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Everything posted by cichminski

  1. cichminski

    777X cockpit

    i have no words... pc
  2. Thanks for the heads up. Although I have every product of yours, I will pass on this one, RAAS is not that essential to pay over 30 euro for the second time. The one that comes with 777 and 747 will be just fine. pc
  3. Disabling advanced simulator features is temporary fix to this issue. Lets hope it will be solved in the near future.
  4. And that is how it looks after enabling wideviewaspect. http://imgur.com/a/l8VL7
  5. No, I ticked it off. When I tried to repair that by enabling wideviewaspect it went even further to the back, like it blocked itself in that view and stuck. Stable version automatically brings all my views to the correct zoom position.
  6. Dang it, I also have that problem with wideview aspect. The experimental version from today screw something up. Disabling experimental and going for stable one fixes the problem. But hey... I want to use new features peacefully. Any idea how to prevent that? When I go back to the stable version the view goes back to my desired one. http://imgur.com/a/QtTOC I use the newest version of P3D.
  7. David, I am impressed. With current settings at EHAM I've got about 1,1GB of VAS free and I thought it was really great result. Any additional tweaks for u, like for example disabling external model of 777? What settings u use? I am happy in general with my simulator running atm, but I am not able to finish flight from CYYZ to EHAM without reloading, it reaches 3,7GB point of VAS around midway to Europe. And it is with most of the Vector settings disabled. (my sim install is also fresh)
  8. I've been waiting for something like this for a long time. Perfect preset for me. Thank you.
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