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Guest Rizzibird


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Guest Ian_Riddell

"User has disabled his profile"I should have guessed I'm always earnest..."Sir/Madam"... It's one of the forum's rules, isn't it... along with signing your name?"That's not your meant in earnest, or??????"From this, I assume English is not your native tongue(?).... so I'll try and say it as clearly as possible..... "Yes". To people who have a better grasp of the English language: I was vainly attempting to put perspective into a world where people get caught up in their own selfish microcosms.Ian.P.S. "Sir/Madam": Ever had a close family member die in a war?

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:-hang U have been hung Walter! LOL. J/KI've been following this thread for a couple days now and pretty quickly I predict it's all going to pop off and we'll have a full scale "war" on our hands. Either that or the forum will just go offline!To be quite honest, when I first came here I was a little put off by the fact that you have to sign your name...I mean who does that these days? But, perhaps PMDG wants to personalize the whole support forum experience...fine no prob.As for the "problem" posters, I can see where the anger comes from. In commerce, you've got a buyer and a seller who come together to benefit from one another in the exchange of goods. PMDG gets our money, we get a product. When the quality of the product doesn't match up to the customers' reasonable expectations, problems begin to occur. That's not just here...it happens all over the world on a daily basis.I'm in field support and deal daily with customers face-to-face who can be downright nasty when it comes to their PC's and Servers. Probably not as harsh as some of the stuff that has been posted here but at the end of the day it's the customer who is ALWAYS right. Some days that little phrase is a hard pill to swallow when I've got a customer who doesn't know to check if his PC is plugged in. Instead he'd rather put in a trouble ticket and blame us for all the work he wasn't able to finish. Like I say, that's customer service man...and it's here to stay. Some days, you just gotta bite your tongue.Personally, I'm satisfied with the PMDG product after my initial problems. I chose to deal with Mr. Randazzo personally by email and I can attest to his knowledge and commitment to providing an excellent product.As for the future of the forum...well, I'm sure PMDG will do the right thing.Chuck Nevin

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Hello all,I enjoy reading many AVSIM forums, including this one. It's very usefull and contains many threads I learn a lot from. It would really be bad to loose this! I can imagine the feelings of the PMDG staff reading some of the posts here. I would prefer to keep the forum alive and ban those that frequently show no social/human way of communicating. It's the way of saying things that bothers PMDG (and me sometimes), not the opinions themselves.Would it be an option to register on this forum with the same name/Email/password/etc. that has been used to register the 737NG? This prevents people from re-registering with another name. I know, people not owning the NG won't get in. But if I had to choose... ;-)

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Walter,Since you chose to quote part of my message I feel I have a right to reply. If you feel the word "idiot" is aggressive then you have a very thin skin. I experienced a great deal of frustration with the installation of the PMDG737 and some of my messages on this forum reflected that frustration. I spent nearly 12 hours trying to get FS2002 running again after installing the 737 but the reasons why it gave me so much trouble were never clearly identified.However, I felt that I never overstepped the mark on what I deemed was acceptable language in any of my messages. I wasn't personally abusive to any of the developers and I didn't make sweeping accusations about the quality or otherwise of the product. In short, I complained but kept it civil.Although I never read any of the messages that were removed I must assume they were beyond the bounds of acceptable behaviour. The team don't delete messages without serious consideration.So I stand by my description of the word "idiot" which IMHO isn't unreasonable.

Ray (Cheshire, England).
System: P3D v5.3HF2, Intel i9-13900K, MSI 4090 GAMING X TRIO 24G, Crucial T700 4Tb M.2 SSD, Asus ROG Maximus Z790 Hero, 32Gb Corsair Vengeance DDR5 6000Mhz RAM, Win 11 Pro 64-bit, BenQ PD3200U 32” UHD monitor, Fulcrum One yoke, Fulcrum TQ (pre-production).
Cheadle Hulme Weather

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PMDG, because of this forum you could make the patches for this 73G your beta team didn't recognize. Now even more people could buy it (those who where hesitating because of the flaws in it)... and more people will buy the 738 when it comes. Those who participated in this forum made you some money!!!Now there are just a FEW (as you also told in your topic) people who didn't behave, well that's just life.Grow up, take it like a man, delete and let's forget this topic (aswell as you did it with some others). John Ruisch

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Hi,just two points:Software Corporations and Developers are mostly not very customer friendly when they have prospered to a certain weight and size and are more often in war against each other than to care about customers in free forum etc.Most, but not all, of the corporations and developer teams here in AVSIM or in there own fora are much more customer friendly and show care for customers.Half of the time I spent around this hobby FS2kx, I am here around in thus forum reading and sometimes posting. Why do I do that? I try to learn from what I read and have already learned a lot this way.And sometimes it happens that I can help others. That's a great feeling!So, I like this hobby the most, because we as customers can communicate with you developers. It is as well a big reason why I spent so amazing much money for this hobby. Without this AVSIM Forum, I would give you much less money...I have sometimes issues I am not pleased about and especialy when I feel ignored. But I do not flame in a childish way or toooo unfriendly. I try to keep it calm.I dont like that some customers are a lot less friendly when they see a issue talking about. Flaming doesnt work. But to just stay away from forum like AVSIM doesnt get more customers, more over a loss of present and new customers may happen.AVSIM admins are able to ban these users who are too unfriendly. Tell them, they will help you. But they will help you when it is realy urgent and not when you are just too sensitive.

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Hi Rob,I'm very sad to have to read this post, but also understand why you have. As ED you do have the responibility to your staff to provide an appropriate work place ethic. I can appreciate that. Management 101 does read something like "don't punish the majority for the minority, address the issues with those that require it". Why is it that you (as forum moderator) cannot ban people from here? Is there some over-riding AVSIM policy that prevents you from doing so? I think you need to give some of the trouble-makers the "flick" and just deny them access to here.However, it's something to be able to discriminate between "trouble-maker" and someone just venting an issue. Whatever you decide, I hope that we are able to have some medium to discuss the NG (and any future products) with the level of expertise that you have at PMDG. Bruce.

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>Walter,>>Since you chose to quote part of my message I feel I have a>right to reply. If you feel the word "idiot" is aggressive>then you have a very thin skin.LOL. It

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Walter,I have never called you an idiot. Not intentionally anyway. If you read my original message I referred to "idiots". In that context I was referring only to those people who had posted messages that had offended the PMDG management.If you haven't posted any of those messages then clearly the term doesn't apply to you. If I have offended and you are not guilty of posting such messages then I apologise.As for having a "noble attitude" I don't believe I have one and I certainly don't seek one. I just pass an opinion on things that please or irritate me.In all honesty I hope we can now draw a line under this. I'd much rather discuss more positive things like how good the PMDG737 is. But that should be held over for another thread.Cheers,

Ray (Cheshire, England).
System: P3D v5.3HF2, Intel i9-13900K, MSI 4090 GAMING X TRIO 24G, Crucial T700 4Tb M.2 SSD, Asus ROG Maximus Z790 Hero, 32Gb Corsair Vengeance DDR5 6000Mhz RAM, Win 11 Pro 64-bit, BenQ PD3200U 32” UHD monitor, Fulcrum One yoke, Fulcrum TQ (pre-production).
Cheadle Hulme Weather

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>Walter,>>I have never called you an idiot. Not intentionally anyway. If>you read my original message I referred to "idiots". In that>context I was referring only to those people who had posted>messages that had offended the PMDG management.>>If you haven't posted any of those messages then clearly the>term doesn't apply to you. If I have offended and you are not>guilty of posting such messages then I apologise.Hard to say as I don

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Guest FattyBear

I dont understand why we cant just get along. We are all here because we all love the same thing. I think we should just keep that in mind.

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Again, The majority of members suffer, due to a select minority of people that don't know when to quit typing on their keyboards! This is so common now on forums, like this one, and it is always the majority of people who get along and use the forum sensibly that loose out. Why can you not just ban those members from posting? Is it not that easy?Just my thoughts on the matter.

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Guest Ken_Salter

A couple of comments:1) Banning users is not an action we at AVSim like to do. However, we will ban users if the circumstances are such that the user has violated the Terms and Conditions. Each situation is evaluated on a case by case basis. When a user is banned they are banned across ALL forums.2) Robert and his team set the rules for this forum and do most of the moderating. However, the rest of AVSim (including myself) do monitor ALL forums, including this one. I do take a laissez faire approach, but am still around ;-)Remember, if you see any post that bothers you or that should be brought to our (PMDG or AVSim) attention, use the Alert link.I hope that everyone can conduct themselves as civilized people. This does not mean that we cannot disagree with each other - just remember to keep the discussions as "polite" as possible, and keep everything in perspective.Peace out...http://saltydogfly2.avsim.net/images/avsim_sig.jpg"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."

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Guest ntsmith

What about a "Shame and name list" Very effective if you are right, but perhaps a legal nightmare in the making if they turn out to be right.I must say I NEVER recieved any help by using the support email. - Bought (downloaded this thing a few days ago) and had a few difficulties at first, so what are you actualy with drawing. The only help was form other kind souls on the Forum. Guess it could have benn the support team though.Anyway in short, plesae re-think this. It is perhaps because that at least there is this after sales help that the aircraft are purchased. Certainly, a complicated AC like this NEEDS some support.Personly I have no gripes with the company. For me it is certainly the best add on that I have for the FS9 - or is it FS2004?Dont be like a lemming, think before you leap

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Guest LLgaz

The purpose of this post and thread was to attempt to get people to behave in a more civil manner. It had the desired effect. PMDG is not going to leave the forums. Now just let sleeping dogs lie. Please!

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