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Open the FMS-window

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Hello Bryan,I have a request concerning the FMS in the Maddog. It has nothing to do with FS2Crew: When I'm in the VC there is no clickspot to open the FMS in it's own 2D-window (like it is possible in the 2D-cockpit). For me I cannot program the FMS in VC, I need a 2D-window!But I see, that you have made an icon to open your FS2Crew windows when clicking on the PFD. Though, how can I make an icon to open the FMS in a 2-D window, if I click on the FMS in VC? Can you give me any hints..........or can you even program that icon for me/us? I don't think that this is very difficult (if one knows what to do). But it would be very convenient to open the FMS with a mouse-click instead of the shift-8 command.I see no chance to ask these question in the Maddog-forum, coz the Maddog developers are nearly invisible there and surely don't bother about my request.Bernhard

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I could do it easily.I'll add it to the next update.Way it'll probably work is you have to hit the middle mouse button on the same gauge used to open the FS2Crew Main Panel.Doubt I could add the clickspot over the FMC itself directly given the way VC's work.Cheers,

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  • 4 years later...

Any chanche to have a clickspot for FMS? I have the same problem in VC, wirh EZCA I can program a bit better, but 2d is very usefull. also ND would be appreciated in 2d. As Bernard said maddog devs are not so present on LSH forum and I think this wonderful addon is discontinued.


OS: Windows 10-64 bit, CPU: i7-7700K @4.20 GHz, GPU: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1080 G1 8GB GDDR5, RAM: Corsair Vengeance DDR4 32GB 3000MHz, MB: MSI Z270

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