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Everything posted by randomravings

  1. Another issue I’ve discovered with the FSLA320 and MCE is during the after start flow. When the copilot calls for the flight controls check, everything works as it should until the right rudder check. The copilot does not recognise or acknowledge full right (all the other control checks work). Hopefully that can be fixed. Thank you.
  2. I had the same problem with PMDG aircraft after installing Object Flow. ORBX have released a patch today via FTX Central and all seems to be working again. :-)
  3. "Now looking for Beta testers for MCE integration with PMDG 747 QOTS." Not sure what's required (other than a licensed version of MCE) but happy to volunteer. Adam
  4. Hi ChasYes, I've turned TrackIR off completely in Chase Plane but it makes no difference. Cheers Adam
  5. Hi I have the same problem mentioned by others that when switching to static view the camera jumps to a random location quite a distance from the airport. I can only get back to the airport by changing to the onboard or outside camera. If I jump to the airport through the sim, as soon as I switch to the static camera, it jumps back to the random location (though it seems to be the same remote location for each airport). Very strange. I'm using P3D v3.4. I don't have any static cameras set up (and I can only create them in these weird remote locations). Any help is appreciated. Thank you. Adam
  6. Awesome. Thank you. I'm loving ChasePlane. :-)
  7. Hello, I use the Function keys to assign views in ChasePlane (for example F4 is Left MCDU view; F5 is MCDU right view; F12 is overhead view). However, I also use Ctrl+F11 for Active Sky and Ctrl+F12 for GSX. This used to work fine in Ezdok. However, in ChasePlane, even though Ctrl is held down (so I'm pressing Ctrl+F12) it switches to the views assigned to the relevant function key as if I was pressing it on its own. So when I request GSX from inside the cockpit, I get the overhead view. Is there anyway to prevent this happening? Thank you. Adam
  8. I've got it working okay but it seems to have a strange effect on other camera presets. When I pause TrackIR to switch between cameras, they all seem to be at odd angles (i.e. looking up or down, with external cameras not pointing at the aircraft as they had been saved). Even if I update and save the external camera presets looking directly at the aircraft, when I reopen P3D, the same problem happens again (the camera views are at odd angles). Does anyone know what could be causing this?
  9. In Matt Davies' most recent YouTube videos, he said he has rolled back P3D from v3.1 to v3 and this appears to have resolved the problem (having completed a long distance flight in the PMDG 777). This is the video where he says that:
  10. Hello. Yes - all those things are possible and may be a potential cause. However, given how widespread these crashes seem to be, and the fact that a number of people who have tried vanilla re-installs are still suffering crashes, it seems there may be an issue with v3.1. This has been acknowledged by Lockheed Martin who say they are aware of the issue and it's under investigation: http://www.prepar3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6312&t=117444 Well known YouTuber Matt Davies (Belynz) suffered the same problems with the PMDG 777 on using v3.1. He reinstalled Windows and P3D but still suffered CTDs. He has now rolled back to v3 and successfully completed extended 777 flights. Hopefully Locheed Martin is able to identify the issue and resolve it.
  11. RT @atari84: "Never forget that the H in HIV stands for human" Wise words fr @nicheholas re: public comment on Sheen's diagnosis https://t…

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