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Everything posted by waterman462

  1. Is there any way to increase the size and make bold font for the taxiway numbers in LNM? Can't find anything in the settings for that and they are very small IMHO. Possibly set taxiway numbers to the same font and minimum zoom level as the gate numbers? Other issue is that taxiway number seem to only be visible on one particular zoom setting - 0.25nm on the scale. Zooming in closer makes them disappear while gate numbers are still visible. Second on wish list but probably unlikely: The taxiway numbers don't appear very many places and it's actually hard to find them - any improvement on that score would be really nice.
  2. When I want to re-center the map on the aircraft I use the button on the top. Now, whether flying or on ground and with no flight plan, I always get a very close-in zoom of the aircraft - the scale at the bottom shows 0.3 mi for about 1/2 of the horizontal width. That is too close to be useful so I have to zoom back out each time, and I use this function a lot. Is there a way to set this default zoom to a larger value and have it stick? Thank You Note: I now reset all options and zoom is much better after manual aircraft centering. Still like to know if this can be changed if it happens again.
  3. My wish is for a keyboard key to easily adjust autopilot heading. Using mouse or touchpad, especially on the 747 it is even hard to get the cursor in right place without changing bank angle. Right now you only get one degree per keypress. Holding key down does nothing, but it should continuously change the heading. No-brainer!
  4. I lately try to post to the Wishlist in flightsimulator.com but keep getting directed to Bug Reportingc
  5. I have the same question. I am away from home for several weeks with my laptop and don't have a mouse nor a desk to use a mouse.
  6. Working on my landings. Is Flight Recorder supposed to record the throttle or other indications of engine operation like N1, etc.? On last landing of A320 I noticed it showed N1 at 88% all the way through ILS decent on glideslope.
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