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  1. If you like and can program... Check out my LUA code acripts that contain years of work automating FSX flights from take off to landing. Heare is OneDrive link: FSX X Automation
  2. ok makes sense why littlenavmap displaying both with option to only use navigraph As when I fly with others using ATC (new to this) it helps to see other planes are on same taxiway as I except with the offset.
  3. It is like for this airport the taxiways are offset across the board by the same offset
  4. I see these lines when I am not even seeing any other players even when I disconnect from FSX , I am thinking they are from navigraph cause when I click on use navigraph for ALL features the FSX stock taxis dissappear and the small ones only appear. I take it there is no way to get navigraph into FSX steam X
  5. In EGPH seems to be (2) taxiways in certain places ??????????? So, why does another player going along a smaller grey marked taxiway "A" for EGPH , whereas when I travel along same taxiway "A" in FSX mine follows the larger marked one? I check out KATL on littlenavmap and I do not see those smaller gray" taxiways, only the larger ones Any clues, are they using diff scenery and Littlenavmap is showing BOTH on the mapdisplay?
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