I have a very specific and reproducible issue with the NGX (no matter which version) during climb out of runway 34L in P3D v3.
When passing the middle marker (and exactly then; tried it like 10 times) the sim freezes. Running GPU-Z I can see that the VRAM gets almost maxed out at 3900MB (I have 4GB). So I thought reducing details and thus VRAM usage would alleviate the problem, but unfortunately that is to no avail. Same persistent issue at the exact same time. All other aircraft I have tested are ok (PMDG777, standard P3D Bonanza).
Here is my spec: i7 4790k, AMD R9 290X, 16GB RAM, Win 8.1., SSD
I know that is such a narrow issue that probably no one can help, but hey, maybe I get lucky .