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  1. Nice. This does not change the fact that it is a ported product.
  2. When I said "old platforms", I was obviously referring to FSX, P3D, from which our 737 was ported, and the 777 will. On your question regarding the Fenix flightmodel: no, it wasn't ported from these dirty, obsolete platforms. It was made from scratch. So, if you are referring to Prosim, this is a great advantage, after all using a professional platform to develop an airplane is something worthy of applause. I absolutely would like PMDG to do the same to take full advantage of the resources available. You're not trying to compare FSX with Prosim and say that both developers brought their aircraft from other platforms, are you? The problem is not using another platform, but using outdated platforms, probably out of laziness. That's the difference.
  3. Maybe because PMDG ports its products from older platforms, while Fenix tries to explore all the resources by creating a product from scratch.
  4. Hello, @aerostar People seem to think that every landing is a constant fight against the atmosphere, and it's not. You're complaining about the lack of turbulence, so you're probably not a real life pilot. So, I ask you: show a video of an ILS approach in manual flight. No wind and no turbulence. I want to see everything nailed: glide slope and localizer, all the time, with the due and small corrections, and touchdown smooth and at the aiming point. I repeat: perhaps many simmers do not know the true challenge of a good landing, from approach to touchdown. The truth is, Asobo had completely screwed up the atmosphere at SU11, and now they seem to have fixed it. So the solution would be to implement unrealistic mode - as many want - as an optional feature, for those who want to play a game and fight against the atmosphefe every landing. But if you want to simulate as faithfully as possible, you can throw the SU11 in the trash. I hope that never comes back! I hope you can see the true challenges of a flight. I'm waiting for the video.
  5. For those who have tested the SU10 beta: Has the behavior of the planes during the take-off run really improved? I'm asking because I remember reading that this was on the SU10's list of improvements, but I saw some videos on youtube and it seems that the planes are still behaving like a boat in the storm even with <10kt crosswinds. It's not possible that 2 years after the release they still haven't fixed this aberration.
  6. For those who have tested the SU10 beta: Has the behavior of the planes during the take-off run really improved? I'm asking because I remember reading that this was on the SU10's list of improvements, but I saw some videos on youtube and it seems that the planes are still behaving like a boat in the storm with 10kt winds. It's not possible that 2 years after the release they still haven't fixed this aberration.
  7. Go to Fenix and be happy! 😁 After the launch of the Fenix A320 it was impossible to fly another airliner.
  8. I mean: there are thousands of folders inside MSFS folder. 😐
  9. Thanks for your response! Did you need to do something to get the control settings, or were they just there after reinstalling? And what about camera settings?
  10. Hello guys. I bought a new PC and want to install MSFS with all the settings, keys and controls just as they are on the old pc. It's possible?
  11. Focus on visual improvements... reading this is "to drop your word not allowed"
  12. Absolutely! For example, if you are on a turbulent approach, with speed variation, and you have the need for constant pitch, power and trim adjustments, the plane starts to "ride" (pitch up, pitch down, up, down...) with each attitude adjustment. It bothers me too much. Another example: even in a smooth approach, the response to the trim command is very slow, causing the need to use trim to increase considerably, which is very different from real life. This can also be seen in youtube videos. This slow response ends up completely unbalancing the plane's pitch/power ratio.
  13. We have to analyze the facts impartially and fairly. I have always been a fan of PMDG and have purchased their products over the years. But unfortunately they are going down a path that I, as a fan and customer, cannot agree. With the arrival of MSFS, everything changed. The platform has evolved absurdly, bringing thousands of possibilities to be explored, and this is very good for us - consumers. Since the Fenix A320 announcement, I see that PMDG is going the wrong way. During the development of both aircraft, in the same week, I read Randazzo blaming Asobo for some problems in the PMDG and Amir writing that everything went very well within the possibilities available on the platform. I understand that PMDG has built its fame very justly through the products launched in the past, but today the world of simulation is different, with much more information and possibilities. Nowadays, due to the evolution of everything that involves this simulation world, the public is more demanding. I am a real pilot and I am very sorry for the decisions made by PMDG. It is no longer possible to carry aircraft from old platforms. It's enough! I think we deserve a product made from scratch on the new platform, capable of taking advantage of every feature made available by MSFS. Anyone who isn't a pilot can observe certain things on a real 737 through youtube and realize that it's very different. Today we no longer accept that. The trim command response, for example, is very disappointing, the flight physics is practically the same as in P3D, there's no way to accept it anymore. First of all I want to remind you that I was a real 737 pilot and I know what I'm talking about. In addition to having flown the 737, I have always been a Boeing guy, but now we have the Fenix A320 that behaves completely differently. I know that a homemade simulator will never pass the full fidelity of the real world, but, as far as possible, Fenix is a monstrous evolution and gives the feeling of taking advantage of the features of the new platform much more. And the PMDG 737, unfortunately, doesn't give us that same feeling. As a fan and customer of PMDG, I really hope that Randazzo will review his decisions and decide to start from scratch, even out of respect for us. First, things changed with the release of MSFS, and then with the arrival of the Fenix A320. Now expectations increase much more, which is a sign of a great evolution. But there is still time for PMDG to think about it and give us what we really want and deserve. Amen, PMDG.
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