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About jfwharton

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  1. I should add that I'm using ORBX scenery. But when investigating a fix for the elevation issues I was seeing I tried turning off all of my ORBX scenery and still had the same issue. So I anticipate that the fix will work for people who don't use ORBX scenery.
  2. I recently purchased KSTL by Taxi2Gate and installed it in P3D 5.4. Was frustrated with the elevation issues but I finally figured out how to get it to work. After installing the airport I opened Airport Design Editor and searched for the default KSTL (File, Open Stock Airport, search for KSTL and open it). Then I went to Tools, Change Airport Reference Data and found the altitude of the default KSTL. I then opened the Taxi2Gate KSTL BGL and changed the altitude for the airport to the same as the default KSTL. Saved the project, compiled and then replaced (swapped out) the bgl file. After that there were still some issues with airport terrain but turning off the flatten bgl for the airport fixed that isssue. Found the GSX profile for the airport on the inibuilds forum so I have moving jetways but still no taxi lights at night. I'm hoping that Taxi2Gate puts out a P3D v5 version at some point.
  3. Nevermind. It's apparently been a while since installing a Carenado aircraft and I forgot I had to run the F1GTN750PA44.exe file. Running that put in the bezel and then I was able to successfully set up the Reality XP GTN 750. So problem solved. Just need to read the installation instructions.
  4. Another lesson from this is I need to backup the panel.cdg and realityxp.ini files for all of my aircraft because I can no longer install the Flight1 GTN and then have Reality XP replace them. And since there is no F1 GTN to replace it would appear that attempting to replace a GNS 530 with a Reality XP GTN doesn't work.
  5. Today I was troubleshooting a sound issue with my aircraft in P3D 4.5 and before I found the actual issue I had decided to reinstall the Carenado Pa44 Seminole, which had no engine sounds. After I reinstalled the aircraft i discovered what was actually causing the sound issue but then this new issue started. Since I am running P3D v4.5 the Flight1 GTN does not work in that version. I had switched over to the Reality XP GTN quite a few versions ago. But now when I start the Pa44 and attempt to integrate the Reality XP GTN into the panel the bezel for the GTN doesn't show and the GTN comes up inside the GNS 530. How can I fix this issue. Is there a way to add a GTN bezel? or to configure the Pa44 Seminole to use the Reality XP GTN bezel. I have tried the latter but it still comes up inside the GNT 530. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  6. I have the same issue when switching from outside views to inside but have found a temporary solution. I have a view set in front of the aircraft so I can look forward without seeing the aircraft panel. When I switch from external to internal I select that view and then press my view for the pilot's inside view and that works for me.
  7. Have you checked your community folder for multiple C414 folders? There were changes in earlier versions which changed the name of the 414 folder. I recently checked for duplicate folders and found one for the 414.
  8. I know I've mentioned this before and it's a little thing, but why does the cabin altitude knob only have one mouse cursor? There is the clockwise cursor for increasing the cabin altitude. But there is no counter-clockwise cursor for decreasing the cabin altitude. That cursor is a zero. A circle with a line through it.
  9. Just tried to fly an ILS R08 at KPUB and the PMS50 GTN750 version would not capture localizer. I saw there was an update to the PMS50 version but that didn't fix the issue. I'm guessing this is related to the SU9 update that was installed today. I tried flying two ILS instrument patterns at KDEN. One with the GNS model and the other with the PMS50 GTN model. Both starting on runway 34R. Both flew the ILS without any issues. So I'll have to check if this is related to the PMS50 and the SU9 update that was released today. Will try flying some short flights with GPS transitioning over to VLOC at destination. Also, I used HDG and VS after takeoff on both models and everything worked out well.
  10. I'm using 1.7.0 beta and the PMS50 GTN version. When engaging the autopilot in ROL with the aircraft trimmed in a climb the VVI decreases. If I then select HDG which switches over to VS the VS doesn't show up as 0 but instead is negative, sometimes -400 fpm or more.
  11. Using 1.7.0 beta when setting the Altitude Alerter there is no sound when adjusting the 10,000 ft tab. Moving all of the other tabs makes a sound, just not when moving the 10,000 tab.
  12. I downloaded the updated systems.cfg file and tried zeroing out the fuel remaining and that worked. Thank you for that information.
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