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2D Cockpit

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Hi Maniac59


There is no 2D panel available which i am really unhappy about. I fly all my aircraft using the 2D panel. 


Apart from this the product is amazing as you would expect with PMDG but for me it is unplayable using the virtual cockpit as i cant see what buttons i am pressing! so at the moment it is £60 down the drain!!!


I hope they will include a D cockpit in an update soon...although apparently we are told to just get used to it!





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There is no 2D cockpit, there isn't going to be 2D cockpit


Sorry if this has been asked before...

No 2D cockpit in the 777? Like the 737NGX?

You don't have to apologize, trying doing a search. This topic has been discussed in many threads. :-)

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Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, not again the same question. Don't people know there's such a thing called a SEARCH function on this forum?


@TS: no, no 2D panel. Only a few panels are available in 2D, but not the entire cockpit.

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Don't people know there's such a thing called a SEARCH function on this forum?


Well I've found that generally the search function on the Avsim forums is so poor as to be almost useless.


Iain Smith

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