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Everything posted by Q_flyer

  1. Slide the slider all the way to the right, until it says "Unlimited" instead of a number. EDIT: Beat you, Brian! ....... PS. Thanks for pushing me to try RadeonPro again...... what a result :cool:
  2. It seems that on this occasion, the nVidia users are suffering with this particular issue (poor AA representation in the sim). I have seen some screeshots with pretty poor AA, from people who normally had great AA in FSX. With ATI, as long as AA mode is set to Supersampling (which does of course incur a performance cost), AA is absolutely stunning on my rig on P3D2 ....... and look at Brian Doney's screenies. ATI for the win! :lol:
  3. 20 is far too low for a lock value (they just use that as a default, as something of a lowest common denominator for people with low end hardware). But at any value, the P3D Frame Rate Lock seems (to me) even worse than the FSX frame rate lock; it seems to reduce performance quite significantly, whereas leaving frames 'Unlocked' in P3D and using an external limiter (NI for nVidia users and RadeonPro for AT users) gives better results for most people.
  4. I've just checked this, using CFF Explorer suite, and yes, as KingGhidorah said, the large address is already flagged, so no further mileage with this one I'm afraid.
  5. :( ..... With more time to test this External FPS Limiter today, I've found that alas, it does not work with P3D's Full Screen Mode. It can only seem to lock the frame rate when in Window Mode, but once in Full Screen, the frame rates are fluctuating wildly, above the lock value. :(
  6. Beautiful! ..... Love Aerosoft Yekaterinburg :cool: (but love Norilsk X even more!).
  7. Ha ha, I installed all the Airports of Norway / NSXII stuff myself yesterday Jeroen, and meant to ask if you'd got it all up and running yet. :smile: Looks pretty special huh? :cool: I'll be flying in Norway exclusively through December; mainly Wideroe routes with the Majestic Q400 but also some nice GA too. I usually fly in Alaska each December (just a tradition I've been doing for about 10 years), but my essential ingredient for Alaska - F1 Ultimate Alaska X - is barred from P3D by EULA so bye bye Alaska, hello Norway. It's more local for me anyway ; I'm only 1hr 20 from Norway, by Wideroe Q400 from my local airport, in real life. :smile:
  8. Hi Preston, I do this:- I have the default Baron 58 as default flight, and keep the default flight in Windowed mode. (via the Prepar3d.cfg).So, start P3D, get the load screen, launch the flight, with the Baron 58.When it loads, go full screen.Change aircraft, to the Twotter.Fly!Change aircraft, back to the Baron 58, and go back to Windowed Mode.Quit P3D2.Cheers.
  9. Yes definitely. I have the C172 installed too and it is the same issue. There is no doubting that LM have some bugs to be working on; I hope they give us a patch soon! :cool:
  10. Bojote's tweak site gave me hands down the best results I ever got with FSX. I'm not challenging your view Jeroen, just showing how the FS world is full of contrasts and contradictions. :smile: But I don't really get your fixed view that the Bojote site is a bad thing for P3D, and here's why; What have you got to lose ? By that I mean, it is a given fact that if you back up your CFG file, you can then do absolutely anything with it. You cannot 'damage' your sim nor your PC by trying things in a CFG file. P3D may stop working of course - in which case you revert to your existing CFG. Why would you say "I am not trying those things!" as a point of principal, when you could try them, without risk, and see what results you get. Why limit your options? I suspect Bojote's tweaks via his site are actually better (now) for ATI users than nVidia, but still, back up your CFG, try it and see what happens. What have you got to lose? :wink: Agreed. And isn't that true of pretty much everything in our FS world.
  11. Hi Alex Have a go at changing the TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT= value, in the Prepar3D.cfg file to higher or lower values. Sometimes a higher (eg... 70) or a lower (eg 20 or 30) can resolve stutters. Worth a try.
  12. .......every time someone get's a OOM with P3D2, they post about it. :smile: That not's a criticism; just an observation that because P3D2 is so new, and because the user base is currently so small, we get to hear about almost every single OOM. Have we forgotten how many people are experiencing OOMs with FSX all around the world!? :lol: ........ there is probably an OOM happening in FSX at any given time, somewhere in the world. My point is not to pick on FSX, but simply to put some context to OOMs: either platform can OOM because of the 32 bit limitations that we know so well. P3D2 will, I believe, prove to OOM a lot less than FSX does, but as ever, that depends on settings in the sim. Anyone can bring on an OOM, and anyone can avoid an OOM. An OOM is not even a fault! ........ It is simply the limits of FSX's architecture being reached by too many memory demands. :smile:
  13. Here are my findings with complex aircraft in P3D :- Majestic Q400: Gives the "P3D stopped working" error each time you quit P3D after using the Q400. Airbus X Extended: No issues, aside from the fact that you can't change between Win > Full Screen with the Q400 loaded. Coolsky DC-9: Absolutely zero issues. feelThere ERJs: Absolutely zero issues. QualitySim 146s: Absolutely zero issues. Twin Otter X: No issues apart from the same constraint as the AXE: cannot change from Win>Full Screen with this plane loaded. RealAir B60v2: Custom sounds (from the Doug Dawson sound gauge) not working. All else fine. ........so this blanket statement :- "there is currently a CTD issue with complex add on aircraft for P3D v2" really needs some qualifying, to explain what it really means, as my eyes tell me that a number (not all) of complex aircraft work flawlessly within P3D2 Does this happen when you are switching from windows mode to fullscreen, or back to windowed mode? If so, Aerosoft know about that one and it's to do with their ASC.DLL (sound module) and their fixing it.
  14. Ok, we'll definitely all have different suggestions for what's best, but personally, I would firmly recommend setting frames to UNLIMITED within P3D, tick Triple Buffering on, then limit frames in DXtory, to the LM formula, which is Monitor Refresh rate x 0.5, plus 10%..... in most cases that will be 33 or 34 FPS. Limiting the FPS within P3D defeats the object of this tool because the ESP frame limiting algorhythm just doesn't seem to effective and seems to reduce smoothness. So;- P3D Frame Rate Slider: Unlimited P3D Triple Buffering: On DXtory: 34 FPS
  15. Do you mean the "biggest drawbacks" for you? None of the things you list were drawbacks in FSX to me. P3D does address a lot of issues that FSX had, that were a big deal to a lot of other people. But as I am sure LM are wise enough to know "you can't please all the people all the time". Is it like a whole exponentially new platform? .. No, it's not. But for me, it is FSX with the ability to run lot's more (non-popping) autogen, heavier weather (and better weather), and with amazing cockpit shadows. All with more performance than, I'd have got in FSX without those things. So to you, fair enough it's no big deal, it's not addressing your 'list' but to a lot of people it is a big deal. Not I sir! ....... I didn't even ever try it. I gathered from it's specs that it was a single dimensional game. Not for ATI users. :wink: XP10 64 bit is an absolute pig on ATI hardware. The "64 bit" thing is revered a bit like the church of P3D! :lol: .... but something being "64 bit" means absolutely nothing, if it runs as badly as XP10 64 bit does, on ATI hardware.
  16. This is primarily for ATI users as nVidia users have a native way of externally locking frame rates - however, that assumes the NI method is more effecient than all others. So in other words, if I were a nVidia user, I would still try this tool. It's had fantastic results on my system, but then again I obviously don't know how the NI frame limiter works. But this is well worth a try.
  17. I respect your opinion and view, but :- if you are a serious simmer, hugely into this hobby, and; you have a half decent Graphics Card with at least 2GB, and; you have taken the time to follow these threads and apply the temporary fixes, and you have actually bought and tried this platform, then; ........you will never look back. Ask Brian Doney to show you the screenshot of the Airbus X Extended VC, with max AA/AF, high quality shadows.... oh and 84 FPS, (that's not a typo, that's 84 FPS), that he's just showed me in a PM, and you'll see why some (not all) of us are so excited. Cheers.
  18. Hi guys, This is just a quick one as it's late here and I have an early start tomorrow so bed calls! But I found out about this External Frame Rate Limiter that works with DX10 and DX11. I tried it with P3D2 and first impressions are EXCELLENT! ............ It certainly works. I limited Frames at 34 in the tool, and indeed P3D2 sat at 33.9 :smile: ... and more importantly, all the 'frame variance stutters' were gone and the experience was beautifull smooth. Only tested for 15 mins though. ... and YMMV! It is called DXtory http://exkode.com/dxtory-downloads-en.html Here's a bit of information about it from a post on the Steam forum :- http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1820131 IMPORTANT NOTES:- To use it, launch it and after the nag period, click "Experience the Trial". Now, go along each tab at the top and unclick all of the "Default Setting" check boxes. You don't want the tool to be doing anything other than frame rate control. NB: There are 'hotkeys' that will conflict with P3D and TrackIR so click on the Hotkey tab and 'clear' (delete) them all !! Go to the green box icon towards the right and check the "Limit Video FPS" box, and enter your desired value. Now MINIMIZE the tool, and launch P3D2. This will generate a profile for P3D2 and in future all you will have to do is (i) launch DXtory and then launch P3D2. See what you guys think - I only had a short time to test but I saw a real increase in frame stability, smoothness and performance! YMMV! :smile:
  19. Yes that's a good point actually Bill. Then people could indeed offset any undue 'dumb' accusations! :smile:
  20. My guess would be that with a decent GPU (with at least 2GB VRAM) it would run that lot considerably faster than FSX....... and with a low spec GPU with 1GB or less, it would run considerably slower than FSX.
  21. I was not talking about an intervention in votes; I was talking about a tweak to the actual IPB forum configuration Bill, to remove the "Dumb" category.
  22. I didn't think I was going to be bothered about the shadows, but in fact I LOVE the VC shadows... they are amazing! ...... But I'm not bothered about ground or exterior shadows, and not prepared to pay the performance price for those.
  23. I gave a 'like' too - I think it's ridiculous that someone could label a post like that as 'Dumb' ........ 'Bloodbean' ; judging people as 'dumb' having never posted in his life = coward! I definitely hope the AVSIM staff will remove the 'Dumb' vote ........ it is just artilliary for trolls..... Anyhoo, to the OP, I don't know what your hardware specs are but P3D2 really needs a graphics card with ideally 2GB VRAM. I have noticed that most of the people (like me) who are loving it, have 2GB VRAM cards. For me, my FSX settings always had to stay conservative because I had a Mobo that would not allow CPU overclocking. So I was always 'restrained' at stock CPU speed of 3.4Ghz. With P3D2, that now hardly matters, and by 2GB VRAM is 'flexing it's muscles' :smile: There's nothing at all wrong with FSX (especially with DX10 running well), but I hope one day you get to enjoy the benefits of P3D2.
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