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  1. Is it just me or is this constantly turning off for the past month or two? Saying not enough bandwidth or whatever the message is.
  2. Anyone finding on climb out after starting from the gate the whole sim just freezes and is unrecoverable? (can still hear sound but computer is just frozen). Has happened now with me in the Fenix at least 3 times, maybe some other aircraft too though....
  3. It really is incredible. I've been simming since FS9, back when the LDS 767 and PMDG were still king (in many ways PMDG still is!). The Fenix is absolutely groundbreaking in a way we haven't seen in years, and as a result yes highly addictive. The Block 2 additions just added to it. It's rare to see something where the hype actually lives up to the reality.
  4. I do find the criticism hilarious, because we all know that almost every single one of the complainers will be buying on day 1 and it'll become part of their regular rotation no matter what they say lol.
  5. Does anyone else think EFBs at least in the way we have them in MSFS right now are useless and actually would have rather PMDG had put resources towards the 777? I find the outrage in the community about it so bizarre.
  6. Indeed we have to be realistic. There will be no pilots in the sky eventually and if anyone thinks differently they’ll be in for a rude shock. I am so happy that we lived in a time where there were pilots and we had flight simulator. I don’t know if I like where the future is going. It’s inevitable though now.
  7. While we're here, does anyone find the ground handling of this bird to be a bit....too precise? It feels a little bit like playing GTA
  8. Hopefully I’m not jumping the gun and the issues will happen again after a few more hours of flying but I THINK either going to DXT 11 and/or clearing the nvidia cache seems to have solved my stuttering issues.
  9. Do you use DX12 or DX11? It looks like DX12 was enabled by default in AAU2, I wonder if going back to DX11 might help things. Apparently it doesn't work well with Nvidia cards?
  10. After flying for many hours MSFS 2020 seems to freeze every 2-3 seconds briefly for a split second and then return. I thought this was fixed? Anyone else seeing this?
  11. Yes but of course it is achievable as Qantas flies that route with a 787-9....
  12. QQ (sorry if it's been answered), does anyone know if the 787-10 range was fixed in AAU2? Specifically, if I recall I used to be able to fly from Perth to London non-stop (a good thing since there is no 787-9) but I imagine now that might not be possible. So I'm using the Kuro 787-8 instead for this mission until we get a proper 787-9?
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