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About moekarout

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  • Birthday 10/07/1988

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  1. Same problem here, no matter what my take off speed is, plane doesnt take off
  2. I bought the 737 immersion from simmarket and their website clearly says that i will get a serial from oldprob in an email I never received it and it doesnt show in the order details on their website thanks
  3. Guys, for the contrails issue, its now random, so it comes randomly and goes, some flights i see it, sometimes i dont, and when i see it, i change my altitude like +1000 above or below, sometimes it fixes it! hope that helps!
  4. Hello, i have P3D v2.5 and both precipitaion and immersion from you guys and attached is a pic for my problem the first 2 photos are with x1 sim the last is with x1
  5. Yeah I manualy set a weather with few rain nthn appeared Let me ask you this If am flying in overcast conditions with no precipitation, nothing is gonna show up?
  6. Hello every one my wxr has been frustrating to me, it only work with storms and thats all, i have flewn in many airports where storms are not present but clouds were, the radar screen is emty, just heavy storms show in otherwise nothing the funny part is that i once started my fsx without ASN and the radar gave me some response i have tried the FSUIPC trick, it worked for storms thats it. any idea?
  7. Hello every one my wxr has been frustrating to me, it only work with storms and thats all, i have flewn in many airports where storms are not present but clouds were, the radar screen is emty, just heavy storms show in otherwise nothing the funny part is that i once started my fsx without ASN and the radar gave me some response i have tried the FSUIPC trick, it worked for storms thats it. any idea?
  8. i dunno how true is that, but i have flewn with many areas with clouds and the wxr doesnt show anything unless am in a very bad weather area, then it shows, is this normal?
  9. aha, thats neat! but if i change any of those variances like lets say i manualy change the cruising altitude, would it recalculate ?
  10. Hello PMDG, great job guys this is the most ammazing product ever, when is the 747 v2 be released? just kidding! moving to my topic I just have a question regarding weather radar, do i need to re install ASN or something for it to work? or just having ASN on while flying is enough? regarding datauplink, where does the aircraft take the information from? when i requested the data, it gave me a weird payload with random cruising altitude, is it the file i create with PFPX? because pfpx didnt give me that load, it might be the datauplink creates random payload, i got no problem with it just making sure.
  11. wow way to go guys, i guess the forum will go on a long silence before the 747 v2 topic becomes a live haha
  12. Flying at night I tried to move the camera as far as I could and still no strones, but can u tell me which setting I should turn up? Thx for your reply
  13. My question is In the LR when am flying at sunset or sunrise, external lights dont show on the ground at all And did you simulate the strobe reflection that can be seen from the cockpit like the 737 NGX?
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