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  1. I had the same issue - the answer is actually ver simple. Clean up your PC. Had 10-15 minutes loading times, poor performance and "lower than I should have" FPS. Reinstalled the sytem, got X-Plane back with same addons and even cranked the settings significantly higher. Loading timesa re under 2 miutes tops and I have never had such a smooth game before.
  2. That's fine. Maybe it would be helpful to read what you write before posting so you can catch the general feel of what you said. You know, someone asked you about ceratin video and you go on an elaborate writing journey about how you are not going to get baited to answer about this invidual, how people are often wrong or anecdotes about "laughing experts". That kind of gives a specific vibe. I won't argue your personal opinion about myself, but there is a reason why people keep throwing those tiring, old trope axes at you guys specifically. But yes, personally I think that some posts and feedback in this forum is handled with outrageously low standard, given example of recently deleted thread treating about engine start up procedure. At any rate - I can't wait til the engine heat behaviour is fixed, so something your team of experts missed too apparently and something which obviously won't have to do anything with the video at hand. We buy your products anyway, so obviously you are a winner in the end. No reason to drag this discussion further Best Regards, Katrín Eiriksdóttir
  3. Discredit the feedback and then implement the changes anyway was always PMDG's modus operandi. Which I don't really mind as long as they are actually going to fix things that are broken - just as they partially did with the last update. So kudos for that. Still a bit distasteful to implement what he pointed out and still leave rather unfavorable post in this thread, but once again - that's usual PMDG forum approach. It's a nice example of how we shouldn't blindly agree with PR-ish posts, becuase not every critical feedback is caused by, and I'm paraquoting here, "stubborn simmers that do not want to welcome developer outside of X-Plane's world". Anyhow, good job on the update PMDG and good job Aerosimgaming on the video. Time to fly some DC-6 Katrín Eiriksdóttir
  4. Could you be a little more specific though? Where was he wrong on "principles of flight"? Katrín Eiriksdóttir
  5. Okay, I think I know what is your problem. You can't open the plane with the livery applied using quick start menu (Due to X-Plane UI being quite numpty), it will start with the default paint. Once the plane loads choose "open aircraft" from the top bar menu, choose the livery from the list and then press "Change livery and keep flying" button.
  6. Wrong folder. You put liveries into: Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 10\Aircraft\PMDG\DC-6\DC-6A\liveries (not the Object folder, but for livery folder, for example KLM). Also, make sure you put -6A liveries to the -6A folder and -6B liveries to -6B folder. - Katrín Eiriksdóttir
  7. It kind of works the same in the opposite direction which you don't seem to see. Shame. Katrín Eiriksdóttir
  8. Didn't know we were so close already, I just bought your aircraft - Katrín Eiriksdóttir
  9. Hi, there are several see-through holes in the external plane's model. Is PMDG aware of them/intend to fix them in the future? Cheers. Please note the issues captured on screenshots appear more severe in game.
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