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  1. I have run the voice training again and have noticed that "is" is recognised as "eight" every time i.e "V2 eight one four seven" instead of "V2 is 147"
  2. During the SOP2 Before start checklist to the line at the point when the MCP is being confirmed i.e. V2_____HEADING_____ALTITUDE_____ I read out V2 is 147 Heading is 090 and the FO immediately says CHECKED and carries onto the TAKEOFF SPEEDS and ignores the ALTITUDE. I hope that makes sense. fs2crew also has problems on the next line when I am trying to read V1 is 140 VR is 140 V2 is 145. I have to repeat myself at least once or twice before what I say is recognised. Any help or advice would be appreciated Regards Colin
  3. Thanks guys for that comprehensive answer, much appreciated
  4. I use PFPX for all my flight planning and now I do not seem to get a Cost Index number (I think I did before!!). All I get now is MACH: M.78 or LRC. When I enter the Cost Index into the FMC what figure should I be using. I hope that makes sense. Regards Colin
  5. When planning a flight into St Maarten TNCM from San Juan TJSJ I wanted to practice hand flying a DME arc. In the FMC there is VOR X, Y and Z. I Googled and found this:- Z, X, Y can be added to any approach to differentiate multiple approaches of the same type (VOR, GPS, etc) to a single runway. This is done so approaches are not confused. This is very important when it comes to differing approaches, ie only circling minimums or only straight in, different MDAs or even different missed approach procedures. On a side note, approaches with A, B, or C designators are instrument approaches not in alignment with a runway, (greater than 30 I have also learnt that Z should be selected in preference. What is not clear to me is how do I know which real world chart relates to the X, Y and Z in the FMC. I cannot see anything to indicate which is which on the charts?
  6. I actually spotted it straight away and reduced speed manually but it still surprised me :-(
  7. Thank you for all your replies, much appreciated. I have another question. I am practicing the KEPEC3 STAR into KLAS. I have LNAV and VNAV activated. I have just passed KIMME at 8000ft with an airpeed of 210K and am approaching CHIPZ which is showing in magenta CHIPZ 170/8000. I have set a hard altitude constraint of 7100ft at POKRR. I was expecting the a/c to slow up for the 170kts speed constraint at CHIPZ but it sails past doing 210kts and I have to reduce speed manually. Am I doing something wrong?
  8. Hi guys Thanks for all your replies. I have learnt or confirmed a few things from each reply. If I understand correctly the large white fonts are speeds and altitudes that the a/c will hit in VNAV PTH and the small white fonts are only predicted speeds and altitudes. I am still a little confused by the magenta waypoints and speed or altitude constraints. If a waypoint is in magenta what does that signify? Sometimes a waypoint is magenta without any magenta speed and altitude constraints. Other times there may be magenta speed contraints with white large font altitude constraints with it. Other times there are white large font speed constraints and magenta altitude constraints with it. That is confusing me. Sorry if these are obvious questions.
  9. Hi folks Although I feel I am making progress with the FMC, I have a number of VNAV questions that I am unsure about:- 1) When should I receive the 'Reset MCP' altitude warning message? I am at my cruise level i.e FL300 and just before TOD I receive the 'Reset MCP altitude' warning message. How far before TOD should I see that message? 2) The a/c has descended to meet an altitude restriction in the FMC. If there is a subsequent altitude restriction at a waypoint further on in the route I assume I should receive a 'Reset MCP altitude' warning message again? 3) I am still unsure what the different font sizes mean on the ND (FMC). As far as I can see there are 3 fonts for altitude/speeds including the magenta ones. Can someone explain the significance of them please?
  10. Thanks, that sorted it. Much appreciated :-)
  11. It won't do me any harm to re-read the Intro manual, clearly there are things I have forgotten ;-)
  12. I have read every page in the manuals but it looks like I am going to have to go back to the Introduction and start again. There is just so much to learn and remember. Thanks for your guidance, much appreciated
  13. Hi folks I am flying along quite happily following my flight plan using VNAV and LNAV but I cannot see the VSD, how do I turn it on or activate it? Here is a link to an article and the VSD that I am trying to display http://www.avsim.com/topic/340182-vertical-situation-display/
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