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About bogdansrb

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  1. That's just an x-plane course advertised as "pilot training" that you can do pretty much with any simulator.
  2. True. And sounds, which IMO are a very overlooked but important aspect of flight simming. That's true, I personally prefer a higher level of realism.
  3. No offense but MSFS attracted a lot of users that aren't taking flight simming seriously enough, and that shows in the way developers are focusing on their products. In X-Plane there has always been a push to make aircraft as realistic as possible, sometimes even ignoring visuals or sounds.
  4. Even though MSFS is a really succesful platform, I feel like we're really spoiled by the aircraft available in X-Plane. Toliss, Aerobask, X-Crafts, Zibo to name a few. There's only a few planes that are worth in MSFS, and even those are lacking in some areas. Which is odd.
  5. This has to be the most embarassing comment here. Sadly the world moves on.
  6. Quite a lot to be excited about, but hopefully the MSAA improvements will also fix the terrible AA.
  7. True. It's code, you can change it, test it, break it. It's not like you wait for some physical part to come from abroad and then it doesn't fit. BTW, this discussion wasn't about 3rd party software.
  8. What I'm familiar with is that x-plane is the only game that I've seen struggling on AMD hardware. This should raise some questions.
  9. He knows why I quoted him. I don't know why it's so amazing to set up a specific rig for hardware that you support, it's called software testing...
  10. But car owners are allowed to express their frustration and disappoinment with other owners, since this is a product they paid for, without being told "well at least you should be happy that the stereo works, sometimes we forget the simple things".
  11. Are you a software developer if you speak about things that you're obviously not familiar with?
  12. Considering they're a few good years behind, yeah, it's pretty good.
  13. When your car breaks down or some other device that you paid for is unrealiable you just say "well I can't build a car so I'll just be happy that at least it looks good"?
  14. 600 lines of code on 1 meg of RAM and 256 colors. And 600 lines of low level code, meaning no frameworks, engines or libraries. Point is, developers are lazy nowadays, they rush things just to get something released and "fix later", meaning the end users has to deal with bugs, poor performance and half baked features.
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