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    Flight Sims, Racing Sims

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  1. Additional three words which also describe how good this Bonanza is: radio signal degradation
  2. Great freeware: WBSim/JPLogistics Cessna 152, now from their discord channel: https://discord.gg/XSb7c67F6W
  3. It was also the case at my side: nvidia issue reported, but for me the root cause was ram oc speed.
  4. I experienced a lot of ctds in the last times (while initial load, freeze while loading a flight, ctds while flying). I had no issues with other simulations. This seemed also to be dependent on the number of addons too. Also, within msfs, I could not access the list of installed addons anymore as it was freezing. Before that I got a new setup with new processor and ram. I assumed that the overclocking of the processor was causing the issue and disabling it indeed worked out for a certain time. But it still happened. But what I never expected, that the ram settings were causing the issues. I bought ddr5 6000 ram and have it set up by bios automatically (asus board). But this was the root cause, because as I deselected the overclocking ram profile and selected the (4800) default setting, all the ctds went away. I could even enable the AI overclocking again. So please cross check your ram settings too and give it a try to go back to default, non over clocked settings.
  5. WB sim 172 Fsreborn Sting S4 Justflight Piper Arrow Love to have: A2A Comanche
  6. After all these positive reviews there is only one thing left which I have to do
  7. Hey guys, for turbulance in an small aircraft cross check this video (in German, but check plane's movements) and the first landing (originally I was also wondering about how the Sting behave):
  8. Hi, from where do you have this information? I have the same card and had to buy new power supply as my existing one had also 'only' 850W' but with all four connectors attached. The card slowed down and stuttered periodically when its utilization went above 60%
  9. For me in VR it is perfect, settings maxed out beside (terrain / object at 100). No downscaling, FPS went from 30 to 50 at a comparably dense location (EDFM) with 'epic clouds' presets on a reverb2. Went from 3090
  10. No Bielefeld in the German city update, very interesting....
  11. Starting discussion already knowing the result (game vs. simulation) , causing a heated disagreement between members trying to defend their positions for topics known for ending in disagreement without a common position is a troll behavior in my opinion. And I think you know it because you mentioned it in your posting ;-) and even I feed you, but if it satisfies you then Iam happy.
  12. Wow, already three pages of feeding a troll who started this topic.
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