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Everything posted by KrisJ

  1. Thanks All for consultations!
  2. Great awswer Martin. Comprehensive and exceeding my expctations. Thank you. One more thing Martin, All: is the Asus Maximus VIII Hero Alpha best choice in this price zone? From funcionalities and OC capabilities perspective? Thanks! Kris
  3. Hi, Anyone can suggest best paste/glue for CPU connection? New build will be i7 6700k with ASUS ROG Hero Alpha and Noctua NH-D15s. System will be overclocked in some future. Thanks in advance! Kris
  4. Well, i moved to P3D back In April. Since then i have never (NEVER) turned FSX on. Even though at the beggening i didint have to much addons working for P3D (but i had my AS Airbus X working on new platform). My FSX Acceleration + Steve's DX10 Fixer had been extremly stable (like full year with no single CTD). But I made a move as some key developers make separate licensing so i decided that it make more sense investing in the addons for a platform "with future". The visual experiance is incredible even without various graphics enhancers. Moreover, with v3.3.5 i have better performance than with FSX...! Or i can have same performance with more detailed graphics and/ or higher quality settings. The clouds in mountains look as real as it gets... I use my ASN which i used with FSX. Kris
  5. And?
  6. Yes. On P3D v3.2. Havent flown it yet on v3.3.5. Anyway i think installing all 3 legacy simconnect versions is not a problem, isnt it?
  7. Do you have KB2670838 installed? If not, try it.
  8. Thanks Novation. I thought its kind of global enhancement. Best regards, Kris
  9. Novation, what acctually is RevX? Kris
  10. 361.43 Do you use nVidia inspector?
  11. Try different drivers, also some older ones but not older that P3D. Each time you change drivers do a "clean install" - you will find guides in the Internet. Does it happen only with PT Tu154?
  12. No problem. If you describe the problem with resizing crash maybe i will be able to help. What is the error message? What if you switch to full screen? Kris
  13. I have it fully working In P3D v3. I am using FSX version 1.3 plus 1.3.1 patch. Obviously we are talking about Tu154b2, not the M version as PT has never built Tu154M for FSX. I am using oryginal installers only. No migration tools needed. Make sure your default saved flight is some simple GA aircraft parked with all systems off and view is set on 2D (PT Tu154b2 must load into 2D view to properly initialize systems). Let me know if it works. Kris
  14. Thanks for prompt response Vic!
  15. Hi, Question. If i have Windows on C drive and P3D v3 on other drive and I make Windows reinstall after formatting C drive will i need to: 1. Completly reinstall P3D and all addons? 2. Reinstall just P3D and addons will work? 3. Do nothing and P3D and addons will work as it sould? So its a question about Windows registy impact of P3D v3 installation and of addons for it. An advise will be appreciated! Regards, Kris
  16. I installed final release version and replaced dxgi only (from 0.18 - just checked it) and it works (effects are applied). So its true.
  17. I think it is early 0.19 beta that works for me. But every system is different. Try the last pre-final beta. If it crashes try the previous one and so on untill you get the one that works for you. Its just a matter of changing dxgi dll, you dont need to replace whole package each time.
  18. Kyle, one of the pre-release beta versions of Reshade/ SFX 2.0 works. The only issue i have is that it minimise FSX to desktop each time IT refreshes the effects. It happens more or less once per hour of flight. This is not CTD and i am able to maximise the FSX bacik to full screen easily.
  19. Ok, thanks anyway!
  20. Got it. Is there any thread you can point me to where a discussion is held and maybe a solution described?
  21. Steve, i think SweetFX 2.0 doesnt have injector dll file. It puts some .fx files and dxgi.dll into FSX main directory and SweetFX folder. Unless i am unaware of somerhing?
  22. Hi, i am looking for help. I posted it also on SweetFX forum but maybe you Steve already know the problem and resolution? Basicaly the question is: is will SweetFX work with Fixer (v11)? So far i have been using succesfully SFX 1.5 + FlightFX. No issues and great visual experience. Now i decided to move to SFX 2.0 and i cannot start FSX up. It crashes few seconds after launching fsx.exe. My system: W7 64bit, GeForce GTX970, FSX Acceleration, DX10 mode, Steve's DX10 Fixer, nVidia inspector. Any advise how to fix it would be highly appreciated. Kind regards, Kris
  23. Hi, i am looking for help. So far i have been using succesfully SFX 1.5 + FlightFX. No issues and great visual experience. Now i decided to move to SFX 2.0 and i cannot start FSX up. It crashes few seconds after launching fsx.exe. I tried both d9 dll and dxgi one. I deleted App data/Roaming/Microsoft/FSX folder and recreated it. I run fsx.exe in admin mode. Nothing helps. My system: W7 64bit, GTX970, FSX Acceleration, DX10 mode, Steve's DX10 Fixer, nVidia inspector. Any advise how to fix it would be highly appreciated. Kind regards, Kris
  24. Hi, since switching to DX10 my WOAI aircraft are sometimes invisible. I can only see their lights (nav, beacon, strobe, landing). This happenes randomly. But when happenes they do not appear theough entire game sesssion. It makes me thinking about switching to some commercial traffic addons as i wont come back to DX9 anymore since i have Steve's fixer. However any help will be appreciated. Rgdrs, K
  25. Thanks mjr. What you say probably refers to my Tu134 problem. As in case of Il18 i can see from various screenshots in the web that glass transparency issue can be solved. And I guess that is a matter of proper texture file conversion. The question is which ones? Or maybe the solution is different?
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