I've done it again, everything from ground ZERO. No luck. Texture are not that bad, but this there is a lack of sharpness, and as I've told before, If I pause the game, a few seconds after the textures become sharp.
Another example:
This happens all over the world, and "I'm tired" of making changes to fsx.cfg. I've read so many Tweaks and stuff, but none seems to work. In this case, if I put the game on Pause, the textures will eventually load after some time....
I've chosen the Jet randomly. It happens with all planes. I usually fly Airbus X and I can't get that sharpened textures I see a lot of guys have. If my rig was poor or low-performance, I would accept that, but with the rig I have, I cannot at all understand why that happens....
Cheers guys. It happens that I have the most common problem a lot of folks who play FSX have. BLURRIES, scenery and terrain not loading etc etc... I see so many videos on youtube of guys that have a pc rig identic as mine and run the game with no such problems. For example this one:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03vcqAOxdz8
In this video and others we can see that there is no scenery problems. I even have a better pc rig than this guy and I can't get this results! We can see how defined and HDish the scenery is. Believe my I've read many TWEAK GUIDES all over the internet, I've made a lot of changes but never could achieve that results as my FPS are also quite unstable. It's quite frustrating since I even upgraded my pc lately.
My rig now is: -Win 7 x64 Ultimate
-i7 4790k @4.3Ghz
-GTX 770 4GB
For FSX Scenery I use: -ORBX Global
-ORBX Europe
-ORBX Vector
-REX 4 Direct
I mean look how ridiculous this is:
I mean with such this rig, I shouldn't be getting this problems. Game should run smooth and detailed as we see in those videos all over youtube.
My FSX.cfg:
I'd appreciate if you could help
You're right! I have REX Overdrive, FTX Global + Vector by ORBX and where I use to see this FPS so low is on Airports from Aerosoft like Mega Airport Lisbon and TNCM from FlyTampa for example... Is there any way to tweak this? Because I see so many videos on youtube from people that have the same rig as me and the games runs smooth.
EDIT: I use to fly A319,20,21 from project airbus
Hi guys, I've made an upgrade to my pc and in FSX I still get like 30fps sometimes 15-20fps. Is that normal? My current rig now is:
Intel i7 4790K @4,0GHZ
NVIDIA Geforce GTX 770 4GB
I don't understand why I get such low FPS with this rig... Can anyone give me a hand? Thx