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About Jd_jay

  • Birthday 05/16/1979

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  1. Kyle thanks to your pointers i managed to narrow down the problem and find the cause. It was neither a hardware or PMDG problem. Im very new to transitioning to P3D so still fine tuning settings, and what i didn't notice was that P3D had automatically assigned two different controller axis to my throttles. Once i cleared the one that wasn't assigned to my hotas throttle it stopped. I didn't think to check this sooner as the throttle was PMDG 737 exclusive, didn't happen with other well known payware or freeware. Thanks again.
  2. Kyle Purchased and installed the P3D version, referenced FSX as I don't have the problem in FSX so find it hard to believe that it would be any sort of hardware or calibration problem.
  3. Just putting this out there today just incase I'm making a silly mistake somewhere. I've recently crossed over to P3D and installed PMDG 737 and fs2crew reboot. I'm not sure what's causing it but I have the throttles in idle and run through the start procedure and everything's fine. I can sit on the ramp for ages at engine idle and everything is ok. When I then go to taxi I accelerate and when I pick up speed I reduce back to idle. Then randomly the throttles keep jumping forward, I have to slam on the breaks and move my manual throttles forward and backwards. I need to do more testing but I'm sure it doesn't do it if I'm set just off of idle. I don't have the problem in FSX with everything set up the same and I have a null zone of 5 on my throttles axis to try and stop it.
  4. You sir, hit the nail on the head. Thank you so much, that was the last setting i had out of place on my new install. Have done a complete flight with it all working smoothly and your right, its so much better than the legacy version and was worth the purchase. Would you mind answering my post about the PM and panel lights at some point please. or give me a brief outline here of what the PM is actually programmed to do with regards to panel lights?. Mine currently doesnt switch on the overhead panel light or dome lights when starting out, lso should he switch at least his panel lights on at dusk and dawn transitions. Thanks again Bryan
  5. so i did another flight and the same things happened. PM seems to have no contact or awareness of anything that is to do with altitude. For example this time, did no do anything when passing transition altitude which was set for 6000, so randomly at 12000, PM replied standard set, passing 0500 altitude.... no light operations at roughly 32000 i see briefly up in the menu bar an orange message saying something about 10k.... Pm said 1000 to go after i gave decent briefing asked to release the cabin several times through out flight.
  6. Did my first full flight last night and had many problems with the PM and altitudes. I need to do another flight to see what happens but I'll list my observation, all information in the FMC was correct. I'll make a list. Pressurisation cruise altitude was set at 36500, cruise level in FMC was 37000 Transition level was 6000 in FMC, PM did nothing at 6000 and when he did the altitude was well out PM did nothing with the lights at 10000 PM did not say 1000 to go until I started defending PM told cabin crew to prepare for landing at around 18000 PM said the message about 5000 at around 12000 Any ideas?
  7. Thanks for the reply. I guess it comes down to personal preference. Would be nice to find out what should happen though, when and if I should switch on the overhead panel lights, or I have a bad installation at present.
  8. Just getting to grips with reboot after switching over. Im using SOP2. My question is when and what lights should the PM switch on at night internally?? The reason i ask is that I've noticed the PM doesn't switch on the dome lights to start with, and also when he's switching on the panel lights he's never at any point switching on the overhead panel lights or circuit breaker lights? Is this now my job? i can't find any mention about the internal lights in the tutorial apart from that at night the PM will switch off the dome light. Im currently typing up my own flow list and would like to add in the necessary or is it a bug? Many thanks in advance for any info.
  9. Hi Bryan, thanks for the reply and advice. I tried everything you said but still couldn't get it to work. Knowing that it technically isn't supported in P3D I didn't want to bother you with the issue any more so I decided to bite the bullet and purchase reboot instead. Looking forward to testing it out I can see the vast improvement already from just quickly toying with it.
  10. Firstly I fully appreciate the NGX legacy isn't supported technically for P3D but I've seen posts about numureos people that have had no problems using it in P3D so as I have just forked out for P3D, the P3D version of PMDG 737, I thought I'd just use the legacy of FS2Crew for now. The problem I'm having is I just can't get it to show up when I'm sitting on the Tarmac and ready to use. I installed it using the migration tool, I have the SDK edit in the options.ini, all the entries are in the panel.cfg, I have it enabled. I even have a key assigned to auto feather. When I use the key it doesn't show, there is also no click spot available in the cockpit. What am I missing? Any thoughts would be most appreciated. Many thanks.
  11. The answer to your problem is with fs2crew not PMDG, the answer is also on the fs2crew forum. All you have to do is do a reinstall of fs2crew, when it warns you about which service pack you require, just click ok and activate voice or button version, whichever you choose to use.
  12. I wasn't going to make up a new thread until I tested it by doing another flight, but I'll mention here beens you have if you don't mind, the FO didn't turn the dome light back off before push back on my flight either.
  13. Yes, your supposed to assign a key to auto feather, and not alternate static, here's the text straight from the manual: Create a joystick or keyboard button assignment for 'AUTOFEATHER (ARM/OFF)' in the FSX 'SETTINGS - CONTROLS' menu. You can select any Joystick or Keyboard assignment (or both). If using a keyboard assignment, we recommend using a single key, like the letter "C", instead of a complex combination.
  14. If you have followed the tutorial from the manual or correct flows from +54 minutes, from the cold and dark state, you would of powered up the aircraft correctly anyway, so none of that will be a problem. Some paragraphs in the manual are just giving explanations as to why things have to be how they are.
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