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  1. I didn't know if it was something important, like user based so to be sure I blanked it out
  2. Fixed, Thanks for the help!
  3. I updated my airac 2 days ago through navigraph but I'm still getting this message telling me my nav data is out of date, am I missing something?
  4. ^^^^^^^Thanks for the help! I do intend to buy both but not at one go.....both are amazing in their own way! Really liked the video shows the potential of P3D!
  5. Thanks, not the best screenshot ever but I figured I would still post :smile:
  6. Probably will be getting AS16, the difference between default P3D and AS is night and day! ^^^^^ Thanks for the help! Thanks for the help. Liked the references to canned food :smile: Currently leaning towards AS16, thanks for the help! Looked up Rex SkyForce 3D, looked promising! Sorry for all the late responses was AFK for a while, thanks to everyone for helping!
  7. AEA1222 Over Spain In The Magnificent PMDG 737-800 Using P3DV3.3
  8. I have no doubt it is a nice add-on, the UI is a more refined and less cluttered version of ASN's UI IMO which isn't a bad thing!
  9. Yeah I was actually searching what sale ORBX last did this morning (4pm now), thanks for the help!
  10. I do intend to buy both but can only get one for the time being. I'm tempted to get AS16 as I really do feel that the realism factor is lacking with the PMDG 737 at higher altitudes! Already have REX so that is leaning more towards buying AS16
  11. Basically the title says it all.I'm trying to get the most realism out of my sim (P3DV3.3) and don't know which to go for. Any recommendations are welcome and are greatly appreciated! (I fly both tubeliners and GA aircraft)
  12. My current system is an i5 4460, GTX 980, 8GB Ram, Etc Im getting about 30-45 fps in the PMDG 737 at EGLL. I was wondering what performance upgrade would I get by going with the i7 4790k and also what performance would I get with the i7 6700k?
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