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About Jetspaul

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/12/1978

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Alberta Canada
  • Interests
    P3D, Aviation, and Superbikes.

Flight Sim Profile

  • Commercial Member
  • Online Flight Organization Membership
  • Virtual Airlines

About Me

  • About Me
    Been flight simming since 1995, work as a heavy equipment operator in the Canadian oilsands in northern Alberta., 35 years of age and I love aviation.
  1. I have stopped using Nvidia inspector all together as I find it degrades performance, now using Nvidia 3D settings with DSR logic.
  2. Probably a little premature but, "credit card armed and ready"....
  3. Nice job Kyle, I always enjoy reading your posts.
  4. I take a pretty good hit under cloudy conditions, my setting are dumbed down quite a bit, I run 3 layers at 512 and can drop into the mid to high teens.
  5. The weather radar and the Datalink for the NGX would be awesome, really enjoying the 77L/W, beautiful airplane to fly. But the queen, not that is worth taking a few days off work for, lol....
  6. FSL A320 for me, although Im keeping very bisy with the NGX and 777W/L.
  7. Couldn't agree with you more, every aspect of this plane is amazing, i'm enroute to LTBA from T2G's new OTHH as we speak in the 77W, she certainly is a joy to fly, only downside is the weather on this flight is to nice, lol...
  8. Can't wait to get home to buy this, 3 1/2 more hours on the highway then ill be home. Really looking forward to loading up the PMDG 777 at Doha. First flight, Doha - Istanbul.
  9. Whooop whoop!!!!! and most importantly glad to hear you are good to go health wise. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  10. My wallet will remain closed on this one, to expensive nor am I interested in CYHZ, secondly, the quality is just not there, buildings look ok, but ground textures just ain't there.
  11. Nice job, I'm not currently airborne at the moment, but I will be prepping the NGX today for a flight from MMMX to MHGT. I flew last night from RPLL-YBCS with the 777LRF, ( Southern air Cargo) with a block time of just over 5 hrs all in real time planned with PFPX, very nice flight I might add, lots to see along the way. My next 777 flight is looking like an EK flight out of Dubai possibly to Either RRPL or VABB, the new Manila scenery is amazing, I would highly recommend it.
  12. I think it would be cool if we were able to see the ATIS information via the COMM page in the lower EICAS, that seems doable. Perhaps in a future service pack this would be a neat option. Until. then I cant wait for SP1 and the 77W.
  13. Well Froogle's video certainly answers a lot of questions. This was exactly what I was watching the WestJet flight crew doing the other day during there pre-departure prep. Now if we could just get PMDG to set up a small update later on to include the CPDLC. I think to some extent it could even work with the default ATC, for example Flight level changes, or pre departure clearance request, I mean the default atc sends a text message across your screen, could this not be implemented into the FMC or the lower EICAS screen via the COMM page.
  14. I asked the flight attendant if I could take a picture of the flight deck as we were boarding, after talking to the crew for a few minutes the captain invited me to have a seat and watch them do the preflight up until we were ready to push, at that point I had to go back to my seat. Fortunately I had happened to have a video feed I recorded with my Iphone of the NGX, the captain was impressed, he wanted to come over to my house and see it after I gave him the details. Did the same thing on the return leg, very nice flight crews. Even if you could request your clearance and after a minute or two you get the return message bounced back with your clearance followed by the chime sound would be great, although I am assuming it is gonna be modeled for checking your ATIS at your departure or arrival destination via ASN.
  15. Good evening everyone, With SP1 being right around the corner and a host of new features included in it the one thing that has me tickled pink is PMDG's introduction of the Datalink Communications feature. I seen it in live use while sitting in the jumpseat the other day on a WestJet 737, I watched them receive there flight plan as well as there takeoff performance data while doing there preflight. I understand there would certainly have to be some limitations to this feature in the FSX world, but I do think it would be possible to receive weather data via ACARS and possibly even oceanic clearance or pre-departure clearance if it just pinged back what we sent. My guess would be PMDG has enabled the use of ACARS to provide weather data via ASN. I am very interested in this feature and how it will be integrated into our 777, perhaps one of the beta testers can touch on this, another question I have is how does one do a SELCAL check. Is this also done via the FMC/ACARS/CPDLC. Best regards happy landing everyone.
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