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FSX Install Location

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Maybe because you had your system and FSX set up by a professional?
HelloNo Jim, it is because the combination of addons that he uses has not created any problems regarding reading and writing to the virtual store.It is specifically the way microsoft have programmed windows 7 and vista, finally forcing developers to comply with writing code that works correctly on multi user systems.Nothing at all to do with who set up the system, it is a fact that FSX set up under Program Files(x86) will write certain files to a location that software written for XP cannot find simply because that location did not exist pre Vista/Win7. FSGS cannot do anything to circumvent the way that Win7 is programmed and how third party legacy Apps react to the newer OS.If FSGS is telling folk to install FSX under Program Files(x86) that speaks volumes about that service, I would prefer to go with what the developers who actually code these Apps advise.

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Most of you know nothing about my service. Including how, why, or any other thing else. Why don't you just keep your discussions to what's relevant to you and your machine and your derogatory comments to yourselves. I own, use, and or test just about every add-on ever made including legacy add-ons and so do most of my clients. In fact I would venture to guess that my clients use more add-ons layered successfully than the average user posting here or at other sites. That list would Include FsCommander, FsInn, FsCo-pilot, Fs9, BSMM Electronic flight bags, Aireola, and a host of other products far too numerous to mention. I continue to be in business year after year despite all the negativity towards my work due primarily to my success rate at helping people who have reached a breaking point of conflicting information delivered through the web. Oftentimes I receive clients through the recommendations of developers who by themselves cannot solve a clients issue. I have achieved a level of mutual respect and an excellent working relationship with many developers. My service has been more successful with far less complaints than most other developers can claim but yet I still hear of how my approach "speaks volumes" about how wrong I am. Actually the constant complaints against FSX including incorrect installation paths, poor performance, repeated CTDs, incorrectly overclocked machines, FSX.cfgs with incorrect "tweaks", autogen folders corrupted by well-meaning developers writing to the default .xml incorrectly etc etc etc that are seen every day here (if you know how to identify them) as well as elsewhere may "speak volumes" regarding the confusing and often mis-leading "help" offered in forums. Michael Greenblatt www.fs-gs.com Oh and don't let me forget that they all use Win7 64 bit.

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Maybe because you had your system and FSX set up by a professional?
Jim and MadDog Yes I did, which has saved me and 1000's of others from having to wade through and try out every 'tweak/fix' ever posted by well meaning people. However the fact is, FSGS set my FS up AFTER it was installed, 3 times so far, once for FS9 and XP, twice for FSX and Win 7 64, since I upgraded my computers. It has saved me untold amounts of time, I get to fly everyday and not have to experiment with 'forum fixes'. I am not going into specifics of the FSGS service, because unless you are a customer, it's proprietary, but I will say this....if FSX is installed to any other location except the default, then you are now committed to checking EVERY addon you install to be sure the installer path is correct, and if you forget that very important step, you end up with a addon in the wrong location, and many DO forget to check. Regarding 'legacy' products, of which I have many, most install without any issues, and for the few that don't, Win 7 thoughtfully included a 'compatibility' mode that solves the problem. I run a ton of programs with multi monitors and multi machines (3) without issue using FSX in it's default location. I never have FPS issues, CTD's, freezing, pauses, or any of the other 100's of problems some have here. I have never had to use any tweaks other than the ones FSGS did during their service, and I fly daily with many others who are satisfied customers of theirs. One other thing, I have far too many addons to list, but for the life of me I can't remember a single one whose deveoper reccomended installing FSX to a different path from the default. Those who make assumptions really should research their facts before jumping to conclusions, they actually might learn something, I know I did.


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Jay, my remark was NOT a snide comment if thats how it was interperted. What I meant was simple, the reason you have no issues was because you had your rig set up professionally. I use Michael as well for years now and can vouch for the quality of his service and knowledge.

Avsim Board of Directors | Avsim Forums Moderator

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Jay, my remark was NOT a snide comment if thats how it was interperted. What I meant was simple, the reason you have no issues was because you had your rig set up professionally. I use Michael as well for years now and can vouch for the quality of his service and knowledge.
No problem, that was more to reply to MD :-)


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Most of you know nothing about my service. Including how, why, or any other thing else. Michael Greenblatt www.fs-gs.com
Hello Michael.Ok, I am willing to give this a try, how do I sign up for your service.I am old enough to know I should not really knock something till I have tried it.

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Hello Michael.Ok, I am willing to give this a try, how do I sign up for your service.I am old enough to know I should not really knock something till I have tried it.
Excellant idea, I'm impressed!


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I installed FSX directly to my C Drive. C:/FS 10/ I made sure that UAC is turned off before I installed. I then went to the FS 10 folder and enables sharing for "everyone"No problems at all, Iain

WilloW (YMHB)

B737-800 simulator

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