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About lekijiji

  • Birthday 01/07/1971

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    Here to learn
  1. I received the serial number but never received the authorization code
  2. I bought and installed the scenery, but P3D v5 keeps crashing (as crash landing) everytime I open a session. had to disinstall the scenery. any ideas?
  3. Guys, thanks very much for some very useful answers in here. I'm just waiting for the new P3D release to come out and I'll give it a try. At least, now I have a more educated idea. I do fly the 777 for a living, and I found the PMDG product mostly outstanding even for professional use. I hope P3D will be more stable than FSX, especially when loaded with failures I like to practice on. Just to bring this controversy to an end, the READ THE MANUAL philosophy (when a genuine question is asked) is not at all my style. I've been instructing people of any age flying most of my life, I NEVER EVER dared to answer like that to anybody. If I know the question I just answer, otherwise (like instructors do in most airlines) I either look it up on the manuals and give rference, or - if I'm bored - I let someone else answer for me. And by the way, I don't care if that answer was already given millions of times. It is still the same. If I'm bored of it (which never happened so far) I let someone else give that answer.
  4. Wobbie, thank you!!!! You are my light! And you must have A LOT of free time if you spend it writing such useful things on the forum. Good on you! I only wish I had the time you have to say NOTHING on the web. Oh, wait a minute... maybe not.... Oh, I forgot: STEAM!!
  5. Ok, I believe I haven't express myself in a clear way. English is not my first language so don't blame me for that. I already struggle with a language that is not mine.. I'll try to rephrase it, hoping it comes across more clearly this time. What are the features that make P3D better for training than FSX?
  6. I understand it's a matter of licence, but what does it change between the 2 in relation to training? Nothing?
  7. Guys, I 'm looking into upgrading to P3D, and I was asking myself why they claim the sw is for training and not for gaming. In what way? I would be using the sw for training only, but didn't understand what differences are there between, say, FSX and P3D in relation to training. More customizable in terms of failures, weather...maybe? I will use it to run PMDG 777 Anyone willing to explain this?
  8. Hi everybody, I'm trying a 27" Touch screen monitor (Acer T272HL) for my PMDG 777 overhead, and it works great as long as I use touch as a "mouse left click" (fuel pumps, lights, generator sws and so on), but when it comes to use it as "right click" (turn on the APU, Seat belts ON and all the right selection to the various knobs like Demand Hydraulics...) in order to make it work I need to keep it pressed for like 3sec for each selection, which makes the whole experience pointless. Would you have any idea if it was possible to set the "right click" selection different, so that, let's say, if you tap left of the knob the knob goes left, and if you tap to its right it goes right? Any experience on this?
  9. Average cabin ready in a 777 is around 11/12 mins from pushback. I'm away from the sim at the moment, but have a look if this also happens in the PMDG sim as well. If it does, I would again be impressed with this product
  10. Just to clarify, because I also messed up, Vpira is absolutely correct. The only time roll modes are inhibited below 400' is when you select TOGA above 80kts and below 400 feet. My mistake. G550, I had a look on the official B777 Honywell FMC manual, but couldn't find souch a capability. Where did you find that extract? Always interesting to know
  11. Not really. 777 doesn't load any engine out procedure. You can build it (as a technique) in the fix pages, but it would be there for you as a reference, to be followed by HDG/TRK Sel or manually, but not to be followed by LNAV. Again, as a technique, you might set it on Route 2 and activate it yourself, but I would strongly NOT recommend touching anything untill a safe altitude has been reached. Vpria is correct, and to answer his question you must follow your procedure manually up to 400ft, where a roll mode can be armed ( if you need to turn. If you don't, just engage the AP at 200ft and concentrate on flying the plane). As Vpria said, 777 is not a Cessna, and in case of an engine failure, or ANY failure in ANY phase of flight, not using automation would just be silly airmanship. I let the cowboys do that, but usually the results are disastrous. Managing the failures, especially when you're so closed to the ground, is far more important than proving you're a TopGun manually flying an extremely complex machine. Hand flying means loosing a pilot, who will be concentrated in aviating and navigating, instead of managing what is going on, and what to do next. Some Airlines will train their pilots hand flying (no automation AT ALL on all sorts of normal/non-normal manouvres you can think of) with 2 extra simulators every year. I find this procedure much more effective than flying an SID or climbing to 10000ft (WOW!! 10000!!!) applying max 25deg of bank. Do you relly need that??? Vpria explained precisely how the mode works below 400ft, so I have nothing to add on that.
  12. Hi Adam, what happens to you IS NOT supposed to happen. Speedbrakes. As per the FCOM: "In the ARMED position, the speedbrake lever is driven aft to the UP position when the landing gear is fully on the ground (not tilted) and the thrust levers are at idle..." (check, and make sure your thrust levers are at idle before nose gear touches down) Reversers. As per the FCOM: "The reverse thrust levers can be raised only when the forward thrust levers are in the idle position..." (check, and make sure your thrust levers are at idle before nose gear touches down)
  13. Autopilot is available at 200ft. Roll mode (HDG/TRK/LNAV) are available at 400ft
  14. I'm really really impressed by the extremely relevant issues you guys arise in this forum. Trimming in the 777 is actually not at all as trivial as some may think. The fly by wire system in the 777 introduced some very new concepts to the trimming techniques as well. The concept of "put the aircraft where you want it, then trim out the residual forces" thing, is still valid in the 777 just like in most other planes BUT on this plane the pilot needs to TRIM ONLY FOR SPEED CHANGES Once trimmed for a specific speed, any changes in attitude (level off; climb; turns; descends...) DO NOT REQUIRE any trim adjustments. Trim System in the 777 trims at a constant rate of 10kts per second throughout the flight speed envelope SO, if you need to accelerate from say 250 to 300kts, manually push the controls down to achieve that speed and trim the plane down for 5 seconds. You should now be right in trim. Trim "Blip" function. Once your Trim Reference Speed is within 5kts from your Actual speed, a blip will synch to the Actual speed. If at your first attempt to trim the aircraft for a 300 kts attitude, you managed to trim it at say 296, a "blip" on the trim will synchronize your Trim Reference Speed to the Actual one. This is just a quick recap of another very complex system, but I hope I gave you some kind of useful explanation
  15. I understand we're basically on agreement with everything. Sorry, I missinterpreted the flaps 15 story, I thought you were saying to land with flaps 15 in overweight... I probably wouldn't call "intermediate" any flap position because, as you said, when you need them they're there to be used You'll find yourself using flaps 15 a lot, either for TO and during approach, especially if you flY the 300ER. For TO, is your performance calculation ruling the game, for approach is technique that differs from pilot to pilot. Obviously, if you're flying a steep approach or intercept GS from far and you're heavy, you might wanna use flaps 15 instead of speedbrakes, to maintain speed. But again, you have the option to choose. Speaking about techniques, flaps 25 is a very good setting for landing when you're light (with the 777F it happens more often, obviously), so you might wanna consider that too if you guys want to challenge yourselves with a light, and maybe crosswind, landing. Have fun
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