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About bfg1982

  • Birthday 11/25/1982

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  1. bfg1982

    777F question

    would somebody be able to tell me where in the pmdg t7 i add the airlines icao code to change the display on the containers in the aircraft? Many thanks
  2. hey guys just a quick one i hope i have recently had to re install my fsx as something went wrong on my pc, before i did tho i had it set up well. i had managed to put the icao code for the airline somewhere in its config file and it changed the logos of the containers to match the liverry of the aircraft i was flying.Only problem is now i cant remember how to do it again. could someone please help me? i would be so greatful if you could?
  3. same here
  4. ok im glad all this info is here and am almost done with creating the aircraft in pfpx but which option on the equipment list is for the ndb?
  5. i have put in 2 tickets already under two different options in the hope to get a response and so far nothing? lol
  6. sticky??? sorry am still a newbie to this forum jargon n chat
  7. well for what it is worth i paid on my card and still havent got anywhere? it is really starting to annoy me as i was so looking forward to flying it
  8. hey jefferson any ideas whast going on with the whole download thing, i am assuming u have been waiting as ong as me for this thing now? i cant understand why some people have it and others dont?????
  9. I Payed on my visa card and had a confirmation email, but havent my download link as of yet that was nearly 2 hours ago. Im starting to loose my patience now
  10. my order was placed 2252 gmt and its now 0033 gmt and still i havet had any kind of download link and i cant even access my account on pmdg. what on earth is going on?
  11. Merchant: Precision Manuals Development Group Description: PMDG Simulations- LLC. Order: 232121 Invoice Number: 232121 Customer ID: 89465 Please PMDG sort this mess out, we all just want to enjoy your products
  12. and what option for the ticket am i suposed to select?
  13. i cant afford to re order through pay pal too?
  14. i have been to my previous orders and have gone to review it and there is no download link there?
  15. ok im having the same issues as the others, paid for and got email confirmation but no download link
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