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Everything posted by romangeber

  1. Glad that this helped you. Good to see that the official aerosoft list isn't static anymore. Looking forward to see the EDDF update :) cu Roman
  2. Installed and tested two more: UK2000 EGLL - OK UK2000 EGNM - OK Make sure you delete some BGL files after the installation is done. Instructions: http://www.uk2000scenery.org/forum/index.php?topic=8846.0 Will test Drzewiecki Design sceneries soon. However, new installers should be out soon. cu Roman
  3. It may only be a compat update, but it looks better in v4. May be due to the increase in graphic settings but these refelections are much closer to the 747's level now. Love it. No problems with the installation or first tests. Works like a charm. Very impressed by PMDG's ability to deliver upgrades so quickly. I didn't expect to fly v4 "full time" for at least one or two month. Now, only two weeks later v3 is a distant memory thanks to these updated planes. cu Roman
  4. Doh, it stared me in the face every time I was looking through the menus to find it. Anyone looking for the option, go to the Airframes Equipment Menu and set 'MINIMUMS & BARO KNOBS' to 'ROTARY'. Found the intro manual page as well by searching "rotary" rather than "wheel" or "mouse". The quote from above is what I found first and that's pretty discouraging to look any further. Personally I'm happy that this can be edited in bulk using the ini files. Please keep these files like that and don't go all binary or something. Makes enabling features across the whole "fleet" just so much easier. Thanks for your help! Interesting side note for 777 owners: The 777 has the same setting, but it's global. It's located under 'OPTIONS -> SIMULATION' on page 3/7. cu Roman
  5. Quick update. I found it. But not in the manual. The manual states: This is clearly saying: no, not gonna work. I did remember however that it worked on one of the British airways planes (G-BNLX). Checked the file for differences and found the paramter. To turn it mouse wheel control on, find the parameter RotaryMinsBaro in the airframes .ini file (located in <P3D/FSX-root>\PMDG\PMDG 747 QOTS II\Aircraft) Set it from 0 to 1 and the problem goes away. Of course that doesn't explain the CDT, but at least it should not be triggered by the same thing again :) EDIT: One can use the Notepad++ function "Find in Files" to apply the fix to all files in the directory at once. cu Roman
  6. My bad. Read it once when I got the plane but not again. Will do so now :) Thanks! cu Roman
  7. Hi I just crashed the 747 while approaching LGAV (flytampa) in P3Dv4. The crash occured during final approach when I set the MDH. I held down the right mouse button and dragged the cursor to the right. Sadly no error log was created. P3D just ended. No log in the log viewer either. I assume that it has something to do with a micro stutter introduced during the airport scenery load that close (~6nm) to the airport. The stutter is normal but this time I held the mouse down and changed values while it happened. Note: I HATE the way the MDH/MDA and Baro knobs are to be used. It takes forever to set these values and is pretty inaccurate. Please oh please add mouse wheel support for these (optional would be fine). cu Roman
  8. Big thank you once again. Flown the 747 to bits last week and it performed rock solid. Looking forward to put the 777 through it's paces :) cu Roman
  9. @kurtb What errors do you get? Did you manually select the path to your P3Dv4 root directory? cu Roman
  10. The installers allow manual path selection. Install them to your P3Dv4 dir, add them manually using the P3D scenery settings, an external editor (my preferred method) or add it manually to the config file. FlyTampa sceneries are compatible but need to be installed like this too. Once installed, apply the patches and all is well. The only ones detecting P3Dv4 so far where FSDT and FlightBeam sceneries. Others should soon follow. cu Roman
  11. Oh I so did :D v3 is history on my system. I just thought I'd "close" this topic with a clear recommentation to get v4. cu Roman
  12. Hi This is a list of sceneries I installed. Thought I'd let you know which ones work for me and which ones don't. I excluded obvious ones that either work (FSDT, FlyTampa, FlightBeam, FTX, etc.) or don't work (UK2000, DD, etc.). Aerosoft LIRF - OK Aerosoft EFHK - OK Taxi2Gate EDDM - OK Taxi2Gate OTHH - OK Taxi2Gate LFPG - OK Aerosoft EDDF - NG - Missing textures Aerosoft LSZH - NG - Missing runways, texutres, etc Aerosoft ENGM - OK Aerosoft LFBO - OK JustSim LFMN - OK WingCreations RJAA - OK Aerosoft LKPR - NG - missing runway markers Aerosoft LPPT - NG - missing textures (but mostly usable) Hope this helps somebody. cu Roman
  13. @Dreamflight767 This is where I found out about the leak: After deactivating FSGlobal 2010 I had way less OOMs with v3. Of course, now the whole topic is obsolete. Anyone running a higher end system will greatly benefit from the 64 bit address space. It's like day and night. V3 was very good but now P3D can really unleash it's potential. For me the upgrade was totally worth it. cu Roman
  14. Positive feedback here. The installation went through without issues. Nice job on caching the liveries already downloaded through the PMDG Center. Saved a ton of time. The plane works just fine for me. Tested with very high settings, FTX global, FlyTampa EHAM, 4K textures, etc. No problems with the 747. Looking forward to my first regular flight soon. Again, thank you so much. It's incredible how well prepared (no pun intended) PMDG and other high end developers have been for this transition.The 64 bit apocalypse sure didn't happen and we're already flying a PMDG jet in this new work of endless memory. cu Roman
  15. Have you checked "Previous orders"? There's a support ticket system on the PMDG website. That's more ideal for this kind of issue. cu Roman
  16. Big thanks to the entire PMDG team for all the hard work and the long hours that must have gone into this release. Great job. cu Roman
  17. Thanks for sharing your insights. Pretty much confirms all the things I read about their walled garden approach. I had little interest in FSW but wishlisted it anyway. After reading this, the last of my interest vanished. It's not much of a message but removing the item from my Steam wishlist (waiting for a sale) is about the only voice I have against their "business model". I'd encourage anyone annoyed by their approach to do the same. cu Roman
  18. Anyone having sources for this? My searches came up empty. I think our best bet is the Global 6000 for X-Plane. The developer is very experienced and the thread isn't dead either. cu Roman
  19. Did a bit of flying with 1.5.1. It's reliable, yes. Had some issues with X-Plane crashing. Not 100% it was the planes fault. However the problems didn't occur with the 767 or A350 during long flights. Also tried the XP11 version without problems. cu Roman
  20. That'll come back and bite them the day I'm a billionaire shopping for a new jet ;) But really, can they stop a developer from releasing a simulation of their jets? To answer your question. The 7X is available as freeware. Works but isn't too fancy by today's standards. After, the 7X developer, announced a payware version a long time ago. Not sure what's gonna happen on that end. Another one in development is the Global 6000. The developer already gave us the Challenger 300 so I actually believe in a release ;) Another alternative is the A319 biz jet. The Peter Hager models are avialble as airliers and long range executive versions. Sadly the A/P fails after 10 hours (v7.3.1) ... cu Roman
  21. Problem still exists. I just finished a livery and wondered why the ini is "forgotten" along the way. Followed the manual to the letter but no success. Liveries installed via ptp don't have their .ini file copied to the other ini files. It has to be done manually in order to work. Please, PMDG, that can't be hard to fix. cu Roman
  22. I'd think so too. Had a pretty hungry system once that did lead to quite a nasty surprise there. Since then I'm much more careful with that. It's quite nice to see how much better these high performance chips have become in saving energy. cu Roman
  23. It took me about two weeks of tinkering and constant testing to find a sweet spot that does increase the overall experience compared to the previous rig. Still the system is bored by the tasks P3D throws at it. My general advice would be: 1K textures are it, no more No custom mesh (there seems to be a bug related to VAS when using FSGlobal) One can get away with scenery set to Very dense, but I leave Autogen and vegitation at Dense. Drzewiecki Design makes phenomenal city sceneries but they overpower the VAS for me. Result Black buildings. It's either FSDT KJFK or DD New York City X for example. LOD must never be touched. Leave it where it is. Set profiles and test them. If they blow, reduce some setting, try again. Eventually you'll find the sweetspot. Use the flyProject Pilot tools to measure VAS: http://pawkbun.co.uk/ - The Windows Task Manager and even the process explorer won't tell you the full truth Don't give up. I really hope that this list will be completely unnecessary sooner rather than later due to v4 going 64 bit. Until then I hope you guys can take something away to make your P3D better :) cu Roman
  24. Hi Built the system and am surprised at it's power consumption. With P3D running I measure around 200W - 250W of power usage. Quite a lot less than expected. The CPU runs at 4.8 GHz. X-Plane (10 and 11) uses ~100W more which may be due to the increased usage of the GPU. The calculator suggested above helped to find the right power supply. So instead of overspending on 800W or more I bought a 650W unit with a gold efficiency rating. 550W would have done the trick but the 650 version didn't cost significantly more. All in all I feared much worse outcomes of 600W and more being consumed when the sim runs. Turns out the increase is way lower and I shouldn't end up with a heart attack over the electricity bill :) cu Roman
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