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Major gaming site IGN reviews Flight

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Actually, GTA IV, was a dramatic improvement from III, not just in graphics but gameplay as well. And no, not all ratings are based on past success, take Final Fantasy 11 vs. 14 for example. And no, I did not say you gave it a 10 as is, I said that even if the devs add everything under the sun to it, a 9 or 10 is still not possible (you asked me why, I answered), the base game will simply not allow for that type of upgrade, they would have to start over. In my opinion the game at it's best a few years down the road might make it to a 7, maybe an 8 (not likely). It really doesn't matter because a review is just a number that people are not going to agree on. The problem with a bad review is that anyone that may be on the fence about trying a game could be pushed off to the wrong side, and Flight does not do anything to help itself with the poor opening sequence.

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It's a very relaxing game.
Game. You said it yourself.FSX is a SIM.



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When Microsoft starts spending money to adverstise Flight on IGN the next review rating will mysteriously increase.

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Been a member there for more than 10 years and buy just about every major release title, their reviews are spot on.
The trouble with this comment is that :a) 'Major Release' is therefore decided by them - surely you can make up your own mindB) this has nothing to do with FLIGHT - which is what I thought we were here to discuss?

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PC Gamer - the magazine - recently claimed FSX to be one of the best games ever. They've had good coverage of both Flight and X-Plane 10 for many issues now!The best selleing PC game of all time is The Sims - hardly a blow up game.You paint with a large brush. Gamers aren't one homogenic mass, just as flight simmers and Flight players aren't.Saying that gamers LOVE to blow things up is like saying that Flight fans are childish or whatever. There are countless top grossing games that aren't about blowing things up.
True. Still seems to me that Arwen might has been right about the reviewer :unknw:

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The best selleing PC game of all time is The Sims - hardly a blow up game.
But you certainly can mod the heck out of it. And when all else fails, put your sim in a room with no doors and watch them die a slow agonizing death. Or set them on fire and watch them run around screaming. Explosions, no. Violence, yes.

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PC Gamer - the magazine - recently claimed FSX to be one of the best games ever. They've had good coverage of both Flight and X-Plane 10 for many issues now!The best selleing PC game of all time is The Sims - hardly a blow up game.
My comment that "Gamers LOVE to blow things up." Was obviously an "in general" comment. I'm a long time gamer, I make mods for games, run a RPG website, and an international gaming forum, yet I don't happen to love blowing things up.But I know gamers pretty well (as a whole, as in trends, and what sells), and I know what type of games generally get the best reviews on the gaming sites. The most popular TYPE of games are FPS and action RPGs, which are centered around blowing things up, shooting your opponents, or brutal melee combat. That's a fact. And if you read the comments that follow most gaming sites articles on Flight, you can nearly always find one where the author writes something like "Flight would be a decent game, if you could shoot at each other."If you knew me at all, you would have known that I wasn't trying to pick on gamers, but on the reviewers on gaming sites.

~ Arwen ~


Home Airfield: KHIE

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Why do these reviews always state that civilian flightsims are boring? Answer: because you cannot blow anything up or shoot at each other.
To those who have an interest in a flight simulation which replicates the reality, complexity, and immersion of real-world flying (and that would include everyone on this forum), the current offering falls far short of delivering that, it would seem with no possibility of achieving that in the near future.To those who want an addictive exciting game with many and varied levels and challenges, the current offering provides no graphically superb scenery-destroying explosions or mayhem that the gamer can cause, or other players to destroy. Like Arwen says, no one to shoot at. Or the heart-pounding adrenalin rush of someone shooting at you to terminate your game.So what group is left? The 'casual middle'. The person who thinks it would be interesting to "fly" a plane to see what it's like. To those who have this interest in casual flying (and by definition, that would be GA flying), the novelty wears off rather quickly and it becomes a little boring after they've done it for a while and looked at the scenery - scenery, which others have pointed out, is 'dead' with no life to it via moving cars, animated people, trains, buildings on fire, animals romaing around, or airports teeming with animated vehicles. There is no long term passion in it driving these folks to open their wallets to buy more and more DLC for many years to come.

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On the issue of complexity... FSX did not offer anything besides weather parameters for VFR planning. In flight it is impossible to plan a flight thanks to the complete lack of weather data. Are you searching for more complex aircraft or for structure around how you use the tool?It also doesn't mean all that much when the distances are so short and there are no landmarks to use over the ocean in Flight.I don't see how the current tools in flight (weather aside) don't offer one the same degree of complexity that prior Sims offered. My biggest gripe besides weather is a lack of systems failures.You can still shoot approaches and navigate by dead reckoning or radio.

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I fly for real, not IFR, no no.... (will in the PC when PSX arrives :-) IFR and Airliner style...), gliders to be precise...I tried getting my ULM license, but couldn't afford it...FLIGHT, gives me the closest to real feeling of "being there", albeit not yet having ATC and there being no ATIS to give us an hint on how the weather is (I know - its like in the Weather Scenario we choose... but I'd appreciate to be able to listen to some ATIS....) or simply an altimeter setting (but again, we use QFE mostly when flying gliders here in Europe).But, I spent years "flying" fancy aircraft, GA, Helos, Airliners, in ATP, fs5, fs6, FU1/2/3, Popilot/ETC-Protrainer, Fly!, RTS-Pro, ELITE, FS9, FSX, PS1, XPlane... until I thought I was really missing the important thing - replicating as close as possible what I do for real when I fly. I do so in Condor and now in FLIGHT!From the didactic POV FLIGHT is also very good, at least for someone starting/looking forward for his PPL.FLIGHT = simplicity, yet sound and very acceptable physics model of flight/weather/ground interaction.. Fails regarding damage modelling, and in that area I think they should at least include structural damage when limits are exceeded on a given aircraft...

To those who have an interest in a flight simulation which replicates the reality, complexity, and immersion of real-world flying (and that would include everyone on this forum), the current offering falls far short of delivering that, it would seem with no possibility of achieving that in the near future.To those who want an addictive exciting game with many and varied levels and challenges, the current offering provides no graphically superb scenery-destroying explosions or mayhem that the gamer can cause, or other players to destroy. Like Arwen says, no one to shoot at. Or the heart-pounding adrenalin rush of someone shooting at you to terminate your game.So what group is left? The 'casual middle'. The person who thinks it would be interesting to "fly" a plane to see what it's like. To those who have this interest in casual flying (and by definition, that would be GA flying), the novelty wears off rather quickly and it becomes a little boring after they've done it for a while and looked at the scenery - scenery, which others have pointed out, is 'dead' with no life to it via moving cars, animated people, trains, buildings on fire, animals romaing around, or airports teeming with animated vehicles. There is no long term passion in it driving these folks to open their wallets to buy more and more DLC for many years to come.

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That's perhaps because combat flightsims score much higher in gamer reviews. Gamers LOVE to blow things up. Why do these reviews always state that civilian flightsims are boring? Answer: because you cannot blow anything up or shoot at each other.
Nope its boring because when you land at PHNL a major airport or any airport, you are the only thing moving there, the world is dead, no planes no cars no ships moving no atc, its all dead. If Microsoft sees that this is the way forward i wish them luck, but it will fail.These things should have been added from the start, its beyond me what they were thinking when planning this and thought it could bring in the gamers. And what about the future, what will be added and for who, what is the big plan with this, nobody knows, seriously that is not the way to launch a game. Why even bother to land at an airport, you might as well just crash the plane in to a building.

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And if you read the comments that follow most gaming sites articles on Flight, you can nearly always find one where the author writes something like "Flight would be a decent game, if you could shoot at each other."If you knew me at all, you would have known that I wasn't trying to pick on gamers, but on the reviewers on gaming sites.
Maybe some of those reviewers meant that as a tongue in cheek comment? After all the gameplay in Flight is rather unique and either you get it or you don't. The IGN review wasn't top notch, but in general I think Flight has been surprisingly well recieved by reviewers.
But you certainly can mod the heck out of it. And when all else fails, put your sim in a room with no doors and watch them die a slow agonizing death. Or set them on fire and watch them run around screaming. Explosions, no. Violence, yes.
Yep, and morons had their fun crashing into buildings in FS as well...Violence is more natural to humans than flight :)

Simmerhead - Making the virtual skies unsafe since 1987! 

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Yep, and morons had their fun crashing into buildings in FS as well...Violence is more natural to humans than flight :)
While I don't deliberately crash into buildings... some of the biggest laughs I've had in the game were watching my plane and pilot tumble haphazardly down a canyon after a failed attempt at a waterfall aerocache... ; )

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While I don't deliberately crash into buildings... some of the biggest laughs I've had in the game were watching my plane and pilot tumble haphazardly down a canyon after a failed attempt at a waterfall aerocache... ; )
hence the "Crude Humor" rating... :LMAO:

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