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A Final Farewell

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I hope Chris continues to enjoy simming whichever version he runs, but for me FS9 is the last stop in Microsoft-produced flight simulation. I own a copy of FSX and finally have a system which could actually run it, even if not quite with all the bell and whistles activated. I even installed it and gave it another try around a year ago or so, but it didn't last more than a month on my hard drive. Why? There are simply too many things I don't like about it. The eye-candy is prettier. I'll grant that. It's obvious. But I like flying big planes into and out of big airports with plentiful traffic, and it is in those circumstances in which FSX shows what a resource hog it still is, even all these years after its release. Nor is that the only reason I do not care for FSX. I use the built-in, default ATC, and while that in FS9 certainly has its (severe) limitations and flaws, it does what I need it to do and I enjoy flying with it. That built into FSX not only shares most of the same limitations of flaws; it is also IMHO a great deal fussier, and its constant nagging is something I do not find either enjoyable or relaxing. Finally, as have others here, I have invested hundreds of dollars in add-ons for FS9, mostly scenery. Virtually none of these are usable in FSX, and there is no way I will invest a similar amount of additional money in a simulation which I do not much enjoy in the first place.


So I will stick with FS9 for as long as Windows 7 continues to be supported by Microsoft, and given the direction the company seems to be going with its operating system, when that ends so will my continued of my use of Microsoft products. I would not be running a Microsoft OS today but for FS9. When the day comes that I have to exchange Windows 7 for such a ridiculous mess as Windows 8 appears to me to be, even if it supports FS9 (which I am not at all certain Windows 8 does), I will move to another OS (most likely Linux), at which point, if it has been developed sufficiently for my liking, I might also switch to X-Plane, then, or else I will give up flight simulation entirely.

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Its nice to know that we still have some enthusiastic Flight Simmers from the Flight Sim dark ages of 1995 (and earlier!)!


I have crates of PC Games dating from 1980, including many Aircraft Sims.


The Windows '95/'98 era brought forth a variety of excellent Flight Simulators which I still use, eg; Flight Unlimited 1, 2, and 3, Gunship/Longbow variants, FLY!, Pro Pilot '99 with its fantastic Manual, FS '98, FS 2000 with another great Manual, FS 2002 (excellent!), FS 2004, (Flight!), and finally FSX.... :Love:...!


I have great fun with all of them, even though it sometimes involves downgrading my Operating System, Processor, and Video Hardware, Drivers, etc..to get then to work!


I have kept all my Computers, Hardware, and their Software, since the ZX 80/81, Sinclair Spectrum, Commodore C64, Amstrad CPC 464, Atari ST, Amiga 500/1200, ...and lots of old Game Consoles with their Cartridges!


Its eye-opening to run the old stuff every now and again, and realise the advances that have been made over the years, in Computers and Software!


Paul...An Ancient Computer Gamer!... :Big Grin: ... :Cuppa: ...!


P.S...I never throw anything away!.... :wink: ...!

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What I cannot understand is why people feel the need to tell us that they are moving from FS9 to FSX, or any other flight simulator for that matter. Do we need to know?


If and when I ever feel the need to make a move then I will just do it. I'm old enough to realise that no-one else would give a care anyway.



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I care..........neat to read the experiences of others here. I've had FSX installed a dozen times but I can't seem to get past a point of making FSX like FS9 in terms of views and handling. I can't stand virtual cockpits either but my God the scenery in FSX is absolutely breathtaking. The last time I installed the program was about 10 months ago. And you think I could just leave it alone and let it run side by side with FSX. But nope, I have to remove it all. Close to trying again, and reading these posts only pushes me towards installation. Still, I'm quite happy flying the friendly skies of FS9.

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I have kept all my Computers, Hardware, and their Software, since the ZX 80/81, Sinclair Spectrum, Commodore C64, Amstrad CPC 464, Atari ST, Amiga 500/1200, ...and lots of old Game Consoles with their Cartridges!


Its eye-opening to run the old stuff every now and again, and realise the advances that have been made over the years, in Computers and Software!


Paul...An Ancient Computer Gamer!... :Big Grin: ... :Cuppa: ...!


P.S...I never throw anything away!.... :wink: ...!


You never had the Beeb??!!!

It had a fantastic 767 simulator that ran in the memory space of two lines of code!! As smooth as silk!

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You never had the Beeb??!!!

It had a fantastic 767 simulator that ran in the memory space of two lines of code!! As smooth as silk!




..far too expensive!.... :Shocked: ...!


My favourite then, and still is, my trusty, 1982, Sinclair Spectrum Plus, 48K. The real one, and the Software one...>>> http://www.spectaculator.com/

There's nothing quite like flying an aeroplane using 48K of RAM, 8-bits, and two colours!.... :He He: ....!


Paul......The King is dead....Long live the King!.... :Bug: ...!

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I also enjoy reading about the experiences of others as they evolve in their enjoyment of the sim(s). As for me, I recently picked up a computer very capable of running FSX, and have tried it out with many of the airport sceneries and aircraft I already bought for FS9. My first impressions of FSX are generally positive, but I keep coming back to FS9.5, which runs brilliantly at a locked 30 fps just about everywhere in the virtual world. I've found the relative lack of freeware scenery for FSX disappointing, as the equivalent of Pete & Sid's airports for Canada and Alaska doesn't appear to be available. As I love flying Buffalo's routes across the NWT (as seen on TV!), this is a bit of drag. And the idea of re-buying GE, UT, and the like is daunting.


Plus, I really find myself missing FS Navigator when flying FSX, as others here have also noted.....

John G.

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I actually returned to FS2004 recently. I got so frustrated with the constant tweaking and other technical issues trying to run FSX efficiently. Luckily I never uninstalled FS2004 or the addons for it, just in case. I still use FSX for some remote bush flying in ORBX areas, but I'm just gonna wait til I can get a better PC, which will be quite a while. FS9 doesn't look quite as pretty but still looks damn good with the right addons - especially when you can run a constant 40-70 FPS anywhere with the sliders maxed.

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......Plus, I really find myself missing FS Navigator when flying FSX, as others here have also noted.....


...don't forget Chums, all those FS9'ers who use, and remember, the wonderful FS Nav, that the same equivalent version for FSX is now available!...>>>

FS Tramp!



FS Tramp is programmed by Helge Schroder, the same Gentleman who programmed FS Navigator!


Try it!..It looks, and works the same as FS Nav!


I use BOTH!


Paul...FS 20004+ FS Nav...AND...FSX+FS Tramp!.... :Big Grin: ...!


P.S....I spent the whole of yesterday with my FSX (and FS Tramp)...

...but it was no good....I finally HAD to return to the joys of using my beloved FS 2004, with all its many advantages!....Its an addiction!.... :Love: ...!

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I have kept all my Computers, Hardware, and their Software, since the ZX 80/81, Sinclair Spectrum, Commodore C64, Amstrad CPC 464, Atari ST, Amiga 500/1200, ...and lots of old Game Consoles with their Cartridges!




Still using a Spectrum +2 here (well, not exactly here- that would be difficult), most recently for modelling James Lovelock's Daisyworld.


I spent hours, to my girlfriend's disgust, exploring the Elite universe on her BBC machine, and learnt to program in machine code on the same, also to her disgust... and blowing her brother out of the sky in something I think may have been called Dogfight, to the disgust of them both. Great days! Gone but not forgotten.


Like the girlfriend...



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A lot of us cut our teeth on the Beeb. An excellent machine. It was quite amazing what it could do with so little memory! As I said I had a full on 767 sim running in the memory space used for two lines of basic code! There was also an ATC sim for London Heathrow every bit as complex as one finds now!

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A lot of us cut our teeth on the Beeb. An excellent machine. It was quite amazing what it could do with so little memory! As I said I had a full on 767 sim running in the memory space used for two lines of basic code! There was also an ATC sim for London Heathrow every bit as complex as one finds now!


In "Elite"....

I am always curious to know if anyone has ever successfully managed to reverse their spaceship through the door into the revolving Coriolis Space Station.

If so, they deserve the Gold Medal for Persistent Perseverance...

..trust me... :wink: ...!




Paul...Sinclair Spectrum 48K...and "Mercenary: Escape from Targ"...(With Cheats)... :biggrin: ...!




The glories of ancient Flight Sims!... :biggrin: ...!


P.S....My FSX is still sulking in the corner, whilst I fly my FS 2004 this morning!... :lol: ...!

...and escaping from "Targ"... :Whistle: ...!

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I think I've said my final goodbyes to FS9, but it was where my love affair began as well. I will never forget, but likely never go back to, FS9 now that I'm migrating as many add-ons as I can to FSX.

FS2004 Forever

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..don't forget Chums, all those FS9'ers who use, and remember, the wonderful FS Nav, that the same equivalent version for FSX is now available!...>>>

FS Tramp!


Thank you for letting me know about that, Paul...I had no idea that such a utility existed. Now that I see the unfortunate news on the other forum that Quality Wings has decided to make their upcoming 787 only for FSX, I may have to buy a few things for that sim after all. Sad that there doesn't seem to be an equivalent in FSX for Overland's excellent Japanese airports, which will be the natural habitat for the 787, but I guess you can't have everything.

John G.

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Thank you for letting me know about that, Paul...I had no idea that such a utility existed. Now that I see the unfortunate news on the other forum that Quality Wings has decided to make their upcoming 787 only for FSX, I may have to buy a few things for that sim after all. Sad that there doesn't seem to be an equivalent in FSX for Overland's excellent Japanese airports, which will be the natural habitat for the 787, but I guess you can't have everything.


FS Tramp!


You are very welcome, John...


Now you can see why we have been anchored to our FS 2004 for so many years, with its FS Navigator utility, especially for Multiplayer Sessions!


FSX users are now blessed with the equivalent of FS Nav, ....with FS Tramp!


Paul.... :Bug: ...!




P.S...Don't forget the similar, free Utility, similar to FS Nav/Tramp, for BOTH FS 2004 and FSX....



Search the Forum for Version 2.0.5....(which includes the Google Satellite Maps!).... B) ...!

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