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Junio Gracielo

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  1. For de active cursor click in SHOW KYBD in box for editing.
  2. There is another topic here talking about this. https://support.precisionmanuals.com/kb/a126/loading-a-rte-via-datalink.aspx
  3. OK. Yesterday I did a new download and reinstalled. The installation was normal but now it has another problem: At the time of setting the route in the FMC it is not possible to load any data from the destination airport on the ARR page of the FMC. https://ibb.co/iOAkBp
  4. I'm having trouble installing the new full version of the 747-400, See in the image below the message that appears interrupting the installation. Note: I uninstalled correctly as directed in the download note of the new version. https://ibb.co/k2D0SU <a href="https://ibb.co/k2D0SU"><img src="https://preview.ibb.co/eVRb1p/avs_1934.jpg" alt="avs_1934" border="0"></a><br /><a target='_blank' href='https://deleteacc.com/grammarly'>how to delete grammarly account</a><br />
  5. Dear, I still can not figure it out. To make it better I made two quick videos of the irregular movement of the aircraft. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6vNw6XYv2U&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPa7s-4U_Ak&feature=youtu.be
  6. Unfortunately no solution so far. Contact PMDG support.
  7. Hello everyone! Interestingly, after reinstalling the P3D V3, I started, already on the first test flight after installation, to have stabilization problems during the flight in the NGX. The aircraft as it leaves the ground moves to one side as if it were unbalanced, which is not true and thus remains oscillating throughout the flight even being perfectly configured. Ascent, cruise and descent the wing lowers brutally and the autopilot regains control. Does anyone know what can it be? I already reinstalled and nothing!
  8. Dear, I would like to know how to see the estimated fixed on each route with FMS and Pro Line 21 equipped in Carenado C525A (CJ2). I looked at several tutorials on the internet without successful results Another problem is that obervo weather radar works only when the aircraft is on the ground and off to a certain altitude. Then stabilized route does not detect the CB's. My aircraft does not work TCAS flying online on IVAO. When flying with VNAV and engage FLC the aircraft gives a lurch down and then recovers the pitch. In this FMS when flying DCT for a fixed remains entire route flown already drawing a line to the fixed starting from the origin airport and then the line goes to the set to be flown DCT. You can only fly to a DCT fixed with this FMS to delete all previous fixed route. And yet the aircraft flies DCT this fixed chosen however no line connecting the position of the aircraft to the chosen fixed. Is it right? In real aircraft it is so? Someone has gone through these questions?
  9. This! The nose landing gear is not spinning when I make turns the aircraft rotates, eg 180 ° but the front landing gear simply does not turn the wheels turn but the train keeps aligned as if the aircraft moving forward and always will not bend her. Could explain better? An example: I'm taxiing the aircraft and there must bend to 90 ° curve the aircraft landing gear but the front does not follow the curve is aligned to 360 ° forward always. Thanks.
  10. Hello, I'm having the following problem: The nose landing gear of the aircraft does not move, time is static even though the aircraft properly configured for takeoff with all checklists. What can it be? Thanks for help-me.
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