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Landing and taxi light

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Nice 777 Great aircraft , but I notice the landing and taxi light are too low (brightness).That not good when landing at night ,plus to taxi to the gate poor lighting ,Can that be in the next update....Thx



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Fact based on...?

what he see's on his monitor obviosly... :rolleyes: :lol: :ph34r:



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what you mean?


I mean:

How are you determining that the lights are not bright enough.  What fact are you basing this off of?  You can't really expect someone to go back and change something in a simulation just because someone says "it just doesn't look right to me."


Bring facts.

Kyle Rodgers

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The only reason PMDG would implement a fix would be if one has evidence directly from Boeing.

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geez relax people, maybe he means they are low for him for whatever reason, Clayton could you please post a screenshot in the night, both cockpit and outside then we will see if you are seeing the same thing as us or if yours are dimmer than ours.

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Bring facts.

That's funny as the issue is purely subjective. Can you provide an example of what these facts might hypothetically entail?


Anyhow, moving on...



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Guest RWFeldman

Just for comparison. Here is what mine looks like. Using REX that can mess with lights.Some aircraft are unrealistically bright.





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Id say REX has dimmed and changed your lights, i dont use REX anymore, but when I did, and also AS2012 GFX I always turned off the ac lighting effects changes as they often screwed stuff up on the better commercial pay ware.


For the OP though, one thing to consider is the scenery that you are observing the dimmer lights, there is an issue with how some ground taxiways/Runways are created that can effect how the lights are seen. 


Also there have been issues with time of day and effects on lights then, the transitions to Dusk/Dawn can sometimes result in strange lighting.


I personally find the 777 lighting to be quite good, and considerably better than the NGX which often had issues.


Other questions for OP is are you using any shader modifications, ENB etc. Again all will have an effect on your lighting.


A screen grab with info on where it taken(scenery being used), time of night etc, along with any comments on the above will help us determine why you may actually be getting dimmer lights.

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I will take a screenshot of what i see  the next time  am in flightsim. also I will check it out at other airports  ,I use rex  so that can be the problem too.  I will do some more testing...


and thank for all your reply. 

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That's funny as the issue is purely subjective.


It really isn't.


A 60 Watt incandescent bulb is going to produce about 800 lumens.  Fact.

"A 60W incandescent bulb is too bright." Subjective.


"[T]he landing and taxi light are too low (brightness)." You are correct that this stated opinion is subjective.

"Can that be in the next update." Suggests that this is factually incorrect because he believes it should be changed based on his subjective view of the plane.  This is not based on any fact.  Simply his feeling.


If you want something changed, you should bring facts.


So yeah, thanks for stating the obvious: his opinion is purely subjective.  The fact that he brought no facts to the discussion was obvious.  Thus, my attempt to pull facts into it by asking him what his assertion is based on.  If it's only his (subjective) opinion as it stands, then it really has no merit as a basis for changing it.


Adding facts to that, like "I've been flying a 777 since Boeing handed them over to the airlines" would boost the subjective take.


Other facts to back up subjective assertions:

"The cockpit color seems too warm.  Boeing's specification is PANTONE 12345.  Comparing a screenshot to that swatch shows that the color is slightly off."


Am I seriously discussing persuasive writing right now?


Well...that being the case, here's a guide for those of you who fail entirely at being convincing:


Kyle Rodgers

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Guest RWFeldman



Id say REX has dimmed and changed your lights, i dont use REX anymore,

Ya, i usually dont have REX assign textures for aircraft light. Think I installed a different texture set and perhaps forgot to omit aircraft lighting. I have also seen aircraft lights so bright the block out taxi and runway center lines. Thats not good.

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Ya, i usually dont have REX assign textures for aircraft light. Think I installed a different texture set and perhaps forgot to omit aircraft lighting. I have also seen aircraft lights so bright the block out taxi and runway center lines. Thats not good.


That looks normal.  Also, a lot of people also turn on their Runway Turnoff Lights on landing at night; which also increases the brightness of the runway quite a bit.  I leave mine off when landing at night for that purpose.

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