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  1. Hi All, I hope I've posted this in the correct forum, apologies if I haven't. I have two Aircraft that came complete with GPS 530 included, the Aerosoft Twin Otter Extended and the Caranado Beech King Air B200, and one aircraft that hasn't, the RealAir Duke B60 which has the GPS 500. Is there any way I can port the GPS 530 across from the two that have it to the one that doesn't? Perhaps an alteration to the Panel .cfg file? As you probably realise I'm not great shakes at all this computer stuff, so be gentle please. I'm running FSX with Acceleration on Windows 7. Any ideas guys? mog
  2. Ok I've fixed it!!! I came across a thread on the Maddog forum where somebody else had a similar problem, their fix was the download of another paint(texture) job, a more up to date version. I gave this some deep and meaningful thought, as you do, and after this period of great cogitation I ran Maddog with in the MDG texture, and it all worked! thus it was obvious that the fault lay in the Airtours texture file, (downloaded from Avsim Library, and may I say a really lovely bit of artwork!!) the Texture add-on only alters two things, 1, the aircraft.cfg file, and 2, is the addition of the new texture folder to the Maddog file. Long story short, on checking the two texture files I discovered that the MDG file had an additional folder in it, LeoMD82_screen_LM, I copied this file to the Airtours Texture file and Voila!!! all is working !!! My thanks to Stans for his input. mog
  3. Well that did the trick! Grey and Rainy all approved, UK summer flying at it's best. My thanks to all contributors mog
  4. Ok gentlemen, thanks for the info and the prompt response. mog
  5. Hi All, I've found an anomaly, HOORAY I hear you cry, when I set the weather to grey and rainy in FSX the airport gets closed! every time I've tried to get permission to taxi/take off ATC advise me that the "airfield is closed" I could understand it if I were flying a puddle jumper but this is in a DC9 or a MD80, hardly likely to be affected by a bit of wet weather! Any ideas people, at the moment I cheat and change the weather to fine, get clearance and then change it back before take off! this is ok until I ask for clearance to land when on occasion (not every time oddly) I am again advised that I can't land because "the airfield is closed to all traffic except IFR" whaaaaat??? mog
  6. Hi again, Sorry for the delayed response, I still haven't found the file, the MD80 is Leonardo Houses Maddog and was installed into FSX from a direct download, it's designed for FS2004 and FSX so shouldn't pose any problems. Although I have posted on Maddogs site there has been no response, this isn't unusual unfortunately it's the norm as you will see if you visit their forum! mog
  7. Hi Stans, thanks for the response, in fact the aircraft type is Leonardo's Maddog MD80 hence the reference to their site, I have FS2004 on the same computer and it all works as advertised there, so the coding must be ok (?) since it was all downloaded from the same source. The "landing light illuminates ground" is checked in FSX settings so maybe it is the missing "halo.bmp" file you speak of. As I said in my thread the puzzling thing is the illumination for all these instruments dims with the dimming of the outside light! almost as if they were connected. (Most new real life EFIS instruments have a light sensor on the bezel which increase the lighting level as the ambient light decreases, this is doing the opposite!) Can you tell me the path to the main textures folder, is it a .cfg file? I think I may be looking at a complete uninstall and reinstall of this app. maybe of FSX! which would be a real douler de derriere! mog
  8. Hi All, Right, I know that this isn't Maddog's site but if any of you out there have Maddog you will know how little response you get from their forum, and the brains on this site are far greater than mine!! The first problem... when the taxi light and/or the landing lights are switched on they don't display on the ground, taxiing in the dark is difficult to say the least!! (I have it selected in the options of the FSX menu). The second problem is a little more complex.... If I elect to take off at dusk the following instruments lighting gradually dims, to the point when they are no longer readable, almost as if the lights are connected to the declining daylight! the PFD, ND, FGCP, FMA, OAP and the EDP are all affected to the point where I have to put on the cockpit flood light to see the readings! Other instruments like the altimeter ASI, VSI are unaffected. This problem is in VC only, if I select the 2D drop down screens they are lit up like a brocks benefit! Anybody got any ideas?? please??? mog
  9. Ok, a fix has been found, I found an app on this site for borderless windowed mode for FSX, since my problem is in FS2004 this was not appropriate, so after a search I found an app called Codeusa/Borderless-Gaming (github.com), I installed it and voila! no flickering, there is a little "tearing" or "shearing" but I can live with that, who knows I may find a fix for that eventually! Obviously when in windowed mode there is a slight hit on FPS but it is slight and since I only use 2D for set up I can switch to fullscreen and all is well again. mog
  10. Hi Graeme, Thanks for getting back to me, an article in Avsim forum credited you with the fix but no matter, the fix i.e.. the zip file on the Maddog forum allegedly doesn't work on Win7 x64 which I am using, and indeed I have tried it and it didn't work! The forum article I refer to is here in this forum under thread # 368735. I have found a way around the problem however (not a fix) I run in VC mode and call down the 2D screen using shift+number and they come up flicker free, which will have do, in fairness I tend to set the A/C up in 2D and only use VC for the flying bit! Thanks for your trouble anyway Graeme, I don't know whether I will use the fix alluded to in the thread since it affect all DDI items and I'm no computer expert. Regards mog
  11. Ok All, the fix, or part of it anyway, I reset UAC to the default setting, and enter FS2004 by selecting 2run as administrator", the lack of VC was caused by the lack of vc files in the added Airtours texture (DOH!) so I copied all the vc textures from the Macdonald D. texture to the Airtours texture and voila! a working vc Thanks for your help with this Peter mog
  12. Hi Everyone, Sorry to have to resurrect this thread but I am suffering this problem, if the original solvers of the fault are still around perhaps they could tell me how the registry change is effected, in words an idiot can understand please cos I are one! mog
  13. Ok firstly I apologise for raising what is in effect a manufacturers problem, but it was reported on the Manufacturers site forum that a fix had been found by GraemeB on this site for this problem. The problem is all the switches and gauges flicker in 2D on Leonados' Maddog, no problem in VC and no problem in windowed mode (which I hate operating in!), the fix was apparently a registry alteration, I've done the one recommended on their site, and also redone it IAW instructions from Davide who is on of their support gurus all to no avail. Is GraemeB still around and would he walk me through the fix he reportedly has? or anybody for that matter who has the fix for this? many thanks mog
  14. Hello again Peter, Thanks for the info. if I turn UAC back on I lose the Airtours texture, it only works with it off. All the other vc aircraft work ok, this is the only one that doesn't seem to load fully. mog
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