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Payware Devs, Please Read.

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Hello, this will be my first post on avsim since we have now to register to read the forum, I think I can also participate in some conversation. Sorry if I make mistakes (grammatical or so) since English is not my native language.I just wanted to argument on that point : "Secondly, I would be amazed to see that FS9 drivers weren't buying payware as much. I don't think Aerosoft's spokesperson is lying, but perhaps folks that can afford addons, can also afford great rigs that can handle FSX? I don't know, but I do know that I'm still buying FS9 addons, albeit at a more diminished rate due to the terrible exchange rate and the economic situation"Yes, Aerosoft is certainly right in some way when they say that FS9 users are buying less that FSX users, for the reasons you state in this topic but I think there are more reasons. The more obvious (in my opinion) is that FS9 users that keeping up whith their favorite sim are on the market for a very long time, and they've already bought tons off add-ons, planes, sceneries, good or bad ones, anyway. So, now the sim is almost like they always wanted it to be. And in the present, and for the future, they simply take their time to think and choose what to buy. Is it really worth it, and will this new add-on simply mess up my sim if I install it now without knowing more about it? Also, on the other side, there is a so large and well stocked free market for FS9, I know some simmers improving their sim experience with only freeware. So passionnated people can turn their sim exactly the way they want whitout paying a cent. The conclusion of that is, when you already have all that you want/need/like, why spend a lot more money for it instead it really worth it? Like a paradoxe, our passion and the way we "cherish" our sim may be one of the reasons why FS9 add-ons are selling less than before. And also cost living is higher nowadays, most of us know that. That's was my waffle on this topic. Also many many thanks to add-ons developpers that are continuing to support FS9 (I can see many of them, and not the least in this forum). Hope this will last a very long time. Alain

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There is an interesting poll on the Maddog2008 forum of which sim you use.Last time I checked over two thirds still used FS9 (like me).So they have sold lots which they wouldn't have sold otherwise, unlike Coolsky, who dropped FS9 (at their cost).Long live MSFS2004 :( ps. I have continued to buy all of Aerosofts excellent sceneries for FS9. Also it seems that their best selling product over the last couple of years (without any doubt) is AES. Isn't this FS9 only????


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There is an interesting poll on the Maddog2008 forum of which sim you use.Last time I checked over two thirds still used FS9 (like me).
Same for PMDG, I think you'll find any poll in a high end airliner forum will favour fs9. Even strong fsx users maintain fs9 for airliner ops. Perhaps in time those persons will drop fs9 as they upgrade. Perhaps then the picture will change.FSX is the superior platform upon which to build, no question - it's limits are far beyond those of fs9. If indeed we do not see a new sim, it can only get better over the years as fs9 did. A mature fsx, tamed by hardware, will be a dream platform regardless of anyone's preferred type of flying.



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Guest Tingoose

I don't believe that Mathjis Kok was lying but was disheartened to read the comment, but as omeone above pointed out, it may be due to Aerosoft's favouring of FSX ver FS9 that has skewed the sales figures. As it happens, most of their FSX products are also available in FS9 anyway. The way I see it is that we are left with two good but not perfect versions of FS in FS9 and FSX. Both have their proponents and I hope that both will be supported by third party developers for a long time to come. Although I still favour FS9, I'm sure that the potential of FSX will eventually be realised by adon developers, and that's great news or people like me who have yet to move over to FSX. There's plenty of life in the old FS girl yet!

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Funny, isn't it. Mathijs Kok is right to a certain degree, but it's his own doing... Months ago he posted more or less the same comments and I responded, make FS9 products and people will buy them! I even pitched some ideas, but no response whatsoever. It's only logical that if you're biased towards FSX that FS9 will do worse. What a clever guy he is... I've always had respect for Aerosoft, but that comment rubbed me the wrong way. It's like Cloud9 and their arrogant "Pure FSX only code" nonsense. They're pretty much done now... The FSDreamTeam spin-off embraced both platforms and continues to do so, releasing excellent quality sceneries for both sims with more in the pipeline (KLAS, KDFW)...Personally speaking, I continue to buy FS9 addons and will continue to do so as long as developers release interesting products. I'm especially interested in quality sceneries, but with the FS series on pause, it's an ideal time to look at some ideas that may not have been feasible in the past with a new version of the sim on the horizon every couple of years.And I'll never upgrade to FSX. :(


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Guest JSkorna

HiFi has attempted to meet the demands of both versions and will try to do so in the future.

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I'm another FS9-only simmer with a year-old computer that will happily run any combination of FS9 add-ons well into the foreseeable future. I continue to buy newly-released sceneries and aircraft (and some oldies, too), and suspect that I'm not a minority in doing so. I respect Aerosoft's decision to develop aircraft only for FSX at this point, but I really believe that they and Level-D are missing a sizable chunk of the market with this approach. The only thing keeping me from dropping $80 on the new FS9 version of PMDG's MD-11 is the potential OOM problem, since I don't want to change OS's at this point. Otherwise, these days it's (new FS9 release = get out the credit card = hope the wife doesn't notice).

John G.

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