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About mmcmah

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    Denver, Colorado

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  1. KDCA has a couple of them: RNAV (RNP) RWY 01 and RNAV (RNP) Z RWY 19.
  2. As other have said, it's a limitation of the way that PSXT handles and injects traffic. It does not inject typical AI models which then get controlled by the sim. Instead, it calculates each model's position multiple times a second and injects the model and its movements. Consequently, the sim doesn't have any interaction with the models as traffic and therefore doesn't know to connect the gate. Finally, this also allows the planes to park where they do so in real life (in airports that have good ground movement coverage) and so the planes will sometimes park in places that look a little off, depending on the scenery that is being used and whether it matches the current real life layout or not. The advantage is that there is no dependence on the scenery developer having accurate gate assignments in their scenery files.
  3. I recently updated to the latest version (4.30 b12) and I am now having difficulties with a setup that I've had forever. I have the throttle and the reverser on the same axis, having defined the ranges of the axes separately, so that the input ranges don't overlap. This has worked flawlessly across almost all of my aircraft (in MSFS), but now seems to be having difficulties. It seems that the Axis assignment that is higher up in the order of Assigned Axes takes priority and only that input gets sent to the simulator, regardless of the range that the controller is in. In the example below, the reverser ranges get transmitted to the simulator, but the regular throttle range doesn't appear to get transmitted, presumably because the 0 value of the reverser is being transmitted at the same time and takes precedence in AAO? Again, this is a setup that used to work fine, but now doesn't seem to and I haven't changed anything in my set up. If I assign the reversers to the non-default control layer, then the throttles work, but as soon as I put both sets of controls on the same layer, the throttles don't work.
  4. Do you have an active license? Are there any aircraft shown as "Live" in the PSXT UI? Are there any error messages?
  5. Add me to the list getting flickering lights as well. They also seem to turn off with LOD (moving around makes the lights appear and disappear), but that issue has been around for a while and I think it's unrelated to what's being discussed here. The flickering lights is a new one.
  6. I also use 2 for matching and my example above was with 6 for Max fit. Should be plenty of traffic.
  7. i just checked live at CYYZ. The QF Real of the simaddons archive file is 48 and the QF Real of the FlyTampa 3rd party file is 42. I think those are good numbers. Going to check in the sim now... Loaded into the sim with the Max fit set to 6, Parking percentage at 30% and a traffic injection range of 20nm. I had 30 live aircraft, 1 parked live and 70 parked statics. https://imgur.com/mB4zGvB
  8. I will check later, but I don't remember the QF of CYYZ. I don't imagine that it's being learned from scratch. You had Zero showing as your parked traffic? At what time of day?
  9. I just now checked CYYZ and CYVR and found them to be excellent depictions of what's going on. I compared to FR24 and saw the same as @G-YMML1, a 1:1 match to FR24. The only difference was the parked traffic at the time, which remember can be affected by the amount of parking spots you want filled (Airport parking %) as well as the number of half hours you allow the program to use to fill those spots (Max fit, with the default being 335 which is one week minus half an hour). So, if you want the most current representation, set the fill percentage to whatever max you want, and then set the max fit to 4 or 6 half hours, so that you don't get something from a completely different part of the day.
  10. https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/645677-application-does-not-open/?do=findComment&comment=5114592
  11. Release day is today, according to Mir: Hi gents. Surprise, it’s release day 🫢 product page is live. We’re hoping to release the kraken later today (PST time) https://www.flightbeam.net/product-page2/ksfo-captain's-edition-for-microsoft-flight-simulator I’ll give more updates later in the day.
  12. I'm not having to change password, but the forum recently (since it was down for a day or more) has become much less responsive and slow to use.
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