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Everything posted by tripper721

  1. If the in-game developer mode allows for a WYSIWYG editing bar, this opens the door to so many of us who do not have the coding experience to tinker with this game. I'm jealous and always amazed by the capability of those who have the coding experience when it comes to this game and other games with mods and enhancements, so to allow us mere non-coders some ability to make a change here or there, would be an incredible opportunity.
  2. To those more knowledgeable than I when I comes to computer specs. In your opinion what will be the difference to installing the game on 150gb HDD vs 150gb SSD? I have the ability to do both, but curious if there are noticeable factors between the two? I'm assuming SSD will load faster, but just looking for more guidance.
  3. Are all these screenshots that they are showing in 4k? Be curious what settings these screenshots are to get a better idea of the settings people are on.
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