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TrackIR in a future update.

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No flames from me for anyone that did not find Track IR was for them. No one product fits the bill for everyone, and no one should expect it to.


For those that have not ever tried it, I will say this in regards to a couple of major complaints - and yes these are very valid complaints, and are the nature of the beast with a head tracking device:


Having to stay totally still - I get around that in two ways - one, the Track IR software is very customizable - and I mean very - anyone can go to the Natural Point website, download the manual, and check out all that one can do with customizing the software. Dead zones, non linear response curves, etc. The way mine is set up, I can actually move my head slightly without the camera moving, or moving very little. If one was to get a Track IR, install the software and plug it in, then start a flight - initially you may think - what the heck? It does take a little getting used to, and if one of the provided profiles does not feel quite right, they can all be tweaked in many ways.


The second way, is by using what I mentioned earlier, the pause and recenter keys mapped to my joystick buttons.

I too am not going to stay sitting in one position for a long time, I may be on a long Flight in FSX - want to adjust myself in my seat, move back further into or, or further into it - each time I do this, I first pause, then when settled unpause, then recenter. It has become second nature to me when I do this.


Anyway just wanted to clarify how I myself handle those two issues - but again it is to each their own, just like the Flight program itself doesn't appeal to some folks, neither would Track IR. I myself find it very difficult, almost primitive, to have to fly without it - where the next guy may absolutely hate trying to use it no matter what.


But man I am so glad to hear Track IR may be in the works for Flight - for me at least, this would be perfect.

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I love TrackIR and always posted that I wouldn't fly in FSX without it. Well, I still love it, but I also like the rocksteady view in MS Flight... The last time I flew in FSX I even disabled TrackIR, haha! My main problem with TrackIR is that I need to recenter it all the freakin' time. I just can't stand that when I have looked left and right and a bit forward and back again and I sit back again and see the VC is not centered well... I just HAVE to recenter it all the time. (I am the kind of guy that automatically makes sure his pencils are lying alligned on the desk, haha!!!) Still, I hope TrackIR will come to Flight because of course if I want to I can pause it and only use it when I really need it. I have to say that even though I am getting used to the camera options in Flight, approaches and specially circuits are a PITA without TrackIR. You can't simply glance left or right to see where the runway is and that sucks. Also for simply enjoying the scenery TrackIR is so easy... Bring it on!

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Yes it is a big pain to sit still for a long time. This is the first change I made to my TrackIR profile.


One easy "fix" for those that find TrackIR to be too sensitive.

1) Try a less sensitive profile, some of the provided sample profiles are much less senstive than the default one.

2) Edit your profile to decrease the sensitivity.


It is possible to create a profile that will only shift your virtual head position after you have shifted your real head position by a large amount.


I currently have TrackIR configured to require more head movement in all axes but pitch and yaw. I have also limited the profile curve to amplify the head movement by a small amount relative to the default profile.


It only takes a few minutes to play with the profile editor and drag the curves and watch the head movement to fine tune the behavior. I would recommend making your curves look something like an { rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise.

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The trick to TRack IR is to know when NOT to use it. You don't want to use it when you are adjusting your seat or getting up for a drink. You DO want to use it when landing or taxing. The point is that you MUST program a button to quickly turn IR on / off and also to recenter.




Jim Allen
SkyPilot Software home of FSXAssist / P3DAssist


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So what's next on the wish list...


For me it is toe brakes and working autopilots.


- Gary Letona

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Great news! I'll still only try Flight again when it will actually be there (they said no promises, so they could still change their mind), but if it becomes supported and Alaska looks good enough, then Flight might find a useful place on my HDD :)


By the way, regarding the way TrackIR, there are 2 things I do when moving around in my chair: if I'm just changing my attitude, I have a joystick button to reset and re center trackIR, it's instantaneous so whenever I go from deeply seated to sitting higher up (typical changes when flying combat sims for example) that's sorted out instantly. Then with a good profile you don't have to have to hold your head position rigidly, some movement will just feel as natural as movement that would occur in real life (granted that the profile curves are set well). And for any stronger movement such as looking for something around on the desk etc, I just press the other button to pause trackIR, et voila! I never feel constrained or less relaxed than without it :)


On the other hand, whenever I play a game without trackIR I find myself unconsciously moving my head in one direction or another to push the camera :P

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My main use of TrackIR was in IL2 for combat. It REALLY REALLY helped to be able to "check 6" just at a quick glance. Those flights never did last very long, and your head was ALWAYS moving. I can see were in a GA, you will want to not use it all the time, but there is a quick key to stop TiR.


The thing is, Flight's world is so full of stuff to see, it reminds me of my days in IL2, constantly moving my head around to see everything there is to see! With Alaska on the horizon, its something im willing to invest in. Im sure Alaska will be just as stunning, if not more!

Kevin Miller


3D Artist and developer

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BTW I don't have any problems with having to sit still. I use a smooth profile which allows me to move my head without really noticing it onscreen. So no problems there at all. The only problem I have is that TrackIR is off center too soon after looking around and I need to recenter it constantly.

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The only problem I have is that TrackIR is off center too soon after looking around and I need to recenter it constantly.


Hey Jeroen,


Fwiw - I used to find myself having to recenter more often till I paid more attention to how I had the camera centered in regards to the reflectors.

In the software I opened the camera view, and made sure the 3 green dots were centered as close as I could get them by adjusting the camera itself.

Doing this seems to have helped mine in this regard, I don't find myself having to recenter as often as I used to.

The problem arises if while moving your head one of the reflectors gets out of range of the camera led.

So to help this I:

First make sure the dots in the camera view are centered as close as I can get them.

If I am going to move my head an extreme amount, like take a sip of my coffee or look over at something else in the room, pausing the device.

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Thanks for the tip, but my dots are centered perfectly. :wink: I have the Track IR device attached on the complete left side of my monitor so the clip is straight before it, no angle whatsoever, and I never get out of range unless I bend forward completely to look at something at the bottom of my screen VERY closely.


My Track IR already gets off center when I simply look around in the VC by moving my head to look left or right. When I come back to the middle again, it usually isn't where it was before I started looking. Mind you, as said, I may be a bit picky so other may not notice or be annoyed by what I find annoying. :wink:

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I am glad that the people that use TrackIR are getting support, but to be frank TrackIR should use the normal HID APIs that all other controllers use instead of soaking up a developers time for special treatment.


I really don't think it's a big deal to get TrackIR working in-game. All the required elements are in the game already, and if little one-person developer games can integrate it without breaking a sweat, so can MS. Personally, I think it's a bit of Microsoft politics, and seeing what they can get away with, along the same line as cockpit-less planes... the market is driving their decision making.


I think they've weighed the responses and determined they will retain a broader user base implementing TrackIR. A smart move, because I was already perusing Orbx's stuff and thinking of switching back to FSX, as the lack of TrackIR was bothering me that much. Now, I will be sure to keep buying Flight's updates. I'm sure there are quite a few like me out there.

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If I can figure out a way to have a button on my yoke such that TIR will only work if I push and hold the button, then recenter automatically when I release the button, I'd be much more inclined to use it.

Fr. Bill    

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That may require some work. I do know that there is a key to disable TiR (F9?) and a key in Flight to center camera (backspace). If you can script those two keys in your joystick software, then boom! Your done!

Kevin Miller


3D Artist and developer

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Yeah, that should be doable, as long as your yoke supports sending keyboard macros with button pushes and releases.

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