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About KrisJ

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  1. That wont help. Its GSX which must stay with Ctrl+Shift+F12 as other addons refer to this assignement when calling GSX - FSLabs for example. Thats why its DC10 panel congigs assignement which I need to change.
  2. I need to change Ctrl+Shift+F12 assignment to something different as it interrupts with GSX when I fly FSLabs Airbus. Airbus is trying to call GSX using Ctrl+Shift+F12 assignment and instead it calls DC-10 panel configs... Any advice how can I change it to for example Ctrl+F12 assignment?
  3. Assuming there is no bug in the software the only thing that come to my mind is too low speed and/or too high AoA getting close to stick shaker speed. Make sure you always have enough speed above minimum to ensure safe climb. After TO it is V2+10 at around 10 degree nose up and then you accellerate to 250kts or slats retraction manouvering whichever is higher. If you give me your TOW I can provide you proper flaps/ slats retraction schedule so you can verify it. If it happens in sppeds much above minimum maybe its an autopilot issue? Does it happen with AP in lateral navigation mode (HDG or LNAV/ GPS)?
  4. Yes, as well as pitch on initial climb. I will also give you some additional aircraft.cgf data that makes SGA FDE working properly with CLS DC-10 HD. The most important improvement from "SGA mod" for me is a proper performance on takeoff, initial climb and approach. I can simulate any take off, whether it is takeoff power (limited) in MTOW or reduced (nominal) for lighter weights, so it gives me accelleration, rotation and pitch as per RW charts, as well as final decent profile and flare on landing. [Flaps.0] type= 1 span-outboard= 0.800 extending-time= 20.000 damaging-speed= 280 blowout-speed= 300 lift_scalar= 0.1 drag_scalar= 0.6 pitch_scalar= 0.3000 system_type= 1 flaps-position.0= 0.000 flaps-position.1= 0.000 flaps-position.2=15.000 flaps-position.3=22.000 flaps-position.4=35.000 flaps-position.5=50.000 [Flaps.1] type= 2 span-outboard= 0.80 extending-time= 10.000 damaging-speed= 280 blowout-speed= 300 lift_scalar= 0.100 drag_scalar= 0.5 pitch_scalar= 0.20 system_type= 1 flaps-position.0= 0.000 flaps-position.1=15.000 flaps-position.2=15.000 flaps-position.3=15.000 flaps-position.4=35.000 flaps-position.5=35.000 [Flaps.2] type= 2 span-outboard= 0.18 extending-time= 10.000 damaging-speed= 280 blowout-speed= 300 lift_scalar= 0.100 drag_scalar= 0.4 pitch_scalar= 0.10 system_type= 1 flaps-position.0= 0.000 flaps-position.1=15.000 flaps-position.2=15.000 flaps-position.3=15.000 flaps-position.4=25.4 flaps-position.5=25.4 [GeneralEngineData] engine_type= 1 Engine.0= 13.000,-26.833, -8.700 Engine.1= -86.083, 0.000, 19.000 Engine.2= 13.000, 26.833, -8.700 min_throttle_limit=-0.299927 fuel_flow_scalar=0.77 [TurbineEngineData] bypass_ratio= 4.24 //fuel_flow_gain= 0.0019 fuel_flow_gain= 0.0019 inlet_area= 60.13 rated_N2_rpm= 10761 static_thrust= 46300 afterburner_available= 0 reverser_available= 1 Yes, I have. The question is how detailed answer you need. The calculation of proper V/S is a process and it as a function of TAT, PA (pressure altitude) and weight. You need PA and TAT to always be in N1 regime for maximum climb thrust. And you need your acctual weight and temp deviation to caluclate your V/S. Both calculations I make for each 5000 ft segment of climb. This is quite hard and you should calculate (predict) as much as you can before flight as you will be busy making these continual calculations during your climb. Your V sppeds and flaps/slats retraction shcedule you need to take from RW chart, which is available in the web. Next, the speed schedule is: 250 kias or minimum maneuvering (whichever is higher) to 10k and then 330 kias to 27,402 ft and then 0,82 mach. And remember about your max climb N1. As discussed earlier, in heavy weights at high alt (2-3k before optimum alt) you will need to set your V/S to 300 ft/min to keep 330/.82 plan. Now to make things simply: at MTOW or above ~540k LBS you will more or less climb as follows: 2500 ft/min at maneuvering speed till 10k, then accelerate to 330 kias. 2500-2000 to 15k 2000-1500 to 20k 1500-1000 to 25k 1000-500 to 27k 500-300 anything above. If you however need more detailed data, PM me and I will send you some.
  5. Indeed there is something wrong with the moddeling that START A or B doesnt work on ground but it works in CONT A or B. There is a "cheat" for this bug. Turn the selector left or right clicking until one position after CONT (like there was one but there is obviously not). Then return it to OFF and when you start your BEFORE START CHECKS put it back to START A or B. Enginees will fire up when you turn fuel ON at 20%. In my starting sequence (checklist) few posts above i forgot one important thing in step 2: you need to turn all aft fuel pumps to ON. In DC-10 it is 3-2-1. In L1011 it is 2-1-3. The other reason to delay no 2 was the jest blast. The engine is far back and it could damege vehicles on the appron. Moreover, in TOW below 500k two engines taxi gives you good power to speed "ratio". Basically 10% GW will give you approx 20kts taxi speed.
  6. Please let me know if you can download from here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v2ApE1IdUktqn664pOT7yBzXZiD9arvR/view?usp=sharing I am happy for the file to be included in the Manual.
  7. JF Dc-10 will probably let you do it by putting Ignition to Start, pulling the Starters and turning on fuel levers. But here is the proper way (very, very simplified proper way...) : 1. Batt ON, APU Fuel Pump or Central Tank Left Aft Pump ON, APU START; 2. Left Hyd Pumps OFF, Right Hyd Pumps AUTO, Pneumatic Supply switches OFF, Packs OFF, APU/ ISOL Valve OPEN; 3. Beacon ON, Ignition START A or B, Eng sequence 3-1-2, pull starter, Fuel ON at maximum motoring. If you are below 500K TOW you can delay Eng 2 start until 3 min to Take Off.
  8. Colleagues, I cant express how thankfull I am for the effort you put into making JF DC-10 HD working in x64 sim properly and in generall upgrading this addon. I just applied all the changes from the Manual you made and finally i have click sounds working. Thank you. I also replaced HSI with proposed ND. On Saturday I will make a test flight although I mainly fly with dual CIVA INS setup. Now, with regards to the JF Dc-10 HD performance with SGA flight model. It is extremly accurate with just replacing the .air file although you also need to update flaps entries in .cgf file. Later on I will provide proper entries. The climb performance in last phase of climb in a heavy weight is indeed very slow. And this is correct. This is how -30 handle that in real life. Above 28k FL you should not climb more than 300 f/m if you dont want to push your throttles above N1 limits of your engines. This is why finding Optimum Alt for initial FL and then steep climbing was standard operating procedure in long-range flight. You wait untill you are 2000 below Optimum Alt and then climb 2000 above it. I fly JF Dc-10-30/ SGA by the numbers (by the RW performance charts) and all data is within small marging of RW data. The only discrpepancy I have is power settings in cruise flight for Mach .82 (which is standard mach speed for Dc-10). Its bit too high but I dont know how to fix it without breaking performance in other place. I guess I need to live with it. Some additional "mods" you might be interesting in: FSLSpotlight profile for Dc-10 (works with each variant). It is based on thorough review of multiple night shots of Ten's cockpit as well as in-flight movies. You can use 3 front panel lighting effects: orange, blue, mix of these two. It coveres almost all the lighting scenarios you can find on the web. https://photos.app.goo.gl/2NZZPQZrXFpjvJFG6 Last but not least, if anyone have qestions with regards to operating Dc-10-30 from block to block I am happy to share my experiance. Regards, KrisJ
  9. Cool! That will be first day purchase!
  10. Great awswer Martin. Comprehensive and exceeding my expctations. Thank you. One more thing Martin, All: is the Asus Maximus VIII Hero Alpha best choice in this price zone? From funcionalities and OC capabilities perspective? Thanks! Kris
  11. Hi, Anyone can suggest best paste/glue for CPU connection? New build will be i7 6700k with ASUS ROG Hero Alpha and Noctua NH-D15s. System will be overclocked in some future. Thanks in advance! Kris
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