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Everything posted by xxd09

  1. Seem to be able to run FSX Central 3 and 4 in tandem at the moment An another update to FSX Central 4 imminent xxd09
  2. Thanks for that reply Some people seem to have their Scenery order changed on installing FTX Central 4 Obviously not in your case Reassuring! xxd09
  3. Is it my understanding that you can run FTX Central 3 and 4 in tandem FTX Central 4 only being needed to purchase new Sceneries which you can then install directly into your sim as before-if you so wish Eventually FTX 3 will be withdrawn-once migration issues sorted xxd09
  4. Does this mean your new installations are installed into the P3Dv4 folder as before? I notice this option is now available in the latest version of Orbyx Central xxd09 ps did you keep your old FTX3 going and not uninstall it?
  5. Seems a new updated Orbyx Central version imminent xxd09
  6. Interesting Bigt that you could download and install Orbyx Barcelona with out using Orbyx Central It does say that Orbyx Central is required xxd09
  7. Must be affecting sales if people are sticking with FTX Central because New Sceneries purchases require Orbyx Central for installation across all Sim Platforms . I want to buy but holding off at the moment till the dust settles xxd09
  8. Thanks for reply Away on holiday at the moment -will reply later xxd09
  9. xxd09

    Which AN-2?

    As a non techie the Aerosoft version was a lot easier to get in the air and fly than the ATS version xxd09
  10. Cannot get Flight Plan link to open-Dropbox 404 xxd09
  11. Thanks chaps xxd09
  12. Thanks very much for this I had a very fine flight over an area that was unknown to me Saw many geysers and fumaroles-at least 3 of each Orbyx has made a fine job of the scenery-active waterfalls etc All your work much appreciated- I flew in a Alabeo Cruz Pipersport with your .pln installed-an easy plane to see out of xxd09
  13. How effective is renaming a flle with an .off ending in P3D 4.5 Can it be used to systematically search for an malfunctioning Scenery or Airport? (I have used it successfully for a targeted .dll file and the Carenado Meteo files) xxd09
  14. Yes-I have tried to install the Hotfix about 5 times-Client only I just uninstall the Hot fix Client and reinstall 4.5 Client and all is OK So I am not under a lot of immediate pressure to dive into the “ guts” of P3D I have no Radar I’m my new Porter PC -6 but that’s all that is wrong All my Hotfix updates are in place for Active Sky,GTN .MV WX Radar etc All these updated Addons are working Just P3D causing holdup!-maybe I should have updated P3D first? In time I will have to bite the bullet but not just yet! Thanks for your advice and helpful suggestions xxd09
  15. Thanks for prompt reply I had one violet entry-Aerosoft Anchorage I removed it but still no joy I wonder what is the history of Aerosoft products and P3D? xxd09
  16. Just a query I have a very functional P3D 4.5 setup with all the bells and whistles-Orbyx,Active Sky,EnvForce etc plus many planes The Client only update to P3D 4.5 Hotfix fails at loading Scenery Indexes I was wondering about the Addon Organiser helpingme to sort this buy spotting faults that might be causing this before I go diving into P3D -“Deleting Generated Files” etc xxd09
  17. xxd09


    Now if I Install 30293 in the usual way and before running it 1) Delete Generated files folder-after keeping a backup of current file on Desktop If that doesn’t work 2) Delete P3Dv 4 Addons and P3Dv4 files in Documents -after keeping a backup copy on my Desktop Would this work? If it did can I put the 3 Backed up files back -may be one at a time or will that put us back where we were? xxd09
  18. xxd09


    Not quite sure what you mean there David I have downloaded Its the one (Client) that will not install xxd09
  19. xxd09


    That is the P3D v 4.5 Hotfix1 -that is the one I cannot get to install I have P3Dv 4.5 xxd09
  20. xxd09


    Apologies-did not make myself clear I can reactivate my P3Dv4.5 Hotfix 1 OK but this does not fix the problem xxd09
  21. xxd09


    Need some help I cannot get this Hotfix 1 to install properly I have done the Client only update since P3D 3 so I know the game I wonder if a clue might be that at no point do I get asked to reactivate P3D during the install which I believe is a feature of this Update Does that mean P3Dv4.5 Client has not totally properly uninstalled? I have tried the deactivating box during the P3D 4.5 uninstall and I do then get asked for a Licence but this does not work Any one help? xxd09
  22. xxd09


    Was the Carenado C Meteo dll file I had reinstalled a Carenado Plane -Phenom 100 All good now xxd09
  23. xxd09


    Yes. The sim loads but just before final appearance of plane on runway in affected area-sim crashes This is how I picked up the problem It is actually however an area thing because if you try to fly into the affected region -say in the Raptor at 10000 feet -it will crash the sim as the plane enters the affected region- so it is not an airport effect I wondered about navaids because of this particular regional effect-who knows? The current area affected does not let me fly to Nantucket,Plum Island etc As I said above I have 2 inoperable areas 1) South area of South America-from Argentina south( correction from original post-unflyable area in any plane ) 2) Eastern seaboard of USA around Nantucket area Otherwise sim operates well in all other regions of the world Mysterious! xxd09
  24. xxd09


    Jim -thank you for your kind words It is the Addons of course but they are such fun! No doubt it is they that cause the problems though I only use ones that are supposed to be compatible I have however lots of them -the possibilities and permutations of things going wrong are endless The flights when they work(which is most times) -are so remarkable that it is well worth the occasional no go area or no go plane Take care and I hope you are making good progress xxd09
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