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Everything posted by TooWings

  1. :rolleyes: and strange why he chose to land in a tree rather than in the flat green fields to his left and straight ahead. Reminds me of the pilot who ran out of fuel over a golf course in Dundee and opted for a tree landing rather than the turf...
  2. Cheers guys. I'm glad you all enjoyed it. Yes agreed. As well as being a life-saving tool for the emegency services etc, these drones are also being used by news agencies and land surveyors etc; and of course Amazon stated a few months' ago about plans to deliver parcels direct to customers' doors using drones ..although personally I think they'd have to reduce the amount and size of their packaging to achieve any sort of lift-off ;0) Am I right in thinking that under those circumstances, instead of the drone getting smaller and smaller as it travelled away from the operator..it would in fact become larger and larger. Now I have a headache as well ;-) Turkey Shoot! The drone that didn't get away..... 'Turkish police shoot down protestor's surveillance drone' http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2013-06/24/turkish-protest-drone-shot-down
  3. I watched this video yesterday and thought I'd share it on the Hangar. It makes for an amazing, entertaining and relaxing xmas lecture on flight dynamics and robotics. (Apologies if you've seen it before). Happy Xmas .
  4. Not sure about tweaks, but no mods here for sure,.just stock GTA5 scenery running on old PS3 or Xbox360 hardware. .and GTA5 also makes for an excellent combat sim >>> (If you get audio glitches watching these vids via Avsim then just click on the video title to watch on youtube)
  5. Good post and interesting comments...but dont forget 2013 is also the year that an incredible flight-simulator was released -namely GTA-5..which has scenery detaill that other sims can only dream of..and bags of flight fun as well... GTA-5 stunt flying GTA-5 heli lifts car (watch the car driver at the end of the clip)
  6. HiFlyer said: > Face it, when you got your toy plane as a kid..did you zoom it over and under obstacles before crashing it into the sofa while yelling "Kaboom!!!!!" < Guilty! ..and still am. :huh: Kaboki said > If you get tired of just freeroaming, there are some cool missions that don't involve killing people though, like the missions you get from one of the "?" on the map..< Ah! ok, thanks. BTW. Sorry that my thread got you sucked back into GTA5. Dont forget to eat, stretch and sleep ^_^
  7. Kaboki said > I do not buy that they made this game so we mainly could enjoy virtual flying, parajumping, play golf etc, that's just a bonus in a game < Sure, its like I said, GTA5 means different things to different people. I personally enjoy only free-roam and dislike following missions -although some look fun I got tired of shootem-ups many years ago. But that's just my preference and I respect your's. Although I use 'cheat' codes to spawn planes and vehicles etc, these are obviously codes that rockstar incorporated into the game for lazy free-roamers like me
  8. Dillon said: > The flying videos look great it's just when I saw a truck deliberately trying to run into a plane on takeoff that I felt that was a little over the top. < Sure, it can look brutal at first. But think of it this way. Imagine for a minute what it would be like if FSX incorporated the realism and crash-damage modelling of GTA5. Now imagine landing your plane in FSX in turbulent/foggy weather conditions and crash-landing with that level of realism; or imagine taking off while trying to dodge a maniac driver on the runway...or trying to dodge an airport vehicle or a small plane trying to land on the same runway in fog. I'm sure most flightsimmers would be trying out all kinds of crash landing scenarios in FSX in that case. Well its the same in GTA5 ..these crazy runway scenarios are simply people experimenting with different jets, planes and vehicles to see how they interact..and to have some fun too I think.
  9. Kaboki said >.. even in freeroam your a criminal .. Yes I know what you mean, hijacking cars etc is pretty low life. But you know, In free-roam you can simply use cheat codes to 'spawn' planes, cars and motorboats etc; ..or even better, you can download '100% save-games' from the Internet which open up the free-roam world even more. > the title itself "Grand Theft Auto" kinda gives a hint what it's all about < Not really. GTA-1 was actually created in my home town of Dundee (scotland) in 1997 and yes, it was purely a top-down police chase game at that time. But since then it has expanded more and more until its now a vehicle simulator, and crash-damage simulator, a train simulator, a parachuting simulator, a boat simulator, a flight-simulator, a shootem-up game, and of course there's the mini-games too. So GTA-5 is whatever you want it to be. It's just a pity that mainstream users -including kids - mostly follow the 'missions' route before branching out into free-roam. On the plus side, GTA5 *is* introducing millions of kids and adults around the world to virtual flying fun.
  10. > (GTA) encourages you to do so because you're forced to play missions to make money to customize cars buying property and stuff and it is somewhat "very dark". < GTA is a free-roam gaming environment which doesn’t force you to play missions etc apart from one intro mission to help you get accustomed to the controls etc. I never play missions but just free roam around enjoying the world. In GTA5 free roam you hardly see any violence unless you yourself instigate violence. I think in the real world its called karma
  11. .> but to say this is the most fun you've had in a flightsim says allot about the gamer in you versus the simmer. < As I said earlier, I've been flightsimming for over ten years..and I've pretty much done it all. (In fact my FSim career started on the ZX-Spectrum in 1981;) Over the past few years I've gradually lost interest in the rather stale FSX / X-Plane environment and am more attracted to the 'living' environment of games/sims like GTA5. Again, as I said before, I'm not into the shootem-up side of things or the violence, simply the 'living world', the flight physics, the amazing dynamic scenery, and of course the fun. (and quite a few Avsim members echoed my sentiments about GTA5 flightsim fun). True there are no virtual cockpits in the aircraft, but as I said, if the game comes out on PC then these can be modded. Meanwhile there ARE some stunning 'views' apart from just spot view. And dont forget, GTA is evolving fast..so who knows what the future holds. The trucks and cars crashing into the passenger jets were, for me, simply a demonstration of the awesome physics and damage engine in GTA5. I didnt see it as a tuition video for would-be terrorists -my mind doesn’t think that way. But anyway, whether its FSX or GTA5 we're into, at the end of the day its all just pixels on a screen; it's not 'real' y'know! So methinks we need to lighten up here and take a chill pill Enjoy whatever you fly ..'virtually' of course.. .
  12. > .. even to just get in a taxi cab and watch the scenery rolling past the window < Hi Otter, Perhaps to hop on a plane as a passenger would also be good. Although on second thoughts, being GTA5, perhaps that's not such a good idea ;-) ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K05XTbwQMeA
  13. A couple of years ago I bought Condor Gliding sim for a few quid from Amazone and I was impressed by how realistic the physics felt in this sim. Granted the stock scenery is a bit naff..but with some add-on freeware scenery it looks much better. Online gliding / addon alps scenery Any virtual gliding fans out there? What do you fly?
  14. > Why are flight simmers so rude to each other? < Flight simmers arent 'rude to each other'. How dare you say that flight-simmers are 'rude to each other'. They may be rude to their families' and workmates' etc. ...but 'rude to each other'? Nope. No way. Never! ^_^ (wink)
  15. And of course there's always Lunar Flight.. http://www.shovsoft.com/lunarflight/?page_id=216 Took me ages to get the hang of piloting the lunar module until I switched to practice mode..which gives unlimited fuel and allows you to explore without time restrictions. Good fun and a very atmospheric simulator (pardon the pun)
  16. > Release next Friday < Looks great. Personally though I never got int the X-Series or Eve. Dark Star One held my interest for a week or so. I was more of an Orbiter fan and I loved tinkering with textures and models and making offbeat space/flight videos. Some of the 'old-timer' members on this forum may remember me by my former name, Tinfish (Films). More recently I got into indi sims such as the lovely SpaceEngine.. http://en.spaceengine.org/ Space Engine - 'Sunshine' video
  17. BTW. I guess this is probably the most dramatic entry into a virtual aircraft that we've ever likely to see ----> (Dont forget to watch the very last blooper clip) All in good fun. Enjoy whatever you fly.
  18. Thanks for your comments. I agree with them all. So what most of us really want is a proper and 'sober' flightsim like FSX but with much better graphics and scenery, and with a living world underneath our wings that we can interact with, as per GTA5. Another thing I like about GTA5 is the 'flight-school' section -which is obviously introducing teenagers to virtual flying (makes a change from virtual shooting;) I enjoyed this video of GTA which shows off the stunning scenery...surely the best we've ever seen in-flight. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP_DCg2yj5M
  19. Hi guys. This is my first post. Just wanted to share an experience I had recently doing some virtual flying. I've been into flightsims for over 10 years with MSFS as my main focus and the occasional foray into X-Plane..and more recently I've enjoyed the superb graphics in Aerofly FS..but soon got tired of its sterile atmosphere as there were no Ai traffic or cars -just me an the plane. Most fun sim Anyway, the most fun I've ever had flying virtually happened a few weeks ago when I tried out Grand-Theft-Auto-Five on PS3. I'm no shootem-up fan, I only dabble in the GTA series for the realworld virtual environments and of course the flying and parachuting etc. So there I was, sat in my virtual stunt plane in GTA-5 on a dirt runway. As I accelerated down the runway the plane bumped around realistically and I took off. 100 feet or so in the air the engine was roaring and I had a big smile on my face. Suddenly a bird struck the plane with a surprisingly loud and realistic thud. I climbed higher and was eventually skimming over very realistic mountain scenery..and under bridges..and over the most realistic water I’ve ever seen in any game/sim. As I came in low to land on a strip of beach the sun was going down and busy traffic zoomed on the freeway below in a virtual world that was alive with machines and people and animals and fish etc. I got a real buzz from GTA5 with its fun and fairly realistic flightsim (with realistic touchdowns, heat haze from jets, rotor- wash from copters). But I also liked knowing that I could land a plane or copter and hop into a realistic car or truck or boat and interact with the virtual real-world that is GTA5. Granted GTA5 as a flightsim can be quite 'arcade' in places: for example, when I landed on the beach the plane stopped much shorter than in real-life; ...and there's a silly glitch that allows you to land planes on sky-scraper’s heli-pad if you time it right (could be fun though;). Plus there are no actual cockpits in aircraft (just spot view and some nice prop views and flybys etc). But overall flying in GTA5 is for me the most fun I've ever had in a sim ...not to mention the in-built music..and the potential to have your wing blown off by trigger happy police marksmen in a police copter And hopefully, if GTA5 is released on PC, there will be lots of aircraft mods and tweaks that could make it even more breathtaking and fun. Whats your most fun flightsim experience? Thanks for reading. ---------- GTA5 video links Grand Theft Auto 5 - low flying GTA5 Jumbo Jet vs Train (quite funny and cool scenery) ---
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