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Everything posted by connan

  1. Hi there, bought the premium DVD edition and thought it would just help with install time compared to download time. But now it keeps asking for the DVD 1 each time I start MSFS. That's really annoying since I just wired a dvd drive for installing. Anything I can do about this? BR
  2. Wasn't SGSS (Sparse Grid Super Sampling) + transparency AA the holy grail? Long time no hear about that one.
  3. Could you please tell where they are located in P3D?
  4. Yes, I'm aware but I wouldn't mind making the lowest mipmap from the back texture just a red dot (cars are box mapped). I would even guess that there aren't mipmaps at all, but that would be an easy fix :)
  5. AFAIR its just for road lights and not road traffic itself
  6. Hi there, is there a possibility to fix road traffic back lights? Viewing road traffic from a close up position all cars have red back lights, but these turn white at a distance not to far off. So I was wondering if that's just a mip map issue which could easily be fixed. From digging through textures it seems that cars indeed share some sort of light texture but I couldn't find it. So any hints on that? I think it would add quite a bit of immersion having these red lights at distance also. Best regards connan
  7. Some time ago i tended to calculate the correct FOV value from my monitor distance and width but i can't remeber the correlation between FSX/P3D zoom value in % and FOV in °. btw: is there a way to write out eye-point coordinates for later use in aircraft.cfg?
  8. At least your site seems under heavy load ;D You made me curious indeed.
  9. Huh, increase autogen radius!? Would you mind elaborating on that one?
  10. 1) yes, its fixed. The bad news is that they canceled true full screen mode. So except for the very experimental oculus plugin no 3d so far.
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