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  1. No real Solution but it's called "CENTRAL" not "VENTRAL" they made a mistake there on the display :blink: :mad:
  2. I agree with you, i think there is a market for busniessjets, especially when they are well done :wink:. The survey i started with this shows the same: It's just one day and only 124 voters until now, but the big numbers aren't changeing. The market is smaller than the market of an airliner like the 737, that's true but more than 60% are interested in a bizjet. Furthermore I think the majorety of the voters are PMDG-Users. There may be more Useres who would buy such a bizjet, not having a look at the PMDG Forum frequently. I don't need one of these Garmin1000 Cockpits too (they are very FPS-Unfriendly!). But the Cockpit of a Cessna Citation XLS+ for example looks cool and it's a nice aircraft at all. Maybe there will be such a nice Bizjet in the future, looking forward! (I hope Wilco will manage there Falcon7X Version and it will be a bugless, flyable, nice aircraft, let's hope, we will see.) Paul Ziegler
  3. Thanks for replying. I changed the Options from "No-They are boring" to "No" and from "Yes-every kind of Businessjet" to "Yes". Everybody who already voted "Yes-every kind of Businessjet" should also fit to "Yes" and the same to the "No" Option. I hope nobody thinks his Vote gets manipulated with the little change. Paul Ziegler
  4. PMDG says there is no marked for Businessjets. Really? My opinion is that they are awsome!! :wub: What do you think? Paul Ziegler
  5. Well not really - the 737BBJ has more Range etc. there is only the 737-900/800/700/600 but no BBJ1/2/3 Yeah you are right the system simulation is good, but the VC looks not that good...
  6. Any plans on a Businessjet ? There is no great Businessjet out there and a lot of people waiting for one! Greats Paul Ziegler
  7. Hi, I am the mysterios person who said LH Cargo uses 1000ft Default Acceleration Altitude. I read this in a PDF by Lufthansa about Climat Care: http://lufthansa-cargo.com/fileadmin/user_upload/corporate/pdf/05_Responsibility/2013/PSDE0213_Umweltbeileger.pdf Its in German, maybe there is also an English Version out there but at the third page you can read: 1000 Fuß-Acceleration (1000 Feet-Acceleration) In the small text below they say this new concept would save up to 820 tonnes CO2per year. Furthermore you can wath this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftCdz3A7cb8 and you can have a look at this wonderfull image: http://www.planepictures.net/netshow.php?id=1263282 Don't laugh about the pilots english, mine isn't much better You can see they don't use the clock right of the PFD, they use the new intecrated one. You can see which equipement they use (Transponder, Supernummery Sign...).
  8. Hi, for me it is working fine too, just make sure you enable the interaction between IvAp and FSUIPC via the IvAp-Configurator (have a look at 3rd Party Tools). After i enabled it, it worked fine on my pc. Hope i could help you! Paul Ziegler
  9. Ps.: The ILS frq of Stuttgart(EDDS) wasn't outdated till mid last year. If you have Aerosofts Stuttgart X you can easily update the ILS frq. with this file: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=9C84EB974911970F Downloads LordTulpe -> FSX -> EDDS -> EDDS1308 I am not the creator of this file, al rights to him. Always happy landings
  10. Hi, i've found some weeks ago a document from Lufthansa Cargo about Climate Care, there they say they use 1000ft Acceleration not 1500ft as default. You can look it up here (its German, maybe theres an english version too) :http://lufthansa-cargo.com/fileadmin/user_upload/corporate/pdf/05_Responsibility/2013/PSDE0213_Umweltbeileger.pdf
  11. Yeah they updated the Livery now, but at the time i started the topic it wasn't updated. Anyway as you can see on the nice screenshots by Claus above the PMDG Livery still isn't correct. I just want to thank you Christian for this great work (i marked it now as the best answer, because it really is the greatest out there)! Paul Ziegler
  12. Thanks for all the replys, the first one also has the selcal code and the 'Good Day, USA' title. But i will check out yours too! The D-ALFB would be great to have too Paul Ziegler
  13. Hey, because i would like to fly the new Lufthansa Cargo 777F i have this request for the repainters out there. The default one by PMDG is far away from what the real livery looks like! :( (It actually can't be acurate because it was made even before the real aircraft was delivered...) Just as an example the letters "Lufthansa Cargo" are not in the right position and the name of the plane is missing ("Good Day, USA"). Also the colors of the livery aren't that acurate. I know there are some great repainters out there and a good looking livery is missing (searched here at avsim and other flightsimulation-filesharing websites). I hope that can be changed! Paul Ziegler
  14. I also use the 777 on Ivao and have no problems! Paul Ziegler
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