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On 10/30/2023 at 6:22 PM, Fabio Lessa said:

How can I check if the FO managed to see that the thrust levers are beyond CLB detent? Because visually, the thrust levers were in FLEX/MCT, just like the indications on the PFD.

If I observe it through the dataref, which parameter should I look at, and from what value is the MCE FO programmed to understand that the takeoff thrust has been set?

Download latest dll and it should get things settled for all Toliss supported planes.


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Hi there!


I have the Toliss A340 - 600.  I have problem with the hydraulic pumps,  Clive doesn't seem to be able to open the four switch covers and consequently the hydraulic pumps don't start, starting with APU.  I can correct this myself manually, can you arrange for some more training for him?






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Hello, Gerald, I hope everything's okay.

I'm contacting you again to answer two questions about the interaction XP12 + ToLiss + MCE all in their latest version.
X-Plane 12.0.9-rc-5
ToLiss A319 v1.9.2
ToLiss A320 v1.0.4
ToLiss A321 v1.6.2
ToLiss A340 v1.3.1
MCE 1.6.70 with latest DLL


1) I customized the checklists according to an operator here. However, the answers to some items are "open" for the pilot to say the current status. For example:
- BARO REF in COCKPIT PREPARATION C/L, where the pilot reads the QNH entered on FCU
- T.O SPEEDS & THRUST in BEFORE START, where the pilot reads the speeds entered in the MCDU and the other reads those from the EFB
- ANTI ICE in AFTER START, which the pilot informs whether it is on or not, as it depends on the condition at the time
In short, there are at least 20 items on the checklist whose expected response depends on the condition entered at the time.
My question is whether we can somehow leave the possible response options in the MCE's checklist. In the case of ANTI ICE, the expected responses are "on;off"; in the case of BARO REF, there are numerous options but it would be OK if the MCE recognized that if the pilot says "set" at the end, he can move on to the next item on the checklist... example: "1011 set".

In my ignorance, I understood that the MCE only accepts one answer option in the personalized checklist.


2) On landing, would it be possible to make the MCE recognize after touchdown:
- Ground spoilers extended and perform the "spoilers" callout
- REV green on EWD and call out "reverse green"
- detect deceleration and call out "decel"
- detect autobrake disengagement and perform "autobrake off" callout
- perform the "seventy knots" callout at 70 kt during landings
At least for me, these callouts have never worked.


Best regards,


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7 hours ago, Fabio Lessa said:

Hello, Gerald, I hope everything's okay.

I'm contacting you again to answer two questions about the interaction XP12 + ToLiss + MCE all in their latest version.
X-Plane 12.0.9-rc-5
ToLiss A319 v1.9.2
ToLiss A320 v1.0.4
ToLiss A321 v1.6.2
ToLiss A340 v1.3.1
MCE 1.6.70 with latest DLL


1) I customized the checklists according to an operator here. However, the answers to some items are "open" for the pilot to say the current status. For example:
- BARO REF in COCKPIT PREPARATION C/L, where the pilot reads the QNH entered on FCU
- T.O SPEEDS & THRUST in BEFORE START, where the pilot reads the speeds entered in the MCDU and the other reads those from the EFB
- ANTI ICE in AFTER START, which the pilot informs whether it is on or not, as it depends on the condition at the time
In short, there are at least 20 items on the checklist whose expected response depends on the condition entered at the time.
My question is whether we can somehow leave the possible response options in the MCE's checklist. In the case of ANTI ICE, the expected responses are "on;off"; in the case of BARO REF, there are numerous options but it would be OK if the MCE recognized that if the pilot says "set" at the end, he can move on to the next item on the checklist... example: "1011 set".

In my ignorance, I understood that the MCE only accepts one answer option in the personalized checklist.


2) On landing, would it be possible to make the MCE recognize after touchdown:
- Ground spoilers extended and perform the "spoilers" callout
- REV green on EWD and call out "reverse green"
- detect deceleration and call out "decel"
- detect autobrake disengagement and perform "autobrake off" callout
- perform the "seventy knots" callout at 70 kt during landings
At least for me, these callouts have never worked.


Best regards,



Regarding checklist...

For items where the answer can be anything and the FO isn't expected to make sense of it, use one '_' (underscore) character.

[ ] item in checklist   -- _

MCE will then switch to "dictation mode" and you can say anything you want. Speech engine obviously may not pick-up exactly what you said as the dictation feature of the speech engine isn't as reliable as the "command and control" feature.

For anti-ice or other checkable items that can be ON or OFF, use "as required" as the reply.

[ ] engine anti-ice  --   As required

If you replay "as required", "as desired", FO will assume you intend the switches to remain in their current state.

If you reply "ON" (or equivalent word) he will check it's ON.

If you reply "OFF" (or equivalent word) he will check it's OFF.

Regarding item 2.

Since latest version, should be able to select 70 kts call-out on landing. Click button next to "Call-outs and monitoring" feature in "General" tab and you'll be able to customize call-outs.

Grab the latest here

Will get back to you regarding other items as soon as possible.

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Hello again Gerald,

First of all, thank you for your usual prompt reply.

I would just like to give you a quick feedback that I have uninstalled the version I had of MCE and installed the one available at the link provided. I did some quick tests with the A319, A320neo and A321 with scenarios that I had already saved in Toliss ISCS with the aircraft on approach. As expected, the 70 kt callout was performed for all three aircraft. 🙂
In addition, just for your review backlog, on one occasion (it was with the A321), I used full reverse - the vast majority of landings I keep in idle reverse. Strangely, the copilot gave me a "thrust set" callout and "100 kt" callout during this landing roll-out. Over the next few weeks I'll be monitoring behavior with full reverse and I'd be happy to tell you about it later.

I haven't had time to edit and run my checklists yet, but the way you've reported it above, for me and I believe for most users, it would be perfect.

When you have some time, please just confirm that when using this last version available on the site, it is not necessary to replace the DLL for Toliss with the file you sent me here on October 18, 2023.



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On 2/11/2024 at 11:21 PM, Fabio Lessa said:

Hello again Gerald,

First of all, thank you for your usual prompt reply.

I would just like to give you a quick feedback that I have uninstalled the version I had of MCE and installed the one available at the link provided. I did some quick tests with the A319, A320neo and A321 with scenarios that I had already saved in Toliss ISCS with the aircraft on approach. As expected, the 70 kt callout was performed for all three aircraft. 🙂
In addition, just for your review backlog, on one occasion (it was with the A321), I used full reverse - the vast majority of landings I keep in idle reverse. Strangely, the copilot gave me a "thrust set" callout and "100 kt" callout during this landing roll-out. Over the next few weeks I'll be monitoring behavior with full reverse and I'd be happy to tell you about it later.

I haven't had time to edit and run my checklists yet, but the way you've reported it above, for me and I believe for most users, it would be perfect.

When you have some time, please just confirm that when using this last version available on the site, it is not necessary to replace the DLL for Toliss with the file you sent me here on October 18, 2023.



You're welcome.

Please get the patch here and manually replace a few files. You'll get the latest

Patches - The Multi-Crew Experience (MCE) Support Forum - The AVSIM Community


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Posted (edited)

Hello, I'm having issues with MCE, MSFS, and the PMDG 737.

I'm using the following:

MCE V. 3.0.83 (I tried to download 3.0.88, but the download link does not work for me).

PMDG 737 from the Marketplace (just bought when it went on sale)

Simco64_ldr.exe V.

Built in ATC & MCE push to talk button on Honeycomb Alpha and also use the HC Beta hardware. I have disabled all toggle buttons on the HC Beta hardware.

The issues I have are:

Note: This is an IFR flight. When the built in ATC tells me to increase my altitude, issue 1 below happens. For some reason, the FO automatically tries to adjust the altitude, even though I have not asked for  it.

1. In MCE, Real Cockpit Crew Coordination is CHECKED. The FO adjusts the altitude, he keeps rotating the altitude knob until the altitude is maximum. I have to wait until the knob stops rotating, then I can readjust the altitude correctly.

If I uncheck Real Cockpit Crew Coordination, the wild altitude adjustments stop and I can manually and correctly adjust the altitude.

2. In an IFR flight only, (VFR works fine), when I request and altitude adjustment such as Center, American 427 requests FL220 (from FL280 for example), monitoring the ATC, it always opens the  INCREASE altitude window and stops. It should open the DECREASE altitude and choose the correct adjustment.

Again, this only happens with and IFR flight. The VFR flights correctly adjusts the altitude requests correctly.

3. I have a similar problem with the heading adjustment. The FO has a difficult time correctly setting the heading adjustment. I usually have to readjust after his adjustment.

I know you do not recommend the built in ATC, but honestly, it works OK for me. If we could just fix the above two issues, it would make MCE interface much better with the built in ATC.

Edited by flyblueskies

PC: 10900K, RAM 32GB, Geforce GTX 3080 (10GB), MSFS 2020, FSX-SE, XP-11, P3DV4.5, P3DV5 

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Posted (edited)
On 6/28/2024 at 11:53 AM, flyblueskies said:

Hello, I'm having issues with MCE, MSFS, and the PMDG 737.

I'm using the following:

MCE V. 3.0.83 (I tried to download 3.0.88, but the download link does not work for me).

PMDG 737 from the Marketplace (just bought when it went on sale)

Simco64_ldr.exe V.

Built in ATC & MCE push to talk button on Honeycomb Alpha and also use the HC Beta hardware. I have disabled all toggle buttons on the HC Beta hardware.

The issues I have are:

Note: This is an IFR flight. When the built in ATC tells me to increase my altitude, issue 1 below happens. For some reason, the FO automatically tries to adjust the altitude, even though I have not asked for  it.

1. In MCE, Real Cockpit Crew Coordination is CHECKED. The FO adjusts the altitude, he keeps rotating the altitude knob until the altitude is maximum. I have to wait until the knob stops rotating, then I can readjust the altitude correctly.

If I uncheck Real Cockpit Crew Coordination, the wild altitude adjustments stop and I can manually and correctly adjust the altitude.

2. In an IFR flight only, (VFR works fine), when I request and altitude adjustment such as Center, American 427 requests FL220 (from FL280 for example), monitoring the ATC, it always opens the  INCREASE altitude window and stops. It should open the DECREASE altitude and choose the correct adjustment.

Again, this only happens with and IFR flight. The VFR flights correctly adjusts the altitude requests correctly.

3. I have a similar problem with the heading adjustment. The FO has a difficult time correctly setting the heading adjustment. I usually have to readjust after his adjustment.

I know you do not recommend the built in ATC, but honestly, it works OK for me. If we could just fix the above two issues, it would make MCE interface much better with the built in ATC.

Go to ATC tab and ensure it is showing "Using Native Atc" and NOT "Using PF3 ATC". Restart MCE to ensure it has switched to the correct mode.

The NGX is the most used plane, therefore could just be a case of SDK not enabled on the plane side.

If not enabled, the FO won't see the currently selected autipilot altitude and possibly the reason he's opening "increse alt ATC screen" rather than the "decrease one".

Normally MCE installer does that automatically by adding these lines to "737options.ini file (by default PMDG has the SDK disabled)


The tricky bit, unlike with FSX or Prepar3D, there are now multiple "737options.ini" that need editing and their paths varies depending on whether you are on Steam Edition, MS strore edition or DVD edition.

Not only this, within same MSFS edition, each 737 variant has own ini file path.

But it can only edit those files if they are there when you install MCE. And the last time you did, you probably had no PMDG 737 plane installed.

The issue might just go away once you re-install MCE.

Otherwise, report..

Which 737 variant do you have (600/700/800/900)??

Steam or MS store edition?


Edited by FS++

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5 hours ago, FS++ said:

The issue might just go away once you re-install MCE.

Otherwise, report..

Which 737 variant do you have (600/700/800/900)??

Steam or MS store edition?

That was it...I uninstalled 3.0.83 then installed 3.0.88. So far, the altitude and heading change requests are working. Requesting ATC altitude decreases are also working. Lastly, I finally have sync heading working again...

By the way, I am using the MS store edition and the 737-800.

PC: 10900K, RAM 32GB, Geforce GTX 3080 (10GB), MSFS 2020, FSX-SE, XP-11, P3DV4.5, P3DV5 

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