice I have seen that FSX tweak site before, that is the one that gave me odd results the last time I tried to use it. Next up is either Shade or an ENB, I love eye candy!
  10. I am thinking I am in a bitter mood, as I been having a lot of issues with xplane lately. Seeing the twin otter, and ftx global made be reconsider that FSX is a much better choice for what I want to do..
  11. I didn't want to write a book, however I am using Word Not Allowed guide, and the only other edit was the usepools=1
  12. Hello everyone, I know people get tired of hearing the questions and before going back and forth between the two slims. I have been trying for the last year to choose a proper flight sim that has what I want. I went with xplane last fall as it promised vast improvements with the x64 version, and improved autogen. I only have North America and still have to buy the rest of the world. The updates were completed a bit later than expected and performance increase did come with the updates to x64; however it still dives off a cliff if I add any types of shadows, or too much autogen. A year later with xplane I have one plane bought (x64), the same old pay ware scenery the inside passage and the Rockies. A ton of freeware that ranges from decent to odd building placement; however simheaven and some plugins have added much needed detail to the world. Calgary is a flat waste land of a few buildings, not the city of 1.2 million that I live in today. Its missing tons of features such as nose hill (a giant national park in the heart of the north west of the city), major roads such as the deer foot/2A (Queen Elizabeth) are in shambles. The airports in Calgary and Vancouver are in better detail thanks to the pay ware, however the cities such as Vancouver has tons of autogen buildings in the water (it drives me nuts). Beyond that it’s a mess all the airports are either a building or two, or nothing at all in Canada. The rest of North American can get better depending on how much you dig through the freeware. Now I keep hearing about FSX, no matter what circle I am in I hear about FSX. I see the amazing detail Twin Otter from Aero soft (to me that thing is years ahead most pay ware for xplane outside of CJR). I see all the wonderful pay ware from FTX Orbx. I already have a few pay wares such as the amazing REX, and NA Orbx from early last year. If we ever see anything close to REX running in xplane is still a remaining question, as it has too many performance issues as it stands. Back to the add-ons, in the year since I went xplane Orbx has not stopped but increased the release of such amazing content. I can barely keep my credit card away from ordering that add-on, and this weekend I saw all those amazing screenshots of Orbx global. I don’t care what people say the osm data from simheaven for xplane will not compared to the detail of that Orbx product. I also enjoy the flight model in FSX a lot more, I like the community, freeware, and everything it has. I was able to get FSX up and running with the limited pay ware that I have, and running with the DirectX ten fixes. It sure looks decent, got most of the config file setup correctly however here are my concerns: Stability in FSX is still an issue, I have added the menu fix but it still crashes when accessing menus Vsync does not work in full screen It may be fixed since I switched to the usepools=1, however before that it was crashing after less than 20 minutes of flight time from Vancouver Cost of add-ons, I know you don’t need them all however to get closer to what xplane has and more it does cost Windows 8 explorer crashes when not even using FSX, since it’s installing and REX my explorer crashes all the time and having a very difficult time determining the fix. I understand that pay ware/freeware add-ons are not everything. I have seen the plus of xplane as it still being worked on, however it may never be fixed as there is so much work to be done. FSX is a dead product if I invest money into this product anymore, is it really worth the money/time? Are developers leaving FSX by the hordes? What happens if I spend all this money and the mythical P3D 2.0 comes out next month and changes the entire playing field? Should I just stick with my broken down xplane and enjoy the areas that I have, and hope one day I can enjoy the features that FSX has now, as FSX will never improve beyond what it is today without add-ons?
  13. been using Estonia Migrator all weekend so i should be safe then
  14. Basically I want to get REX tonight and it seems pcaviator has a decent deal, I can't tell if there version is the current or a safe place to buy it from. REX links to : http://www.flightsimstore.com/product_info.php?currency=CAD&products_id=809 But the site I like to use is at: http://www.pcaviator.com/store/product.php?productid=19390&cat=0&page=1 I just can't figure out where to buy from? any help please
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