Hi, Have a problem that I can't quiet understand. Could someone help shed some light for me please.
When I start P3D I have it set to show the scenario screen so I can select my aircraft etc. The problem I have is with the time part. I live in the UK so GMT-time for me my Local time. With the default location of somewhere in the US It will give me the local time there for the start time. But if i select GTM-time it won't select my time (same as on my computer). And also if I set my location to be EGLL (Heathrow) then if I put the GMT-Time to my computer time (which is correct) then it may show it as night time, even if its day outside, but then when I load up the sim the clocks inside the aircraft don't show the time I set as GMT-Time.
If it is 09:00gmt and I set 09:00 and click the GMT-Time switch the time will change so I have to reset it to my current time but then the aircraft time may be what the time changed to.
I don't quiet understand this GTM-Time toggle and I am getting confused with the time as I can't seem to get my flights correct be cause of it.
Anyone be able to give me an understaffing of this or help, if I am doing something wrong.