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Dane Watson

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About Dane Watson

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    CAM3 Duncan Airport
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    Former Commercial Pilot Certificate

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  1. Thanks John, I knew that. But because I have so many I wondered if there was a way to convert in bulk, but no worries I'll open and then save as needed.
  2. I recently had to uninstall MSFS and reinstall. In doing this I forgot to copy all the PLN flight plans and have now lost them all. Is there a way to convert the lnmpln files to pln? This would save a lot of time if possible.
  3. There is a problem trying to reload a new flight plan created after 3.0.4. I can reload it from an .lnmpln but not as a.pln - you get an error message see attached - https://photos.app.goo.gl/xNeUb2s2nmwwHS3g8
  4. Just curious about the attached - what exactly is the dotted circle with distance and time in red which sometimes displays on a flight plan? https://photos.app.goo.gl/3RvyBgaEGywK1kkK6
  5. Alex - I have noticed that the "Userpoint Remarks" is not being saved in .pln format but is being saved in .lnmpln format
  6. I have used JoinFS before, and it is great but it seems that it is stand alone. Is there a way for JoinFS to show aircraft on LNM like Transmitter did?
  7. Thank you Alex. I didn't think you could take it on but am hoping someone with this knowledge might consider it.
  8. Now that the announcement has been made that the great addon program "Transmitter" is closing down, is there a way for Little NavMap to create a method for Multiplayers to be able to link up to see each other as we fly in our groups? This is so important to be able to keep using LNM for multiplayer group flights. I realize there is Volanta but that is not quite the same.
  9. I have always been curious about this - Where does LNM get it's taxiways layout from, Navigraph (Jeppesen) or simply the MSFS scenery data?
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