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Everything posted by simtom

  1. Yeah, that’s what I thought as well. On the P3D’s forums there’s also a post that explains the update process and there they do mention the second file.
  2. But according to the official update manual by LM you only need to download the cont1.cab file.
  3. Yes, I'm also wondering where you can get those banners.
  4. Just a few days ago I tried to get rid of these stutters but I also decided to just accept it as I wasn't able to get rid of them completely. In some scenarios turning on V-Sync actually does remove all of the stutters but not when you're in the VC though. Not too much of an issue in my opinion, unless you're doing some low altitude high speed flying.
  5. It's indeed working perfectly for me. Very pleased so far.
  6. Yeah, I've changed it after starting this thread. I guess you don't see that much of a difference between 1m and 5m? Yesterday I added that line to my config (with a value of 9) and things are still running smoothly. I'm using a 1070 but haven't checked the VRAM usage yet. I'll do that today. Just for testing actually. I've changed it to High and I get better performance now.
  7. Yes, I do. I just wanted to know if it's something worth trying out (while not looking at performance).
  8. @Rob Ainscough Thank you for explaining this issue in-depth. I'll do some more testing and see which configuration works best for me.
  9. I did setup the Process Monitor and it looks like Orbx is causing the long loading times, especially the Libraries.
  10. Is this the kind of microstutters we're talking about?
  11. Yeah, that makes sense. 2.5 minutes seems reasonable then ;)
  12. I haven't added that line to my config, is it something you would recommend? Something else I've noticed as well are these stutters. I know there's a thread about that but I'm not sure if I'm having the same stutters:
  13. No, it's not. I'm using a WD Black for all my games and simulators.
  14. Hello Jim, Thank you for the tip. I'll try that tomorrow and report back.
  15. Hello, I recently switched from FSX: SE to P3D v4 and I'm still playing around with the settings. I did notice however that P3D loads up much slower then FSX: SE (which has more addons installed). Loading time is 2 minutes and then another 30 seconds to initialize. The add-ons that I currently use with P3D are: - ENVTEX - FTX Global - FTX openLC NA - URP v1.1 I've also included my settings. I hope someone can clear things up for me as to why the loading times have increased significantly (I guess this probably has to do with the high resolution textures?). Video (skip to 2:05 to see the initialization): Settings: Scenery library:
  16. I can't speak for the 747 but when you switch off all of your external lights, then your FPS will increase back to a 'normal' level.
  17. Ok, I understand now. Thanks! If I would use PTA, your preset and ENVTEX, then there's no need for URP?
  18. I see. But to make sure I understand this correctly, URP is similar to your preset but PTA can change way more parameters than URP. Is this correct? Yeah, that's what I thought. Sorry to ask this again, but what exactly are you porting for ENVTEX SP1?
  19. @PaintSplasher I'm trying to post a comment on your website but I can't seem to do so (either my comment is gone after posting or only a part is shown). I recently switched from FSX: SE to P3D v4 and I'm still learning about these presets and shader enhancers. I also bought ENVTEX and I use URP v1.1. But from what I'm seeing I can't use this preset without having the latest version of PTA, right? You say you're porting the preset for ENVTEX SP1, but what exactly do you mean by that?
  20. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I get a huge FPS hit when I turn dynamic lighting on. Or perhaps the rain caused that.
  21. Too bad I just bought ENVTEX. But I don't think that Sky Force will be the same price.
  22. Well, I did some research and you apparently can go into first person view. It should be in the right click menu.
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