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About nbrich1

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  • Birthday 12/25/1959

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  1. Scotland Tigers-7: Plockton to Wick - Via the Outer Hebrides For Wed. June 26, 2024 Plockton Airfield EG29 Today we bring out the old bi-planes for the seventh flight in this Scotland excursion. Last trip we weaved in and out of the Inner Hebrides. This trip continues from Plockton (EG29) and we head westward over the Inner Hebrides to the Outer Hebrides or Western Isles Island chain west of “mainland” Scotland. The Outer Hebrides Islands form an archipelago whose major islands, listed in order of our travel, are: Barra, South Uist, Benbecula, North Uist, and Lewis and Harris, As a matter of trivia, South Uist is not connected to North Uist! These are separated by Benbecula Island. Lewis and Harris is the largest island this chain and the third-largest in the British Isles, after Great Britain and Ireland. It incorporates Lewis in the north and Harris in the south, both of which are frequently referred to as individual islands, although they are connected by land. The island does not have a single name in either English or Gaelic, and is referred to as "Lewis and Harris", "Lewis with Harris", "Harris with Lewis" etc. So now to our flight: As we depart Plockton we’ll head to the southwest crossing the Isle of Skye, Isle of Run over Kinloch Castle, to the Hyskeir and Garbh Sgeir Rock formations or islets in the Inner Hebrides which emerge at low tide. We’ll cross the Sea of the Hebrides heading west to reach the Outer Hebrides Islands. Our first stop is at Barra Airport, on the Island of Barra which is at the extreme south end of the Outer Hebrides Islands. From Barra we’ll head northward across the Sound of Barra to the Island of South Uist and continue heading north to the Island of Benbecula landing at Benbecula Airport. As we depart and head north from Benbecula Airport we’ll cross the “Oitir Mhor” (bay/Inlet) to the Island of North Uist and continue northward to Stornoway Airport located on the Island of Lewis and Harris at the extreme north end of the Outer Hebrides Island chain.. From Stornoway we’ll turn eastward, again over the Sea of Hebrides and we’ll return to the island of mainland Scotland, over the Dounreay Nuclear facility then on to the extreme NE tip of mainland Scotland landing at Wick Airport. Again, there are lots of castles, lighthouses and other POI along the way in this scenic, rural, outer islands area of Scotland. This part 7 of the Scotland Tigers totals 262 nm: Departing Plockton Airfield (EG29) with only four stopover landings: Clutton Hill Airstrip (EGEI), Bara Airport (EGPR), Benbecula Airport (EGPL), Stornoway (EGPO) then the final landing at our destination of Wick (EGPC). This is another “low and slow expedition” using our favorite bi-plane! We won’t have too much time for doddling if we want to reach our destination. Time permitting; we’ll make our destination but no worries as there will definitely be a final part eight of the Scotland Tigers (someday), so that we can continue this trek exploring the country of Scotland, northward through the Orkney and Shetland Islands and finally reaching our ultimate destination of the Scotland tour at Unst, Scotland. Flight Plan/Itinerary LINK: HERE Aircraft: The “faster” Stearman or similar aircraft that can maintain 120-130 kts should fit the bill: will plan to use a Stearman for this trip. It is a faster than the Ants Tiger Moth dh.82 or Bucker but as always please feel free to use your choice of aircraft. Add-on Scenery: Flightsim.to: Freeware: EG29-Plockton-Airstrip-v1.1-RobAirYT: https://flightsim.to/file/18951/plockton-airstrip-eg29-scotland (by RobAirYT) XBRO-Broadford-(EGEI Clutton-Hill)-Airstrip-v1.1-Simwerft: https://flightsim.to/file/13305/broadford-airfield-xbro (by Simwerft) EGPR-Barra-Airport-Outer-Hebrides-v1.4-superspud: https://flightsim.to/file/591/egpr-barra-airport (by superspud) EGPL-Benbecula-Airport-v1.6-Scotflight: https://flightsim.to/file/29229/egpl-benbecula-airport (by Scotflight) EGPO-Stornoway-Airport-v1.5-Scotflight: https://flightsim.to/file/29891/egpo-stornoway-airport (by Scotflight) EGPC-Wick-Airport-v1.4-Scotflight: https://flightsim.to/file/28746/egpc-wick-airport (by Scotflight) Dounreay-Nuclear-Powerstation-v0.2.0-Flak: https://flightsim.to/file/57708/dounreay-nuclear-power-station-caithness-scotland (by Flak) A pre-assembled scenery package with above pieces can be temporarily found here: LINK HERE (zip-47.5 mb, expands to 202 mb). Other: Supporting/Required Libs: (not included in the pre-assembled package above) https://flightsim.to/file/33166/animated-humans-library (by superspud) https://flightsim.to/file/2605/we-love-vfr-region-1 (by puffinflight) NOTAM: Payware: There is a Payware EU Great Britain North (Landmarks) by Orbx (Nice Eye Candy): Please feel free to use if you have but it is not necessary to go out and purchase this add-on for this trip. Time and Weather Prefer to fly real weather if possible but if not, the few clouds Jeff 1 or Josh, or few or high clouds stock preset might make a nice choice. For takeoff: set the simulator time to @1400 local. Hope you enjoy this scenic flight. Wick Airport EGPC Multiplayer Particulars Date and time: Wednesday, June 12, 2024 - 1800 UTC, (1400 Eastern) AVSIM Discord Server: https://discord.gg/K5Vy6UxWNm - AVSIM GROUP EVENTS-WED. COM1 Microsoft Flight Simulator Multiplayer: EAST-USA Server If you want to help others enjoy the multiplayer experience, don't forget to enter your aircraft details on the multiplayer spreadsheet (linked here). Your courtesy will save others a lot of time and effort. Thanks and we hope you enjoy this flight!
  2. So Got-friends V1.0.1. beta.... (Then will use a stock livery)...\ ... and v1.0.1 is a very nice improvement .. Very fun flight.. thanks Jeff.
  3. Also note that there is an updated: MonsterNX Cub Current Beta Version 1.0.1. (SU-15 Beta) https://www.got-friends.com/collections/freeware/products/monsternx But we should all use the same one.. so will use the old su14 version which most of us have.. v1.0.0.
  4. Yes I was in the UK - Gloucestershire EGBJ, Sywell EGBK, Old Warden EGTH. Glad that this helped figure it out. LNM is the best flight planning/In-flight app out there. Excellent job. Thanks again Alex and appreciate all your work. Best Regards Norm
  5. Well, it seems that the units setting in LNM: Degree, Decimal Minutes for Google. was causing the issue. I changed the units to LNM Coordinates to: Degree, Minutes, Seconds then shut down and restarted, and this has fixed the issue. Adding range rings and/or creation of userpoints are working again, as intended: they are being applied and showing on the on the map where created. Not sure why the Units in LNM: Coordinates if set to Degree, Decimal Minutes for Google was changing the lat/long locations but the rest of the units have not issued plotting the correct the lat/longs. Thanks Alex. Norm
  6. Inadvertently I had my Units - Coordinates set in LNM Tools to Degree, Decimal Minutes for Google. I will revert to Lat/long (with sign) ir Just Degree, Decimal Minutes, and see if that will correct Lat/Long when I create userpoints.. (This just started doing this... (Will read the manual item (71.) to make sure all is correctly set up. Thanks Alex
  7. Hi there Alex.. I am using LNM v3.0.6 and have a slight problem that has not been experienced before. When I create user created waypoints or create an "on map" range ring the intended coordinates care some 69 nm off to the east. IE: I try to create a user point at location 52 20.75, 0 56.58 >> this results in a user point created but at location 52 20.80, 0 56.60 which is 69 miles to the east. Same thing occurs when trying to add a range ring at a location.. it is created but 60-59 miles to the east. No matter what the display map format is being used. (IE: Google Satellite map). (And No external navdata being used) I have a fresh scenery library database build. (I run the LNM map external to the Flight tables as pictured below and the monitor is a secondary 3440x1440 monitor (144 mhz).(native resolution). But no matter which monitor is being used to display LNM, ( I run 4 monitors all at native resolution), the location of the userpoint or range ring that is being created displays on the lnm map but far away from the intended location. I have also turned off all add-ons to determine if any are interfering with the LNM process of plotting the userpoints and range rings at the intended location but makes no difference... This abnormality makes no sense- perhaps my little_navmap_userdata.sqlite is corrupt? Any suggestions would be appreciated to rectify this issue. Thanks in advance Norm PS: Even trying to edit an existing waypoint or user created in any way moves/change the late/long of the waypoint- so it would appear that lat/long is stuck
  8. Scotland Tigers-6: UK Scotland: Aberdeen (Dyce) (EGPD) to Plockton (EG29) (For Wednesday May 15, 2024) Aberdeen (Dyce), Scotland: Today we bring out the old bi-planes once again to continue this low and slow UK-journey- Scotland Tigers-Part 6 takes us from the city of Aberdeen on the east coast of to the village of Plockton on the west coast. For half of this journey we will travel northward via the east coast then over the top along the north shore of the Scottish mainland to RAF Lossiemouth, RAF Kinloss and onto the city of Inverness. Inverness is the 13th largest city in Scotland with a population of @ 64,000. From Inverness we will head southwest following the route of some famous Lochs and at Lock Linnhe we’ll head almost due west to the hamlet of Glenfinnan which hosts the Glenfinnan railway viaduct as seen in the world of “Harry Potter”. The viaduct was built from 1897 to 1901 and is located just north of the top of Loch Shiel in the West Scottish Highlands. The viaduct overlooks the Glenfinnan Monument and the Glenfinnan Station Museum to which well will fly over. From Glenfinnan we’ll continue westward along the A830, nicknamed the: “Road to the Isles”. The “Road to the Isles” is far more than just a scenic drive. This stunningly beautiful 43-mile route is a voyage through wild landscapes and undulating Highland heights before reaching the coast, in pursuit of the most heavenly white sand beaches. The A830 road brings together a series of truly iconic and breathtakingly bonnie destinations, so regardless of which you choose as your base, the others are all comfortingly close and yours to discover. This is a place to slow down, explore freely, and indulge in all the good stuff: fresh air, stunning views, and delicious food. The area has significant connections to the real-life history of the Jacobites and the fantasy world of Harry Potter. Road to the Isles is popular for good reason, but if you time it just right, you can avoid the crowds, relish the peace, and ‘coorie in’ after a refreshing day outdoors. Some roads aren’t just for driving, and this is one of them. This road connects to the west coast of the Scottish mainland and ends at the coastal town of Mallaig with connections to ferries/ports to the Small Isles and the islands of the Inner and Outer Hebrides. (That might be our UK-Tigers 7 expedition). From Mallaig we continue northward to Loch Hourm and onto Lock Aish. At Lock Aish we’ll deviate east for a moment to see the Eliean Donan castle then head back west along the A57 road finally ending our journey at Plockton (EG29). This is a slightly rural trip but has dramatic points of interest and is a very interesting scenic flight. This part 6 of the Scotland Tigers totals 233 nm departing Aberdeen (Dyce) Airport (EGPD) with six stopover landings: Longside Airfield (EGQG), Whitehills Airport (EG30), RAF Lossiemouth AB (EGQS), RAF Kinloss AB (EQQK), Inverness (EGPE) and Fort Augustus Airstrip (EGVZ) then destination airport of Plockton Airfield (EG29). This is another “low and slow expedition” using our favorite bi-plan! We won’t have too much time for doddling if we want to reach our destination. Time permitting; we’ll make our destination but no worries as there will definitely be a part seven of the Scotland Tigers (someday), so that we can continue this trek exploring the country of Scotland. Flight Plan/Itinerary LINK: HERE Aircraft: The faster Stearman or similar aircraft that can maintain 120-130 kts or similar will fit the bill. I will plan to use the fairings Stearman in one of the stock liveries for this trip. The Stearman is a faster than the Ants Tiger Moth dh.82 or Bucker but feel to use your choice of aircraft. Add-on Scenery: Flightsim.to: Freeware: EGPD-Aberdeen-Dyce-Airport-v1.7-Scotflight: https://flightsim.to/file/50356/egpd-aberdeen-dyce-airport (by Scotflight) EGQS-RAF-Lossiemouth-v2.8-nickb007: https://flightsim.to/file/27378/raf-lossiemouth-egqs (by nickb007) EGQK-RAF-Kinloss-v1.5-nickb007: https://flightsim.to/file/28371/raf-kinloss (by nickb007) EGPE-Inverness-Airport-v1.6-Scotflight: https://flightsim.to/file/40967/egpe-inverness-airport (by Scotflight) EG29-Plockton-Airstrip-v1.1-RobAirYT: https://flightsim.to/file/18951/plockton-airstrip-eg29-scotland (by RobAirYT) EGVZ-Fort-Augustus-Airfield-v1.2.0-TheGarner: https://github.com/TheGarner/FortAugustus-Airfield (by TheGarner) Scotland-Kessock-Bridge-v1.0-ROANsky: https://flightsim.to/file/55718/kessock-bridge (by ROANsky) The-Mystery-of-Loch-Ness-v1.0-kaosfere: https://flightsim.to/file/4776/the-mystery-of-loch-ness (by kaosfere) Loch-Ness-Surprises-v1.0-goldorag: https://flightsim.to/file/11192/loch-ness-surprises (by goldorag) (Depending on timing we just might see a Nessie but no guarantees on this one!!) A pre-assembled scenery package with above pieces can be temporarily found here: LINK: HERE (zip-541 mb) (expands to 1.90 gb). Note: Following are required object libraries: (for some objects or addition of ai traffic, animals. people. These area not included in the pre-assembled scenery dl package but are required. https://flightsim.to/file/33166/animated-humans-library (by superspud) https://flightsim.to/file/6841/dave-s-3d-animals-library (by BadMed) https://flightsim.to/file/43395/ethnicfs-cars-library (by ethnicfs) https://flightsim.to/file/56846/ipdc-scenery-objects-library (by Amarillon) https://flightsim.to/file/68151/moving-vehicle-simobject-library (by superspud) https://flightsim.to/file/14024/windy-things (by trfsto) https://flightsim.to/file/24130/uk-emergency-models-library (by DoggonePuppy223) UK 2000 common Library free from the Microsoft marketplace is required to see items misc items at EGQS. NOTAM2: Payware: 1-There is a Payware version of Aberdeen EGPD by Aurascenery. There is EU Great Britain North (Landmarks) by Orbx as well as the Glenfinnan-Hogwarts-express-train by jeppeson2001 (All are additional eye candy). Please feel free to use if you have but not necessary to go purchase for this trip. Time and Weather Prefer to fly real weather if possible but if not, the few clouds Jeff 1 or Josh presets or the stock “few” or “high clouds” presets might make a nice choice. For takeoff: set the simulator time to @1400 local. Hope you enjoy this scenic flight in the highlands of Scotland.. Plockton Airfield EG29 Multiplayer Particulars Date and time: Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 - 1900 UTC, (1400 Eastern) AVSIM Discord Server: https://discord.gg/K5Vy6UxWNm - AVSIM GROUP EVENTS-WED. COM1 Microsoft Flight Simulator Multiplayer: EAST-USA Server If you want to help others enjoy the multiplayer experience, don't forget to enter your aircraft details on the multiplayer spreadsheet (linked: HERE). Your courtesy will save others a lot of time and effort. Thanks!
  9. Aye Mike... tricky stuff but makes sense.. You are correct, can't just delete stuff from the Official contents as the sim see that it missing (from what you are supposed to have- as recorded in the cloud) and therefore will reinstall it every time. To uninstall or delete any official content; have to load up the sim and go to the content manager.. select and add-on (ie: the add-on for kcgx meigs field airport) and uninstall it from the content. .. In the process, the Meigs will be deleted from your official folder.. and by doing it via the content manager this conveys to the cloud that you have uninstalled so the MSFS System won't try to reinstall it. (Until such time that you install the addon). I have deleted/uninstalled every bush trip, xbox/MSFS livery, discovery flight, landing challenge and more via the content manager.. (over 30 gb worth),, and it stays uninstalled!! (I hope) lol
  10. NOTAM: There is one more scenery addon that is present in the scenery download as well as shown in my pdf document... but I overlooked showing the scenery and author on the main avsim post above for some weird reason... In any event, here is the mention: freeware add-on scenery: EGIN-Insch Gairioch Aero Club Airfield-v1.0-amb7364: LINK: https://flightsim.to/file/22275/egin-insch-gairioch-aero-club-airfield-scotland-uk Thanks amb7364 for your very nice scenery add-on for Insch. Norm (PS: Thanks again Mike)
  11. Correct link for Flight Plan/Itinerary LINK: is HERE or HERE > https://tinyurl.com/3r95tmss Sorry bout that!!! (Thanks Mike)
  12. Ah, the demos.. great idea Alex. Thank-you for the information. Will do. Norm
  13. Scotland Tigers-5: UK Scotland: Perth (Scone) (EGPT) to Aberdeen (Dyce) (EGPD) For AVSIM Wed March 13th Flight: Perth (Scone) Airport EGPT Today we bring out the old bi-planes once again to continue this low and slow UK-journey- Scotland Tigers-Part 5 exploring the country of Scotland. We are in the extreme northeast quadrant of the Scotland mainland. This NE area is much more rural that our previous trips. It is much more wilderness, parkland namely Cairngorms National Park as well as farm land. We start this part five trip in Perth, Scotland which is the 13th largest city in Scotland. Once upon a time, Perth was the capital of Scotland and a picturesque playground for kings and queens. Today, the city is laced with gorgeous city architecture, unrivalled surrounding landscapes and an intriguing royal history. We’ll depart Perth to the west to a glider airfield then northward to another small field in the rural locations of Perth before heading east to the Scotland coastal area. On the way, we’ll overfly Blairgowrie and Rattray Burgh (twin suburbs of Perth), the towns of Forfar, Montrose, Stonehaven and finally we’ll reach the 3rd largest city of Scotland: Aberdeen. There are a few poi/landmarks along the way but many on both sides of the magenta line most of which are castles or castle ruins that are not depicted very well in MSFS. But there are plenty of golf courses to view. Again in this trip, although much more rural there are interesting locations such as dams, waterways, castles, ports, cities and towns as we travel. This part 5 of the Scotland Tigers totals 189 nm departing Perth (Scone) Airport (EQQI) with six intermediate stops at: Skydive Strathallan (EGAU), Blair Atholl Airfield (EGQI), Kirriemuir Farm Airfield (EGK1), Montrose Airstrip (EGMZ), Aboyne Airfield (EGAO) which is an official MSFS airport, and Insch Airport (EGIN) with our destination being in the third largest most populous city in Scotland: Aberdeen (Dyce) Airport (EGPD). This is another “low and slow expedition” using our favorite bi-plan! We won’t have too much time for doddling if we want to reach our destination. Time permitting; we’ll make our destination but no worries as there will definitely be a part six of the Scotland Tigers (someday), so that we can continue this trek exploring the country of Scotland. Flight Plan/Itinerary LINK: HERE Aircraft: DH82 Tiger Moth, Stearman, Bucker or similar: IE: Zlin Shock or Zlin Savage Carbon will work or any other aircraft that can stay @ 100kts to take full advantage of this landscape. * (Might use a Stearman for this trip.. a tad faster than the Ants Tiger Moth dh.82 but feel to use your choice of aircraft). Add-on Scenery: Flightsim.to: Freeware: EGPT-Perth-Scone-Airport-v1.4-Scotflight: https://flightsim.to/file/29665/egpt-perth-scone-airport EGAU Strathallan Skydive-v1.1-Scotflight: https://flightsim.to/file/27248/egau-strathallan-skydive EGQI-Blair-Atholl-Airfield-v1.0-amb7364: https://flightsim.to/file/22060/egqi-blair-atholl-airfield-scotland-uk-upgrade EGK1 Kirriemuir Farm Airfield-v1.0-amb7364: https://flightsim.to/file/21962/egk1-kirriemuir-farm-airstrip-scotland-uk-gb-0577 EGMZ Montrose Airstrip-v1.0-amb7364: https://flightsim.to/file/22144/egmz-montrose-airstrip-angus-scotland-uk EGPD-Aberdeen-Dyce-Airport-v1.4-Scotflight: https://flightsim.to/file/50356/egpd-aberdeen-dyce-airport A pre-assembled scenery package with above pieces can be temporarily found: HERE (zip is 60mb) (expands to 215mb). NOTAM1: EGAO Aboyne Airfield is a MSFS Official Airport: path: Official\Onestore\microsoft-airport-egao-aboyneairfield. It is contained in the 40th Anniversary Update. If you don’t have it you can either download the 40th Anniversary Update from the marketplace or your can use an flightsim.to add-on: EGAO-Aboyne-Airfield-v1.1 by pbk: https://flightsim.to/file/38023/egao-aboyne-airfield-v1.0-pbk (This add-on EGAO airport is not included in the pre-assembled package). NOTAM2: RE: Payware: 1-There is a Payware version of EGPD by Aurascenery, and there is EU Great Britain North (Landmarks) by Orbx. (Eye candy). Please feel free to use if you have but not necessary to go purchase for this series of trips. Time and Weather Prefer to fly real weather if possible but if not, the few clouds Jeff 2 or Josh, or few or high clouds stock preset might make a nice choice. For takeoff: set the simulator time to @1400 local. Hope you enjoy this scenic flight in north Scotland. Aberdeen, Scotland Multiplayer Particulars Date and time: Wednesday, February 13, 2024 - 1900 UTC, (1400 Eastern) AVSIM Discord Server LINK: https://discord.gg/K5Vy6UxWNm - AVSIM GROUP EVENTS-WED. COM1 Microsoft Flight Simulator Multiplayer: EAST-USA Server If you want to help others enjoy the multiplayer experience, don't forget to enter your aircraft details on the multiplayer spreadsheet (linked HERE). Your courtesy will save others a lot of time and effort. Thanks! Norm Richards March 2024
  14. By change Alex, is there an airport db for P3Dv6 as well as xplane 11/12? that you use in LNM? It would be a big help in converting ICAO for sim specific FP in your lnm app. Thank-you in advance and appreciate all you have done for the flight sim community in your work. Norm (norm_richards@hotmail.com)
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