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About Glynn

  • Birthday 05/27/1958

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  1. This is the pot on a saitek throttle, as you can see it is open, just stick the long nozzle on your electrical cleaner down the side of the lever and spray whilst moving the throttle. No disassembly needed. It's easy but maybe the others did not understand what they were doing ?
  2. The Pots are open, they are miniature trim pots, spraying them with contact cleaner with a long nozzle works perfectly Done mine many times.
  3. Complete out of the box ?, not even close Seasons, Ai, ATC, Weather, all missing or poorly implemented. compared to P3D it lacks so much. And lets be honest the number of really good payware addons is miniscule even after all these years Xplane really only has a hand full of decently modelled aircraft.
  4. They are both made by the same person Dino Cattaneo. I would guess that his payware version is more advanced than the one he donated to LM. http://indiafoxtecho.blogspot.co.uk/ F-35 LIGHTNING II PROJECT/ V3 For Prepar3D v2.5/v3.X with Tacpack This is a new version of the F-35 project that improves the freeware version in several areas including new visual models, additional avionics functionalities (with TFLIR, DAS and ASR imaging support) and new flight dynamics.
  5. In the section dealing with Simconnect.xml it may be worth adding that you can also use your machines name rather than the IP address, this is a much simpler method than using the IP address which can change if using DHCP <SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0"> <Descr>SimConnect</Descr> <Filename>SimConnect.xml</Filename> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <SimConnect.Comm> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Protocol>IPv4</Protocol> <Scope>global</Scope> <Address>desktop</Address> <MaxClients>64</MaxClients> <Port>6811</Port> <MaxRecvSize>4096</MaxRecvSize> <DisableNagle>False</DisableNagle> </SimConnect.Comm> <SimConnect.Comm> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Protocol>Auto</Protocol> <Scope>Global</Scope> </SimConnect.Comm>
  6. I5 2500K here since 2011 running at 4.7Ghz using a cheap Corsair A50 air cooler. There is absolutely no need for AIO water coolers, you just need to be lucky with the chip you buy.
  7. Bob, As far as I know for the Ai generated chatter to work two things need to be in place. In the Aircraft.cfg there needs to be an atc_airline defined and then the relevant call sign WAV's to be present in PF3's recorded voice sets. The GA aircraft both in PF3's aircraft models and the default GA stuff do not have this line so there is nothing to call out. You might like to try adding an atc_airline=CESSNA to the cessna's in MyTraffic aircraft and see if any of them will generate chatter. as I am sure cessna is in the PF3 WAV files. Hopefully Dave marsh will rely on the PF3 forum with a better explanation. [fltsim.0] title=B773ER_MyPaint00 sim=Boeing777-300 model=FSX texture=My00 atc_id=F-GSQE atc_airline=AIR FRANCE atc_heavy=1 ATC_PARKING_TYPEs=GATE,RAMP ATC_PARKING_CODES=AFR ui_manufacturer=MT Boeing ui_type=777-300ER ui_variation=Air France
  8. The Learjet also suffers from bad window reflections in DX10 and that was originally an FSX only product. Looks great in P3D v3 though.
  9. The clouds and fog layer still flicker against mountain tops in P3D, not only that but terrain shadows can also flicker and look odd at certain angles. It is still a better looking Sim than FSX + DX10 fixer in all aspects other than the water though.
  10. https://www.oo-software.com/en/shutup10
  11. You do realise you can turn that stuff off don't you ? My start menu has no adverts, just much more functionality than I had in Win7
  12. Stephen, they will build whatever it is that they want to build and then claim that we were all consulted. Just look at Flight School, DTG took nothing on board from the feedback here and actually released a product that had less flight training lessons than FSX
  13. Exactly Heimi, worrying that they need to ask these questions at all. More worrying is that despite all the negative comments about Flight schools clouds and sky colours they still went ahead and released it with no attempt to correct the colours. Maybe they should have got the answers to these questions much earlier, possibly before they licensed the code in the first place.
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