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About elee

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  • Birthday 09/22/1968

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    San Jose, Costa Rica (MROC)

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  1. Is anyone else having problems after upgrading to version 2.2? I am seeing ghosts of the image of the plane and the lights of the runways with a double image, but it only happens with nighttime scenarios, with daylight at least they are not noticeable. I don't know if what I see as ghosts is what the forums call artifacts.
  2. I love this SW, it gives a lot of realism to the simulator. Recently with the integration of the LSFG generator, which is really wonderful for generating FPS, I have had the problem that it does not work for me without having more than 1 monitor. Normally I used my main monitor in full screen for MSFS and 3 additional USB monitors for other tools, one of them being SLC. Now that I have had to move my 3 USB monitors to a different PC, I have looked for a way to have SLC on a remote PC but I don't think this is possible, or at least that's what I think. If I keep SLC on the same MSFS PC where I only have 1 monitor, I cannot interact with SLC since it remains on the screen, which causes problems with the LSFG. I wanted to know if it is possible to be able to use SLC remotely over the network on another PC other than the MSFS or some alternative.
  3. Please could you share a little more information about your configuration to validate it with mine and maybe I will have some light on the way since I have tried everything and I still have problems as long as I have more than 1 monitor connected. Your video card? Do you have both monitors connected to the same GPU? Windows version? Do you have them in extended mode or separate screens? Do you use MSFS in full screen or windowed mode?
  4. Accomplished My problem was visible, always there and I couldn't see it. Apart from my monitor that is connected directly to the NV4090 GPU, I have 3 small monitors with a USB connection that I use only for other accessories (Maps, controls, etc.) At the same time that I disconnect those USB monitors and leave only my main monitor, TOTAL SUCCESS. Now I have some exquisite 48/144 (x3) with LSFG. It's really soft and beautiful what this does. I have gone further and set everything to Ultra and increased the traffic between 75% and 95% for testing and everything is extremely smooth, without stutters. The only bad thing is that I have lost my 3 USB monitors, but I will try to find a laptop to install those Apps and connect the USBs there. But what does bother me is that I no longer have manual control over Self Loading Cargo since I believe that it cannot be installed on another PC and work via network and have it on the same FS PC, only in automatic mode which makes it miss a lot of interactions. Does anyone know if it is possible to work SLC via network?
  5. I think the same thing happens to me and that's why I don't see good results. In my case I limit it to 72 FPS since my monitor is 144Hz, but the LSFG always continues to show 144 / 144 in the MSFS. I don't know if the correct thing would be to see 72 / 144.
  6. I followed your advice and removed RivaTuner and AutoFPS. I have followed several tips that I have seen on the internet, such as limiting the FPS in the Nvidea Control Panel to the monitor frequency (144Hz / 144 FPS), also limiting the FPS for the MSFS App in the same Nvidea Control Panel to half the frequency (144Hz / 72 FPS), enable vSync for the LSFG App in Nvidea Control Panel, in MSFS play with DLSS, TAA, etc. But I don't see any changes and in some situations I see more of a stuttering. My system really works well without LSFG, but with limitations in traffic and some ULTRAs, that's why I want to be able to do the magic that you have achieved with LSFG. some ideal
  7. Live Traffic with PSXT has, like other programs, some difficulties, but it is truly incredible the things you can find in the real world represented in your Sim's traffic. For example: When a plane does Go around, when the weather prevents takeoff and you encounter real traffic upon takeoff, placing yourself in a line of real planes ready to land, a plane waiting for instructions stopped in your path. All those things that happen in the real world that I understand cannot be represented in the traffic generated by AI or the Sim. It's another level.
  8. Please help, I'm going crazy. I have a 144Hz monitor and a 4090. I have tried multiple configurations and applied advice from this forum and other media, but I can't see any difference, what's more, with LSFG activated, I get worse results, I definitely must be doing something wrong since all Here they have seen incredible better ones. This is my configuration, please advice: LSFG LS1 LSFG 2.1 x2 Draw FPS Nvidea Control Panel I have added LSFG Monitor 144Hz 3840x1080 Without Freesync Windows No HDR RivaTuner Framerate Limit: 72 MSFS2020 AutoFPS targetFpsPC" value="70" MSFS Full Screen DLSSSR Balanced or Quality DLSSFG On V-Sync Off DX12 The LSFG Draw FPS indicates 144 / 144 (FPS) on my monitor RivaTuner indicates 45 FPS
  9. It seems crazy for ASOBO to want to put MSFS 2024 into us when it hasn't even been able to fix this Dx12 problem. Like many here, we have a 4090 that we cannot use at its maximum because MSFS does not yet have full Dx12 support. Sad. Very sad.
  10. Have you been able to correct this problem? I've had it for months, but I thought it was something that would be corrected in an update but it hasn't. Please can you give me your feedback. Thank you
  11. of course. I will try to follow the instructions and post my results here.
  12. To end my comment, I have bought the FENIX a320 and I must say that it is the best thing I have ever done. I can state with complete certainty that the FBW was unfortunately to blame for the stutters. As other pilots in this same thread say, some of us have this problem, and it is something that does not happen to everyone. But the FENIX has given me back my joy since I made an expensive investment in a 4090 to have an exquisite fluidity and with the FBW I was not achieving it. Now I can say that it is the best moment of my Simulator in 25 years. For those wondering: I'm running FENIX with DX12 (Beta) and TAA with DLSS and it works very, very well. The FENIX is in Quality mode and the rendering is on the GPU.
  13. It is very curious, because before having the 4090, I had a much inferior Radeom and the stutters were not so evident. But now they are unbearable. And no, it is not a bottleneck with the CPU, I have already tried many other planes and with none I have stutters, only with the FBW. And if you go further back in the explanation that I give about the tip so that this does not happen, you can realize that it is the FBW. It's a shame, because it's a great product and it's also free. I think if you don't have any problems, go ahead with the FBW, it's a great development and the developer guys one way or another deserve a round of applause.
  14. wow, it's a shame to hear this. I've always had FBW but when you pay for a GPU like the 4090, you want everything to be really smooth and when I pick any other plane, everything is really smooth. Tomorrow I will pay for the FENIX, the only thing I have to worry about is that I have a VRinsight MCP COMBO II hardware that with Linda goes very well with the FBW, but I think someone has already made some profiles for the FENIX and the AAO with the Bridge to the MCP COMBO II
  15. I thought I was the only one with this problem. Same problem over here. I have a high end PC and now that I have the 4090, I have noticed that the stutters with the FBW are excruciating. So I gave myself the task of doing all the tests that can be imagined. Since eliminating all the components of the community and flying only with the FBW and effectively, the stutters are there every 20 or 30 seconds, regardless of being in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean above 38 thousand feet. I discovered something interesting. As some have said, when the Simbrief flight plan loads, it already feels a bit less fluid. As you taxi to the end of the runway stutters are noticeable and when you are about to land, they are much more noticeable. But once you get to the disembarkation gate and turn off the engines, everything is smooth again. This is very strange, because you're not even exiting the simulator or the main menu or anything. I found somewhere and I'm sorry I didn't save the link, someone who had this problem and indicated that it was a known error and passed the following Tips that I have done and I can attest that it works: With the FBW off, turn on the external power supply, press the battery buttons and immediately exit the MSFS menu, activate developer mode and in the menu you recharge the FBW, exit developer mode and that's it, you can now load your plan flight etc. etc. What difference this makes, I have no idea but in my case it works. But logically this kills realism and should not be a good practice. By the way, how are you doing with the FENIX? Since I have this problem with the FBW, I am evaluating moving to the Fenix.
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