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About kristolz

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  • Birthday 07/11/1984

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    Trondheim, Norway
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    Broadcast Engineer at Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation

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  1. "War, huh yeah. What is it good for?Absolutely nothing" - Edwin Starr
  2. In you C:\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D\ : Have you put the simconnect.xml here? From the top of my head, what you need for it to work is this (not at my Sim-computer atm, so can't verify the points bellow. Don't kill me.) 1. Simconnect needs to be installed. It can be installed from the P3D-client install folder\redist. Needs to be installed on the server (your P3D-machine) and the client (the ASN-machine). 2. Simconnect.xml and ini needs to be put in the AppData dir on the server, and in the root install folder of ASN on the client. (The ini and xml should also be in the Prepar3D folder under Documents if I remember correctly) 3. The selected port needs to be opened in Windows firewall. Since the simconnect is started as part of Prepar3D, it *should* be allowed through the firewall if you let P3D through your firewall when asked by Windows. One way of debugging the network and firewall side of this, is to fire up P3D on the server, and run a telnet client (the Windows one or Putty), and attempt a connection from the client to the server on the simconnect port (i.e 5000). The syntax in Windows Telenet is from cmd.exe: Telnet *enter* Open %ip or computername% %port% *enter* I.e : OPEN P3DSERVER 5000 *enter* You will get some scrambled garbage via telnet in return - since it's not a telnet session, but at least you know that your network and firewall is not the problem:)
  3. "Good" - then we are on to something! (I have litteraly no hair left - the stuttering has caused two Windows re-installs, two months of sleepless nights etc.. :wink: ) As mentioned on the FSLabs forums, I made a tread about this over at the proper EZDok forum: http://www.simforums.com/forums/ezdok-1187-fslabs-concorde-x-stutters_topic55490.html I'll buy it and test it right away. Costs nearly the same as beer here in Norway, so what the heck
  4. Let me know how it turns out on your computer with EZDok off. I´ll dig a bit more at my end tonight.
  5. I´m experiencing this too, and have reported so on the FSLabs forum. Since the Concorde is the only plane I´m flying these days (it takes forever to master - and I love it ), I find that these random stutters/jitters while looking around so extremely irritating, that last night I did the following: 1. Saved a flight in the middle of the atlantic, daytime, at mach 2.02. 2. Reloaded the flight, let it run for a minute after the initialisation was complete, and then panned 180* left, then 360 right* (completing a full turn). 3. Took note of any stutters. 4. Used DisplayDriverUninstaller (DDU) to remove the nVidia drivers. The base was 361.43 - the one that seems to work best with P3D 3.2.3 5. Installed an older version driver. 6. Added Prefer Max Performance and Single Display Performance Mode in the Application Profile in Nvidia Control panel 7. Added a custom resolution @30hz refresh rate for my monitor, in order to use VSYNC in P3D. 8. Started from step 2, and repeated the process. In the end, I tested every version from 361.43 back to 358.87 (have also tested the newer once earlier), but none of them made any difference. If any, they were worse than 361.43. FPS was glued to 30 all the time, even when the stutters occur. I reverted back to the original driver, and disabled EZDok in exe.xml. That made a difference! Moving the view around with spacebar + mouse is far smoother. Could this be a SimConnect issue? Could it be that both ConcordeX and EZDok is heavily dependent on SImConnect, and that messages/instructions from EZDok, i.e dynamic head movement, sometimes are delayed/dropped because another application is occupying the SimConnect interface, hence the subjective stuttering, not caused by simulator hesitations? The stutters seems to intensify in occurrence when the aircraft is closer to the ground, and the weather intensifies. If my theory is somewhat correct, that might explain why that is: there are probably a lot more going on over SimConnect when the aircraft is approaching an airport - in all respects - hence the intensified stuttering. I have yet to try another camera solution, to see if this is in fact a direct EZDok issue, or something else, like SimConnect versions etc.
  6. :wub: :wub: :wub: == Love Your Work ! :smile:
  7. I would remove the NVI frame lock also. Have tested it on my system, with a few different driver versions, and all it does is to increase stuttering. The sim will run smooth for a few seconds, then there are three long stutters, and then it will run smooth again, until the whole thing repeats itself. Much better with it gone, 30hz refresh rate + VSYNC + unlimited in my case:) BTW - have you tried with HT off? In my case, my old 3770K @ 5.0ghz runs P3D far smoother with HT off. I suppose Intel has implemented some new HT tech since 2012, and that newer CPUs are better in this regard, so maybe HT on is the way to go. Dosen´t hurt to try anyway.
  8. Hey Jaffer! I use 0.30 zoom factor, and WideViewAspect off. I used to have it on, but it all depends on the aircraft. I can´t remember from the top of my head exactly which ones, but I think i need to use WideView with the Q400. I don´t see any stretching at that zoom level. All 2D panels get a bit sqashed, but you learn to live with it.. There might be a way to fix this, but haven´t got around to look into it yet. More important to get the sim running OK and smooth..! I use EZDok to set up all the views btw.
  9. An update on my situation: I finally got rid of the panning jerkiness, after several hours of antagonising investigation. Startet by turning every slider down to it´s absolute lowest setting possible, disabled all add-on scenery, and tested to see if the jerkiness was still there. It was. I then tried numerous Nvidia Inspector "tweaks", limited framerate (combinations of NI and Internal), and got nowhere, until i tried the good old "Negative LOD Bias: Allow" vs "Clamp". In "clamp" mode, the jerkiness finally went away! I´ve experimented with this setting in the past, and it has always caused stutters on my computer, but not this time.. strange! Now I can hopefully go back to tweaking the sliders for a good compromise, and hopefully complete a flight over the pond;) (Btw - all testing done in the FSLabs Concorde X (cleared for takeoff panel state), RW27L at EGLL, fair weather. )
  10. Hi - who ever you are Would´t call adding a custom resolution with 30hz refresh rate via the Nvidia Control Panel a dream setup, but it sure works, unless I pan around.. It is very smooth, as stated. Regarding the GPU issue: I don´t use Nvidia Inspector. I´ve only set "Prefer Maximum Performance" in the NVCP prepar3d.exe application profile. I use GPU-Z to monitor GPU utilisation, and after v 3.2 it seems a bit lower than in 3.1. I use 2x EVGA GTX980 Classified custom loop watercooling, and both hover around 40-50% at EGLL RW27L. in fair weather. My goal is to create a setup that works between EGLL and KJFK, for the Concorde-X. The Concorde is a heavy hitter, and you have no time to be looking out the window while flying at low altitudes/speeds, so I intend to keep the scenery amount to a bare minimum. Smoothness over eye-candy :Whistle: In my experience, the difference between the sim running out of (CPU) power and the GPUs overloading is vastly different. The GPU overload (both stuck at 100%) is far worse, and a lot more jerky than CPU overload. That said - this panning jerkiness is resembling GPU overload, although GPU-Z says everything is fine.. I think I´ll try a different driver. I´m on 364.51 at the moment. (btw - I always do a full re install of the drivers when up/downgrading, to make sure no gremlins are left behind). Best regards Kristoffer
  11. Thanks Steve! Which one do you recommend at the moment?
  12. I´ve went down the NVCP custom resolution route, adding in a 30hz resolution for my 3440x1440 monitor. By enabling VSYNC in P3D, the framerate stays at 30 all the time, and the sim is very smooth (wish i could say the same for UI and mouse movement, but everything has a price)! But - there is a flie in the ointment - so to speak: while changing the view position in the VC, either with EZDock or the default hold spacebar and look around, it sometimes judders like crazy, even though the FPS is glued to 30 (monitored with the internal counter, and Fraps, for good measure). I´ve tried almost everything I can think of (global terrain view =1, disable SLI, turn off all autogen, lock fps internally etc), but it´s still there, and drives me crazy. I haven´t seen this is P3D before, so it might be that, or a combination with the latest Nvidia-driver. Have anyone else experienced this, or is it just on my computer? Best regards, Kristoffer
  13. Gents - I see now that I left one of the parts, and reason why I posted in the CTD forum, out of my original post: the CIVAC.gau wasn't alone in causing a CTD, it was a combination of ntdll.dll crash and CIVAC.gau crash. First crash CIVAC.gau, second ntdll.dll crash, and back to the .gau again - pretty strange. That's why I went digging for answers in the Avsim CTD guide, and the forum. As stated above, a clean install of Windows 7 Professional solved it, without having to change anything in my previous P3D install (other than reinstalling it, and replace all the config files, scenery etc. with the ones from my Win10-backup), which leaves me to believe this is a Windows 10 related issue, that could have any number of potential origins, like drivers etc. The Concorde is awesome Lefteris - it's my new favorite:) (was previously the lago MD-80, but unfortunately it does not work in P3D) love your work! Best regards, Kristoffer.
  14. Sitrep: Reinstalled Windows 7, and all is well - with the same P3D configuration, folder structure, .cfg etc as before. Not sure what caused it, but now I¨m supersonic - with INS
  15. Hi Steve! I don't know if the gauge uses SimConnect, but I'm sure the Concorde does. I've installed all versions in the redist folder, but it didn't make a difference. Haven't tried installing it in the stock location yet, but could try that:) The CIVA-INS-installer does not read the P3D-installation from the registry it seems, as it asks you to point it "in the right direction" at install, but who knows...? I figured as much, and tried that too, to no avail. Next on my list is rolling back to Windows 7..
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