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  1. The scenery just got a new update recently.
  2. Hi there I was wondering, if anyone can tell me how I can place a jetway to a 3rd party addon. I know I have to switch to developer mode and I found this video on youtube, but on this video, the beginning for me is missing. I can not reacreate how he came to these options. SDK is installed. Kind Regards and many thanks in advance Patrick
  3. @JustanotherPilot do you have an axis linked to mixture or propeller or maybe one of these settings? https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/eletric-system-suddenly-shut-down/370585 It‘s often set by default on the thrustmaster. Kind Regards Patrick
  4. I will check tonight when I‘m home. I know where to find Vsync, but Gsync I don‘t know.
  5. Hi all I have an issue with MSFS and I don't know if it's a graphic setting or an effect file. I have jitering effects on moving Military Ships and as well on the TFDI MD11 when the Gears are in transition UP/Down/UP they're jitering the same way. In the graphic section I already tried bloom effect and motion blur, both with now effect. It's only in this cases. Otherwise I don't have jitterings. Here in the video I'm on the Miltech Supercarrier Pro on a moving Ship. If I select a static ship, there is no jittering. Kind Regards Patrick I've uploaded a short video:
  6. Happy to report, that on my side, all AI traffic looks normal again. Thank you for your effort and have a nice christmas. Kind Regards Patrick
  7. @Kaiii3 unfortunately on my end it's not fixed. I see the same result as before. I first deleted the behaviour folder and the run the update, but did not fix the models. And still always after doing the update, the simobject sign on status page goes from red to green, but after a restart of the AIM, it's red again, showing there is an update. Can I also please get the invitation link to your discord as I could not find it. Kind Regads and thanks again. Patrick
  8. @Falconfly@Kaiii3 Thanks for the update. May I ask the discord name? I regret to have pushed the update yesterday😔normaly I'm always very careful when a new update comes out for scenery/aircraft etc and always wait to read comments, but here I immediately pressed the update button🙈
  9. Hi David Thank you for your advice. I did this, but unfortunately the same again 😔 i.e. this picutre, the gear is in a very strange position. after moving closer, the gear disapeared completely: same here. Hopefuly there is a solution as I did not had it before. Kind Regards Patrick
  10. Hi Today I startet AI Manager. There was a red button to update the models Sim objects Update required-There are outstanding updates for your simObjects. I applied it. After that I noticed, that all AI Planes in MSFS have either no landing gear or strane animations. I re-opened the AI Manager again and the Messeage to update re-appeared. Each time I apply the update and colse the program after completion, the Update message reappears. It's very sad to see now this strange animations. Are there currently any issues or what can I do to solve it? I posted it in the AIG Forum as well but as this forum is so active, I could imagine to find an answer here sooner. Kind Regards Patrick
  11. @Tuskin38@Jazz thank you both for your answers. I just checked it and I'm now aware of how to delete it, but would I be able to reinstall it again if ini does not perform well on my pc? Kind Regards Patrick
  12. Hi I just tried OMDB of inibuilds. I had double terminal buildings. Am I required to uninstall the default MSFS ASOBO OMDB? If so, can you please tell me how and would it be possible to re-install it, just in case ini OMDB is not performing well? I'm new to MSFS. Is it sufficent to only cut out the OMDB folder out of the One Store folder? Kind Regards Patrick
  13. Hi I‘m interested too but I read a lot of CTD with this aircraft. Has this been fixed? Kind Regards Patrick
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